lilltessiiie Member


  • Anyone here feel free to add me. I've gained 20 lbs in the last 1-2 years. I don't recognise myself in the mirror any more. It's not yet a health problem, but a self confidence and self satisfaction problem. I'd love to have someone to check in on, who could check in on me too, just to help with consistency without…
  • I'd love some active friends here! I think we all need some support at times - we're stronger together.
  • You could try to just eat the calories you need to maintain your current weight, but not more. Try to do that for 3-4 weeks, until you feel completely comfortable at that level. Then, try to lower your intake by 50 calories/day for 1-2 weeks. When you feel comfortable, lower your intake by 50 calories more. Remember,…
  • Back home again. How are you all? How are you doing? <3
  • @Gettingfit2017 Don’t say you’re ugly. You are a person who care about other people, even people you don’t know. You are able to give love and support even in times when you’re struggling yourself. You reach your hand out to others without expecting to get anything back. You make great efforts to improve and make progress…
  • Great idea! Speaking of feelings and holidays; I feel stressed out by all the family meals when you're "expected" to eat a tone of food, try all the deserts and all of the dishes. The stress usually makes me binge right before the gathering, and then I kind of don't want to have all of the food. Which makes my grandmother…
  • @Gettingfit2017 I gave up on myself today too. I had the worst binge in a few weeks, and I though to myself "I already messed up, it's too late anyway, I might as well just finish it all". I don't want to restrict or purge, so I'm gaining weight super fast. Hate this. But let's not give up. Let's give this another go in…
  • @JessicaMcB Alright - so you had a plan that you thought might work. You tried it. It turned out to be not so good. You analyzed the situation and what went wrong, you learned from it, and you figured our a new solution (contacting you GP). To me, that's not a failure. It's progress. Don't beat yourself up. Even if it…
  • @JessicaMcB That is wonderful to hear. I'm so sincerely happy for you!
  • @JessicaMcB Of course your welcome to join! This group is for anyone who feels the need of support. I think I can understand what you're going trough, and I feel your pain! I too think that restricting is not the way to go. The goal (at least for me) is to have a healthy relationship with food. No binging, no restriction…
  • @jaga13 Welcome to the group! I think a binge is something different to everyone but I will tell you what it looks like to me: It starts with a great general anxiety, and a feeling of being extremely stressed out. But it's a physical stress too. I can Feel the stress in my body. I can not think about anything else, can't…
  • I'm really skilled at being good all day and binging at night. Like, right before I'm about to go to sleep I screw it all. A whole days worth of fighting and using a tone of will power. For nothing.
  • @Gettingfit2017 Thank you for your support. I can fight the urge for a few days, then I run out of will power and I just can not resist the binge, even though I know exactly how bad it'll make me feel afterwards. And I'm not restricting on my good days, because that's supposed to trigger binges. But I feel like it doesn't…
  • 3 days of balanced eating; breakfast, lunch and dinner with health snacks in between. Today; disaster. Normal breakfast, lunch and snacks during the day. Then 3 servings for dinner, several chocolate bars, 5 apples and 2 bananas, 5 servings of sweetened oatmeal, half a jar of peanut butter....
  • @Gettingfit2017 I'm sorry you had a bad weekend, But it makes me Really Really happy that you feel amazing! That's so wonderful, and that's what it's all about; how we feel. No guilt or blame, we all deserve more than that - we deserve to feel amazing. I'm so glad for you. Keep it up :) I'm doing good. No binging 3 days in…
  • @graciebear16 and @Mersie1 welcome to the group! @Mersie1 I couldn't agree more with you. The goal is to have a healthy relationship with food and eating; no binging, no restricting, no guilt, no compensating by over-exercising or purging and no food obsessions. There's a new week, new opportunities. I've managed to stay…
  • @Gettingfit2017 Hahahahaha, I ment "Big hug!" :D
  • @Gettingfit2017 Bug hug!
  • Had a horrible food day today. Totally out of control..
  • @Gettingfit2017 Thank you! No binging Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday! I've tried to keep myself buzzy - scheduling to meet up with people, going to the gym, going for a walk, or pretty much whatever I can think of to keep myself distracted. I always binge to wind down after a stressful day at work, but if I don't allow…
  • @JShailen Welcome to the group! November has only begun, there's still time to make the rest of it binge free. I'll help and support as best I can, I'm struggling too.
  • I was about to binge when I got home from work. I had started on my favorite foods, and then I thought of you guys, I didn't want to let myself or you down again. So I threw the rest of the food away and I went to the gym and took a dance class. Afterwards I called a friend and scheduled a walk together, so that I would…
  • Thank you all for your support. I really had a rough week last week. But, I didn’t binge Sunday, which – for me – is a big win since I binged every single day last week. But I agree, it’s a new week, a new chance to do better. Thank you once again, all of you, for your support and kind words. And welcome to the group…
  • @Poppyaswell What's chi zero?
  • @Gettingfit2017 I'm glad you're doing better :) @Poppyaswell congrats to your success with the biscuit. It's important to see the wins, no matter how big or small :) I haven't been doing very good this week... I'm always good until like 5pm, and then I just lose all control. It feels like I kind of zoom out, and before I…
  • @Gettingfit2017 GOOD JOB! Wow. I am so so proud of you! Now you just need to repeat that the next time you get the urge to binge. They say it takes 21 days to create a new habit. But it will get easier and easier :) Wow, I feel all happy inside now for your success :)
  • @Gettingfit2017 Good job! Do you have a hobby or anything you like doing that you think could distract you from thinking about food? I find that watching TV is the worst, too much food commercials, it just makes me want to have whatever they're trying to promote. Taking a walk (removing myself from the house) works for me…
  • Alright, so I did have some "unnecessary" calories today (about 300-400 cal), but no binging. I'm so happy I managed to have a treat without losing control completely. How's it going for you @Gettingfit2017 ?
  • I'm in! (And we don't have Thanksgiving or black friday here, so I have no excuses)