

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Heather thanks for the grandchildren fix. Happy Birthday. What is you other granddaughter's name again?
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    vickie. What is the name of the book you mentioned?...sounds like I could learn a lot from it

    Pip looking at your pups is lowering my blood pressure. Ahhhhh

    Better focused day for me, going out for a walk with DH when he gets home. I have to learn how to focus and cope with my Monday Tuesday schedule and not get so down on myself.. The rest of my work week is in a more positive atmosphere and I tend to work better there. Lots to learn from that realization.

    Thank you ladies for being so wise and supportive to each other. NYKAREN
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy birthday Heather.
    Pip love the dog pics.
    hugs to all
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Wow! Finally managed to skim through all the posts. Messages really pile up after a few days.
    I hope I got the gist of things.

    Janetokc, so glad your rash is finally clearing up. But 17 medicines?? I'd get tired of swallowing! Hope you can reduce the variety soon.

    Lots of new folks on. I know you've already been welcomed, but I'd like to add my welcome!! <3

    Mary, oh, that tree! So impressive that you ran! I probably would have turned around to look. Also, you're swinging the 40 pounder!!! So impressed! I bet that dynamic power you've been developing from the swings helped with the tree situation.

    Karen in Virginia, glad your partner is feeling better. It's amazing what good pain management can do.

    To all with dogs, big and small, the photos are great! I love just about any of dog--large, small, beautiful, ugly...

    Re, yuck on the a.c. expense. It's kind of like getting a new roof--necessary, but not exciting.

    Marcelyn, Mesa Verde is beautiful. I grew up in the high desert and still love it.

    When last I wrote, I had received a nasty--and completely undeserved--email from a colleague. I think he felt a little sheepish the next day, since the next email was much more benign. But did he apologize? No, of course not. But I don't have to deal with him anymore...

    I went to visit my daughter and grandson this weekend. Her DH was hiking with his buds. So we just hung out. Went to the Japanese Tea Garden; she had never been. We also went to the farmers market, visited her garden plot, cooked for each other, and took care of her babe. He's completely wonderful. Good natured, really interactive, loves having books read to him over and over and over and over...you get the idea. Moo, Baa, LaLaLa is a huge favorite, so I perfected my animal sounds. He also wanted me to read Fox in Socks to him again as soon as I finished my first reading, but I told him it was a one-a-day book, and we settled on another one. ;) I wish they didn't live on the other side of the country!

    When I flew home the other night my connecting flight was over two hours late due to first, weather, and then a maintenance problem. When given the chance to take another flight, I took it. But that flight had a maintenance problem, too, and we had to change planes, so that flight took off an hour and 30 minutes after its scheduled time. It turns out that the first flight got off the ground sooner. :#

    Now I have a nasty cold and feel completely yucky. But it will pass soon enough. In the meantime, I'm drinking lots of water.

  • lorigug9364
    lorigug9364 Posts: 28 Member
    Sorry to hear about your spill purl. Glad to hear that nothing other than your tooth is broke, but that's bad enough.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    For some reason the photos DDIL sent me of the party won't download and my phone won't send pics at the moment. ??????
    I have done my best by screen shot, but it's a bit of a mess.

    Me and Bea


    The birthday girl.


    Sorry it's all sideways. :'(

    Love Heather UK

    I think the birthday girl looks quite a bit like you, Heather. I love the photos and can see that you're madly in love with the children. Enjoy!!!

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
    Tracy in PA – We have a 15-year-old granddaughter, talk about moody … especially around hr parents … she says all they do is scream. DH made a remark about her ‘former’ BF and she ‘huffed and turned around’. DnL reamed us a ‘new’ one; telling us NOT to ever make remarks to her (or any of the 3 of them). It surprised DH; I turned around a said, ‘that isn’t something you say to her child’. That really pissed her off, so she leaves and slams the door; then opened it back up, and made a ‘totally unnecessary comment’; one that I did not handle very well. ‘Nuff said. Right now I can’t put the “D” in front of her DnL#1; she is not “D” to me; oh; but wait, I guess that could also stand for “DAMN”

    Pip – Looks like your babies do the same thing my Cracker does, go and play and then ‘conk’ out.

