We making all kinds of gains..... all kinds



  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    edited October 2016
    agrath135 wrote:
    Also what can I do to not get tired after my third exercise at the gym? I cannot afford creatine as I am broke AF....

    Eat enough, sleep enough, allow proper time for recovery, and coffee (or caffeine pills if that's more up your alley).

    From what you've written, it doesn't sound like you're eating enough or recovering properly.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    agrath135 wrote: »
    @firef1y72 WOW.... you are right!! Your diagnosis is spot on...I learned two things today. Hypermobility and isometric exercises....

    @psulemon it is quite difficult to eat more than that man.... I tried that one day and I was gonna throw up... what would happen if i maintained at 2200? would I be in a calorie deficit? I am skinny fat...body fat abt 20%

    Also what can I do to not get tired after my third exercise at the gym? I cannot afford creatine as I am broke AF....


    Modify the foods you eat. More calories doesn't necessarily mean higher quantity. You will not bulk without adequate calories. At best, you will recomp if you have an effective training program.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    @psulemon I am worried of getting too much fat... I took a look at the link and the foods there scared me.... What if i went on a cut first and get lean and do a clean bulk after that? would that be possible? Take a look at my profile and let me know what you think.

    @kathrynjean_ alright... i might try some decaf coffee....
  • kathrynjean_
    kathrynjean_ Posts: 428 Member
    Decaf coffee isn't going to cut it if you're looking for an energy boost.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    Ahhh... right.... I thought you meant like a hot drink to get the body warmed up....

    You right!!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    agrath135 wrote: »
    @firef1y72 WOW.... you are right!! Your diagnosis is spot on...I learned two things today. Hypermobility and isometric exercises....

    @psulemon it is quite difficult to eat more than that man.... I tried that one day and I was gonna throw up... what would happen if i maintained at 2200? would I be in a calorie deficit? I am skinny fat...body fat abt 20%

    Also what can I do to not get tired after my third exercise at the gym? I cannot afford creatine as I am broke AF....

    Tiredness is part and parcel of hypermobility, we have to work extra hard at keeping our joints stable. But with patience and hard work it does get better
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    What's up everybody!!!

    Today..... is finally here..... my cheat daaaaaaayeeaaaaaaaaa....

    two large meals.... Japanese for lunch and mexican for dinner.

    teriyaki steak
    salmon alburi with avacado maki
    dashimaki tamago (2 pieces)
    soft shell crab handroll
    yellow tail sashimi 6 slices
    top up with a choc full of protein (boost juice)

    beef and cheese taco
    mixed chicken and beef fajittas
    margarita (first alcohol drink in a month)
    tortilla chips with guacomole dip and hot sauce

    i am so so satisfied.... i have been having an 6 hour eating window this week.
    luckily i hit the gym as i was gonna make today a rest day......

    EAT like a beast!!!

    We making all kinds of gainz.....

    all kindszzzzzzz
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    What's up every body!!! hope you guys are having a great day

    So i have decided that i want to do a cut from being skinny fat/average. I do hope i am doing this right though.

    its my third week of intermittent fasting and its going great. i have lost abt 4 kgs from the beginning of this charted workouts and now i am abt 77kg 169lb lost abt 1.3lb last week... and i am hoping to continue losing average of 1lb/week

    i have a sedentary lifestyle as i sit on my butt most of the day. so after searching for some ideal cuttin calorie needs, i came up with this number 169 multiply by 9.5-10.5 for my daily cutting calorie needs which works up to
    an average of 1690 cal per day for cut

    i am getting my protein in abt 0.8-1g per lb BW. and fill the rest up with carbs and fats....
    I lift at the gym... i hit failure for incline bench at my 4th rep for 30kgs a few weeks ago and now i am able to do 4 reps at 50kgs..(light for some but i am happy at the increase of strength due to reverse pyramid training) BTW i dont do any cardio just lifting heavy (for me that is)

    I have a feeling that my body is going into some form of recomposition not so much on losing body fat although i have noticed that i have lost some of the flabiness.

    anyways i have set my dateline for 15/12/16 to be leaner.... but i think i may have to postpone it.... i sure hope that my diet plan can get me there.

    any furthur input from y'all wud be appreciated.

    Let's make them gainzzz...all kinds of gains.... all kinddszzzz
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You need to pick a goal, set a plan and stick to it. Cutting is not going to help you build muscle. What do you think your bodyfat percentage is?
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    well.. i think i am like between 15-18%
    though last time i checked the machin said i was 15.3%... from 18.2%

    i planned to cut but am lifting weights to maintain muscle and get some newbie gainz. i didnt mentioned am a beginner..oops...
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    agrath135 wrote: »
    well.. i think i am like between 15-18%
    though last time i checked the machin said i was 15.3%... from 18.2%

    i planned to cut but am lifting weights to maintain muscle and get some newbie gainz. i didnt mentioned am a beginner..oops...

    I wouldn't set a weight to cut to as you are probably fatter than you think! Just cut until you have abs showing (10-12%) and then you are in a good position to bulk.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    yea i want to cut till i can see them... do you reckon my daily calorie intake low enough?