archermfp87 Member


  • I have very irregular periods, so it's hard for me to tell if gains on the scale are from me messing up my calories or if I'm bloated/holding onto water weight. It sucks. I gained 6lbs out of nowhere a couple of weeks ago and it took over a week for it to disappear, but I didn't have my period at the time and didn't know…
  • I'm "morbidly obese" and the term doesn't bother me either, other than it being a reminder that my weight may one day impact my health to a dangerous level. I follow some body positive Twitter & Instagram accounts and for the most part I am fully on board with body positivity and fat acceptance. But the one issue I can't…
  • It's actually pretty refreshing to see someone say they think they look fine at their current size. Women are constantly being sold this unattainable standard that even women who come close to it still don't feel quite good enough. That said, there's nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight. But wanting to lose weight…
  • Mostly I log the night before, just to give myself an idea of what I'll be eating/where I'm allocating calories. I don't always stick to it 100% but it gives me a rough guide and it makes adjustments easier for me. But I don't pre log more than a day because then it becomes boring to me.
  • 600 extra calories isn't really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, unless it's daily and even then you're already at a 1000 calorie a day deficit so you're still on track for a loss, albeit a smaller one. I've lost 24lbs in just over 2 months and I haven't been perfect. Sometimes I just need a day of not giving a…
  • If you want something a bit more substantial, a wholewheat 100cal sandwich with your choice of filling would work. You can buy large (like 300-400g) pre packaged undressed salads as well, or just make your own and take it with you, then add either balsamic vinegar or some other low cal dressing if you want it.
  • I found a brand called Perkier the other day. I like their quinoa bars a lot. I've had their cashew, chia & pumpkin seed bar and their cacao & cashew bar. I think they're about 150 calories each. Also, Eat Real hummus chips and quinoa chips. I think they're between 170-210 calories per pack. 250g fat free Greek yogurt is…