    Michele – Snail looks great; how big is it? Do you have to use a kiln; or is the paint something that can take the rain and weather?

    Heather – No problem … laying down, so they are right for me. Now to sit up and move on.

    – I would change planes, too! Nothing like giving you the ‘hibby-gibbies’ than watching a big maintenance van drive up and stop at your plane.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Pip, are you going backwards on your alphabet now???? LOL I think it is so amazing and something so many of us non four footed things should learn from to watch a 'family' of dogs, or cats or any other four footed beings are. I look at your picture and they are of different breeds but are of the same 'family'.It's the same with my daughter's animals, boxer, lab and lab/pit and feral cat. Yet they can all lay down together, play together and totally miss their brothers when one is gone. I just love that in animals. We need to take a lesson. Sorry, I guess I got a little political.

    Marcelyn, I agree with the others, that guy should just get his own plane and until he does he does not have a right to make other flights miserable.

    JanetR, so glad your rash is getting better but as long as you are taking the steroid it will stop the steroid and it will come back unless he finds the source. Steroid is just a very tuff bandaide. And if it is a year long thing I hope they are carefully monitoring you.

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana
  • frankiesgirl21
    frankiesgirl21 Posts: 235 Member
    Lenora- how does your dnl get away with speaking to you like that anyway? I would never have done that to my DH 's parents and I know he would never do it to mine. Guaranteed he would tell you that if he ever addressed my mother in that manner he would be absolutely be sure his mama was gonna reach up from beyond the grave and slap him in the mouth! And she was only five foot tall! Lol!
  • blumenstockbj
    blumenstockbj Posts: 94 Member
    Hello All. Loved all the pictures that were attached very uplifting after a bad day of eating. Had lunch with one friend and dinner with another friend so calories were way off target. Will be better tomorrow and will put in more moving and exercising tomorrow.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good evening ladies!

    I've been on a trip to NJ to visit my mother in the nursing home and then spend the rest of the weekend with my dearest friend. It was not the best trip. My mother was totally non responsive, she hardly opened her eyes and didn't speak. I found some German folk music on Pandora and held her hand for 3 hours while we sat on an outside balcony. She is just a breathing body, nothing is left. I was able to spend the day on the beach, my favorite place, on Sunday with my best friend. Very restorative. I was heading home in my rental car when I got caught in a flash flood. I now know how people drown in their cars, it comes up so suddenly. Fortunately I was able to get out of the car before the water got too deep and waded thru thigh high water to higher ground, so I was able to get in some exercise. I'm ok but the $30,000 rental car was totaled. I had to take an extra day off from work and spend it with my friend in order to sort out everything and get another car to drive home yesterday. I like to have a new adventure every week, but getting caught in a flash flood was not an advent I ever wanted. I am safely home now.

    I haven't gotten caught up with everyone yet, but I will.

    Lie to everyone.

    Chris in MA
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited September 2016
    Hello Delectable Damsels;

    Well, there is no such thing as an unsecured signature loan in Texas… who knew? In 15 years, this is the first time I was looking – it’s a sad state of affairs… I had unsecured lines of credit and signature loans in Oregon – but they are just not offered, here. *sighs* Mortgage loans take too long to get, so, I guess it’s just going to be a request for an increase on my Credit Card. Not the best option – but, it seems to be what is available, here, for quick cash at interest rates below the ridiculous. And if I use my credit card, I will be inspired to pay it down more quickly than I would have a signature loan…so, that’s all to the good. IF another source of funds makes itself available, I will take advantage and pay down the balance on my card. Or just pay off my DH’s card, so we only have one bill.

    Regardless, I won’t be adding much to my savings until such time as either the car, or the AC is paid off. Guess I will be living on Top Ramen – if I ever get to retire. I really AM going to be working til I am 90.

