MinterC1928 Member


  • Welcome. I'm pretty new too. So good luck reaching your goal
  • Scales are just plain EVIL. It ALWAYS lies to me. :wink: I usually weigh after I get up and after I do my morning exercises....I find that if you weigh..ummm...after you 'go' it still reflects a different value than if you wait a few min then take it. Point is I guess that no matter when, where or how you take will…
  • Wish you luck. Want to tell you that it will be easy but it won't. With all ups there are downs. I have lost 65 pounds over 13yrs...yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!! time flies. But it was due to health reasons. Cutting out this...stopping that...eating at different times. You sometimes have to play around with it.
  • Hello, I have been fighting Fibromyalgia since I was 13. It is a constant struggle. There are some day I do not even want to get out of bed. I find that walking and using my elliptical really helps. My elliptical helps to loosen me up in the AM then I walk when I get to work and after. I stand all day and I constantly need…
  • My biggest issue is that as well. I hate my hips. Yes I have been told I have 'Birthing Hips" as well. Honestly I still can't figure out if it's a compliment or a curse?!?!?!?!
  • Hello there, I am new so kinda intimidated here. Never done anything like this. Hell I don't even belong to Facebook or nothin. I suffer from Binge Eating...I hit pretty high on the scores too. Even now writing this I have a urge to eat...But I am not hungry...Especially at night I have to watch myself because I will keep…