lorigug9364 Member


  • Sorry to hear about your spill purl. Glad to hear that nothing other than your tooth is broke, but that's bad enough. Lori
  • I remember being post-op and I know how difficult it was just drinking liquids. I had Gastric Bypass in 2012. Six days after my surgery, I had to go into the office because my incision was looking rather red. It turned out that one of the stitches wanted to get infected and they ended up taking them all out because I was…
  • Wow! I don't get either really. Not much or that often. Do you go by the amount of calories that they tell you to eat on here or a revised amount of calories?
  • I'm sorry to hear this. I have been married twice and divorced twice. My first husband thought I was a beached whale when I was pregnant with our son. He asked the doctor if he could put a few more stitches in me after giving birth to my son completely natural.
  • I had my gastric bypass surgery in 2012 when I was 49 years old and I only did it for health reasons, not for looks, because deep down inside (way down inside) I already know I am beautiful. Within the first year I was able to drop 80 pounds. I went through the struggles prior to having my surgery of having 5 surgeries I.…
  • Thank you so very, very much. I greatly appreciate it. Lori
  • Hlektra, It was very easy to lose the weight that I did lose at first, but then due to the way I never really feel hungry, I have actually turned my metabolism way down to hardly working at all. I am trying to learn how to eat properly all over again and I have been told already that if I lose another 20 pounds in 9 weeks…
  • Hlektra, I am so sorry to hear that you did not have good results with your similar surgery. I wish it would have gone well for you, similar to my experience anyway. I do not feel as if I have failed in any way as I have successfully lost over 80 pounds so far and am back on track to losing more yet.
  • Hlektra28...for everyone's information, I have already lost over 80 pounds! I am disabled due to a low back injury and it is difficult for me to kick start losing weight again. I have been through some stressful situations and now I am just concentrating on me and what my body needs. Why do people have to seem so negative…
  • Trigden1991... I do not take your comment negatively. I have not gained any weight since my gastric bypass surgery. I fluctuate a couple pounds like every woman does. I was just wondering if anyone that may have had gastric bypass could be on here and is "stuck" like I am. Thank you.
  • I need some friends too! I haven't been gone as long as you have, but I got a new phone and lost all the friends I had before. The more friends, the merrier. TODAY IS a New Day!
  • Hello! My name is Lori, truthfully. I have used the MFP app before and loved it and I am back to it again. I am looking for friends to share happy times with, success during the week, and just to chat with. When I used this app before, I was able to use the food list when I wasn't sure on the calorie amount, etc. and of…
  • Hello! I also have a spinal injury due to a low back injury at work back in 2006. It has been difficult for me to lose weight since the back injury. It took almost 3 years to have my low back fusion to be done, then I have still been limited. I still have one level that is torn, so I am disabled. Exercise is hard for me to…