    The good news is, that none of this is causing me to stress-eat… at least not yet. I guess we will see once I am actually paying the bills down the road, but so far, I am keeping myself together. I have indulged in a couple of pieces of chocolate – but – they were under calorie goal… and I believe I have a better ability to deal with stress now that I am exercising, regularly. YAY ME!


    Michele - The snail is adorable.

    Cheri - B)

    Marcelyn – sorry about the delightful co-passenger. I really don’t know WHAT those pompous *kittens* expect when they travel, but, I wish they would all stay home.

    Pip – 903 calories? Do you spend every waking hour exercising? If you only get 99 calories for a hard run…

    Katla – I would say “horrid” is not a good plan, either. I recall landing on my butt once, and my head slamming back against the ground… but that’s ALL I recall for the next two days after. Can you say concussion? Sure you can. I really don’t think messing around with a horrid horse is a good plan. I was 15 when my sweet tempered horse bucked me off… I can’t even imagine the pain I would be in if that happened to me now.

    Janet – The postage stamp size is MY idea… 2 beds and 2 baths is about right for us… and easy to keep clean. I hate the pill-popping too! Hope they clear up the rash. I feel your pain… found a little poison ivy in the yard this weekend… I feel like I need a strait-jacket to keep from scratching.

    Lenora – Sorry you and DnL#1 are having issues.

    DJ – lol – well, I have to get the funds, before I worry about paying them back. Texas has some WEIRD lending laws. I will survive this… it’s only money.

    Mary – Where are you off to, tomorrow?

    Allie – Glad Tom showed you some appreciation.

    Heather – so exciting… just thinking about change can be fun. And how fun to get early presents! Maybe you will score some more on the actual day… OH – my Bea Fix! Seriously, does that child even know how to cry? Your Grandbabies are just gorgeous!

    KJ – Thanks, Sugar. I will take all the support I can get. LOL “The Baby Whisperer” your new Reality TV show!

    Maryann – pretty puppies!

    Foggiblu – you just have to show up to “join”. Welcome. Never tried Naturally Slim – but, anything you can stick to is a good plan, so, hope it works for you. If you have trouble managing your food intake – I totally get that – but, the other side of the weight-loss coin is exercise… more movement means you can eat more yummy food.

    Margaret – glad you got some sleep – and gratz on the Moles Moving On…

    Carol - <3

    Tracey – Thanks – Worst case scenario – I can ask my Dad for a loan… but, I hate to do that, as I am not certain he wouldn’t lend it to me whether he has it or not…I don’t want to put my Folks in a worse financial position that I am in! Green with envy over Elton. I hope it’s a fantastic show!

    Melanie – the dog pictures make me happy, too! But now I want one… lol. Sadly, there is no room for a pet in my day, at this time.

    Vicki – they just switched us to Office 13 – and I am NOT loving it… not even a little bit. I wish Microsoft would just STOP making a “new” windows every five minutes. It makes me insane. Alas, the money is not going to fall from the sky… I just wish I had bought a lottery ticket – then there might be a prayer for that. Oh well… Life in the Big City… Just going to have to stop eating out, so much! Although, really, some fast food is cheaper than groceries. I have no idea how they manage that.

    NYKaren – So what is it about Monday and Tuesday that brings you down, Sugar? Is it the location? Or the company?

    Jane – Hugs back!

    KarenE – around here, the insurance company pays for the roof…any time we have a big hail storm the roofing guys troupe through offering to “check your roof for damage” and they are quick to tell you the insurance will cover the costs of repair or replacement. Sadly, AC is not like that.

    Lori – Hello!

    Joyce – We had a cat – Stewart – and he was not impressed when we got four kittens… He took great pleasure in smacking them around and generally terrorizing them… however – just let any OTHER cat come near them, and he was a fierce protector… go figure. They were HIS kittens and that other cat had better stay away… it was hysterical.

    Bar Bee – Sometimes life calls for a feast day. Tomorrow is another day – you can get back on plan.

