Yea I didn't either till I did a quick search on them
Thanks guys! So it seems pretty unanimous then, will up calorie intake and see how it goes, I've just been so happy with the weight loss that I didn't want to change anything about what I was doing, but I think I have to since I'm not preforming in the gym, hopefully I'll still lose weight eating approx 2000 calories a…
I'll let you know how it goes
You know what you're absolutely right, I usually don't eat anything before I go to the gym, it's hard trying to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time! Thanks, that was a big help
Yea maybe it's the cardio, I think I'll try 5 days a week instead, thanks!
Thanks, really appreciate the input
Hey Allan both! Jemh thanks for your input, I've been looking at the upper/lower 4 day splits, might actually give them a go.
4 days if I'm being honest! But during those 4 days I do either stationary bike or elliptical
I put "lol" after everything lol
Ohhh I didn't realize that exercise isn't considered part of activity level, thanks a lot! I log my exercises in and pretty much eat most of them back. I'm at 1500 cals per day trying to lose 2lbs a week, I work out and burn about 400 cals per day, and eat no less than 1500 and no more than 1900. But I think I might change…
Thanks for the insight guys really helpful. The upper/lower sounds like it can work for me, just drew up a new plan today, will try it next week. Thanks everyone!
You're a god send and no I haven't heard of that, I think I might have to switch it up. Still would have to go in Wednesday to get my cardio in. Thanks a lot
Saturday's would be going to the gym 6 times a week! I don't think I can do that but thanks!
That can work! Thanks! So let's say mon: upper, Tuesday lower, wed off and thurs upper Friday lower. How long are you at the gym though?
Mon: arms tues: legs wed: chest thurs: back Fri: shoulders Sat and Sunday off
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