agrath135 Member


  • yea i want to cut till i can see them... do you reckon my daily calorie intake low enough?
  • well.. i think i am like between 15-18% though last time i checked the machin said i was 15.3%... from 18.2% i planned to cut but am lifting weights to maintain muscle and get some newbie gainz. i didnt mentioned am a beginner..oops...
  • What's up every body!!! hope you guys are having a great day So i have decided that i want to do a cut from being skinny fat/average. I do hope i am doing this right though. its my third week of intermittent fasting and its going great. i have lost abt 4 kgs from the beginning of this charted workouts and now i am abt 77kg…
  • What's up everybody!!! Today..... is finally here..... my cheat daaaaaaayeeaaaaaaaaa.... two large meals.... Japanese for lunch and mexican for dinner. lunch teriyaki steak salmon alburi with avacado maki dashimaki tamago (2 pieces) soft shell crab handroll yellow tail sashimi 6 slices top up with a choc full of protein…
  • welcome back.... stick to your program and you will make all kinds of good gains..... all kindzzzssssss
    in scared Comment by agrath135 October 2016
  • Ahhh... right.... I thought you meant like a hot drink to get the body warmed up.... You right!!
  • @psulemon I am worried of getting too much fat... I took a look at the link and the foods there scared me.... What if i went on a cut first and get lean and do a clean bulk after that? would that be possible? Take a look at my profile and let me know what you think. @kathrynjean_ alright... i might try some decaf coffee....
  • @firef1y72 WOW.... you are right!! Your diagnosis is spot on...I learned two things today. Hypermobility and isometric exercises.... @psulemon it is quite difficult to eat more than that man.... I tried that one day and I was gonna throw up... what would happen if i maintained at 2200? would I be in a calorie deficit? I am…
  • What is up everybody!! Its day 17 from my first work out and today I was doing some benches and triceps action, when I felt my body getting really tired quickly... What is up with that? I had some fruits, 3 eggs and a scoop of whey 3 hours before my workout. So far in this 17 days I have had only 1 rest day... but, I am…
  • What is up everybody... my name is Adrian and I am from Malaysia. Stumbled across this cool site about ten days ago when i was trying to count my calories. This fitnesspal is A-wesome. Anyway, I am almost into my third week of getting some strength gains. So far, it has been interesting trying to count the right amount of…
  • Any beginner tips for back exercises? I need to right my form. I tried your exercises today and my form was all messed up. Left shoulder is painful too from lifting but am definitely making some gains!! Any recommendation for some starter back exercises?
  • Hey there everybody... what is up!!! Today was the day for some back exercises. I am trying to do some 5*5 sets which worked great for my benches. I even made some gains on the tricep dips with no more counter weight. YEaaaaaaaaa Today I tried to apply with my rear delts and back... I was out of energy... I have a weak…
  • Hey guys, what is up everybody. Hope its a great day for all of you. I got a question about balance.... i noticed my biceps are stronger and in better form than my triceps when performing... Should both those muscles group be able to lift the same weights and what are the effects if they aren't able.
  • I can live with that... get some strength up in here... as of now am skinny fat and weak too!! on the plus side...I did noticed some strength gain and its only two weeks. As of now... my body is sore AF..... i feel like getting into one of those unisol's cryochamber.xD @psulemon My protein intake right but carbs are…
  • I am making gains.... in terms of my form improving (though slightly) and some strength gains too... man oh man especially the back muscles... they be hurting and sore... good work @jolive7 you gave me some dead line hehe =D yea alright 90 days is it then... I hope i can keep this up!! Went for a paintball game last…
  • YEaaaaaa man..... @jolive7 How long have you been working the gym before you see any results? 90 days?
  • @psulemon I am trying to gain some strength. Looking to increase my shoulder strength. (Secondary goal is to be able to do proper pull ups with good form, *Trivia* i broke my left arm when i was little and am double jointed everywhere) It sure would be nice to become leaner.. however, I dont think I have well developed…