    Chris – So sorry about your Mom. It’s hard to see the people who were so strong and Larger than Life in your youth dwindle away. So glad the flood didn’t get YOU as well as the car. I hope the rental car place isn’t too awful to you about it.


    Well, Ladies – DH made Hamburger Soup last night – a soup that is basically all from cans is about all he can manage since his stroke – but, it’s delicious and veggie rich, and he made enough for two nights, so DOUBLE YAY – a second night of going home to a dinner that I didn’t have to fix. Love that.

    See you all, tomorrow.

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    stats for the day:
    Ride hm 2 gym- 11.58min, 14.7amph, 142mhr, 2.9mi = 107c
    SPIN- 40min, 87r, 83w, 9-16g, 122ahr, 153mhr, 10mi = 324c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.40min, 12.6amph, 121mhr, 1.3mi = 63c
    ride dome 2 hm- 17.15min, 8.9amph, 148mhr, 2.5mi = 176c
    total cal 670
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    Pip, are you going backwards on your alphabet now???? LOL I think it is so amazing and something so many of us non four footed things should learn from to watch a 'family' of dogs, or cats or any other four footed beings are. I look at your picture and they are of different breeds but are of the same 'family'.It's the same with my daughter's animals, boxer, lab and lab/pit and feral cat. Yet they can all lay down together, play together and totally miss their brothers when one is gone. I just love that in animals. We need to take a lesson. Sorry, I guess I got a little political.

    Marcelyn, I agree with the others, that guy should just get his own plane and until he does he does not have a right to make other flights miserable.

    JanetR, so glad your rash is getting better but as long as you are taking the steroid it will stop the steroid and it will come back unless he finds the source. Steroid is just a very tuff bandaide. And if it is a year long thing I hope they are carefully monitoring you.

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana

    yeah, if i take one and not one of the others on a ride, that one starts crying... they are definitely a pack.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    iremiare- well i ride every day as you can see.. i do workout 7 days a week, some days are harder than others. i only got that high yesterday because the train was delayed and i rode the 10 miles from work to home, so extra calorie burn :0)
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Leslie Sansone's Walk at Home DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a band DVD.

    Tomorrow I volunteer at the Green Room then I want to go to the farmer's market, not sure what else is on the schedule.

    Had a great day on the Virginia Creeper. It was lovely weather, not humid. Did the best I could at the place we stopped for lunch. Got the turkey sub but asked them not to put the mayo or cheese on it. Had only water to drink.

    DJ - so glad you had such a good time at DP's Pirates Voyage

    Welcome everyone new

    Tracey in PA - sorry about your bursitis

    Lenora - the snail is about 16" long and about 8-1/2" high. The place where we take the ceramics provides the paint and they have the kilns so they do the firing. This paint can take the weather (rain, and the hot sun), but I do put a clear glaze inside it so that moisture doesn't get in it and start to get moldy. If you have something that you're going to eat/drink from, you need to put some clear glaze on it before you have it fired.

    chris - so sorry about your mom. You are an angel to her. That's horrible about the flood. Glad it was just a rental car

    pip - when I was on the Trail, I thought of you. There were these people who had these cart-type things attached to their bikes and at first I thought they had a dog in it. I could see you doing something like that. It turns out that they had their children in it!

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,989 Member
    :) I had my pre-op appointment with my primary care doctor today...after all the questions were asked and answered, my only risk factor was "advanced age"....there were some blood tests including one that Medicare won't pay for...after that we met with a woman from Soroptomist to borrow a walker to use when I get home from the hospital. ..today was my last intermediate line dance class and it hit me as we were dancing the newest dances that I won't have the opportunity to work on them since today was my last chance...we went to lunch (our usual third Wednesday lunch at the Chinese restaurant next to where we dance)...all my dance friends offered to help me in any way that they could and I was so grateful for their friendship and their kindness.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
    exermom - we thought of that too. our carrier does have a bike hook up, but we do strictly road riding