We making all kinds of gains..... all kinds

Hello people what is up.. my name is Adrian and this time round I am serious about getting my body into shape. I had a couple of times in the past where I attempted but due to reasons and excuses drifted.

Anyhow, the objective here is to get back in shape because (many reasons but for another time)

30 years young buck, 183cm tall and weighting about 80kg. Started working out 14 days ago but only found this amazing site to catalog my progress. Seriously, the calorie counter thing.... its amazing.

Anyways... here's is my question.

My BMR is 1870.... I am trying to gain some strength and muscle tonne. some sites say I need to have a calorie surplus of 10% more of what is required to maintain my weight.... I am trying hard to keep my carbs low and higher protein intake and I want to do this right.

Anyone here can coach me on that will be great.

Also, if you are here because of the GAINS..... shout out to you Hodge twins fans...
Let's make all kinds of Gains...... All Kindsszzzz



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Are you trying to gain mass (new muscle) or become lean? If you want to gain mass, you need to realize that you will also gain fat. It's just how a bulk works. During that time, you will not gain muscle tone since you will be adding mass and fat. You cut after a bulk to lower body fat so you can look "toned". Another viable option is to look into a recomp where you try to see some offsetting muscle gains and fat loss. Depending on your body responds, it could take longer than a bulk/cut cycle.

    Also, a good progressive overload workout will aid in the process. I would personally look into a solid 3 day full body routine.

    Diet, you only need to around 140 to 160g of protein, so carbs should be right behind that. Carbs stimulate protein synthesis, are muscle sparring and prevents protein degradation.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member

    I am trying to gain some strength. Looking to increase my shoulder strength. (Secondary goal is to be able to do proper pull ups with good form, *Trivia* i broke my left arm when i was little and am double jointed everywhere)

    It sure would be nice to become leaner.. however, I dont think I have well developed enough upper body to become lean into.

    So the thing is, would it be possible to gain mass... BUT not look fat too... Yes, i think i am aiming for a progressive workout. hopefully i can increase the weights and reps in the coming weeks.
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    Welcome to the gain train! I have successfully gained 7kg lean mass while at the same time losing 10% body fat and increasing strength in all lifts. I continue to lose body fat while gaining lean muscle by eating at a small deficit, with high protein and following a strict lifting program and incorporating HIIT 2 - 3 times a week.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    YEaaaaaa man..... @jolive7 How long have you been working the gym before you see any results? 90 days?
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    agrath135 wrote: »
    YEaaaaaa man..... @jolive7 How long have you been working the gym before you see any results? 90 days?

    Hmmmm I think I started to see some pretty good results in about week 4.. and then 3 months in everybody was noticing and commenting :smile: to be honest in these last few months I have probably made the most progress, it can be a slow journey but you are likely too see some great results at the start!
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    I am making gains.... in terms of my form improving (though slightly) and some strength gains too...
    man oh man especially the back muscles... they be hurting and sore...

    good work @jolive7 you gave me some dead line hehe =D

    yea alright 90 days is it then... I hope i can keep this up!! Went for a paintball game last night... and my lower body is all messed up but.... going back into the gym later for more pains...

    We making all kinds of gains!!
    All kindsszzzzz
  • jolive7
    jolive7 Posts: 283 Member
    agrath135 wrote: »
    I am making gains.... in terms of my form improving (though slightly) and some strength gains too...
    man oh man especially the back muscles... they be hurting and sore...

    good work @jolive7 you gave me some dead line hehe =D

    yea alright 90 days is it then... I hope i can keep this up!! Went for a paintball game last night... and my lower body is all messed up but.... going back into the gym later for more pains...

    We making all kinds of gains!!
    All kindsszzzzz

    Wohoooo enjoy buddy, you got this!
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    I can live with that... get some strength up in here... as of now am skinny fat and weak too!!

    on the plus side...I did noticed some strength gain and its only two weeks. As of now... my body is sore AF..... i feel like getting into one of those unisol's cryochamber.xD

    @psulemon My protein intake right but carbs are falling far behind... so will top up the carbs to try match the protein. Just cross them fingers and hope i make not only fat gains but muscle growth too!!

    Thanks for the advise.. really hope i get this right.... even if i don't... i'd end up stronger anyways.... so its extra plus or just regular plus.

    Am excited to document this all.... gotta keep this up!!

    We making all kinds of gains.... some strength gains, some pain gains, some knowledge gains, some mass gains and hopefully some date gains too... hahaha

    all kindzzzzzz
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey guys, what is up everybody. Hope its a great day for all of you.

    I got a question about balance.... i noticed my biceps are stronger and in better form than my triceps when performing...

    Should both those muscles group be able to lift the same weights and what are the effects if they aren't able.

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    edited September 2016
    agrath135 wrote: »
    Hey guys, what is up everybody. Hope its a great day for all of you.

    I got a question about balance.... i noticed my biceps are stronger and in better form than my triceps when performing...

    Should both those muscles group be able to lift the same weights and what are the effects if they aren't able.

    They should roughly be the same since they are antagonistic muscle groups.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there everybody... what is up!!!

    Today was the day for some back exercises. I am trying to do some 5*5 sets which worked great for my benches. I even made some gains on the tricep dips with no more counter weight. YEaaaaaaaaa

    Today I tried to apply with my rear delts and back... I was out of energy... I have a weak dels and shoulders too. would sure like some advise on how to improve the back muscle groups without having to strain and sprain anything.... Nobody wants to go to snap city!!

    Hope everyone is having a great day.... check out magnificent 7..... good times..... yeaaaa
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i do pendlay rows, regular upright rows on the cable thing, and band pulls to counterbalance bench pressing.
    and i like me some turkish getups and 'waiter walks' just to keep myself reminded of how to pack and stabilize my shoulders.

    i have had impingement and internal rotation from over-strong pecs, and it sucks. so in my personal head, i make this rule that i have to do my back work if i'm going to bench. and i can't bench more than a certain amount heavier than whatever i can do with my rows.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    Any beginner tips for back exercises? I need to right my form. I tried your exercises today and my form was all messed up. Left shoulder is painful too from lifting but am definitely making some gains!!

    Any recommendation for some starter back exercises?
  • musclegood_fatbad
    musclegood_fatbad Posts: 9,809 Member
    Best back exercises are Deadlift, Bent over Rows, and Pullups....focus on form before going to heavy. Those three lifts are a great foundation for a back day.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    agrath135 wrote: »
    Any beginner tips for back exercises? I need to right my form. I tried your exercises today and my form was all messed up. Left shoulder is painful too from lifting but am definitely making some gains!!

    Any recommendation for some starter back exercises?

    Best to follow a structured program, rather than following a hodge podge of exercises, will provide you the greatest gains.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    What is up everybody!!

    Its day 17 from my first work out and today I was doing some benches and triceps action, when I felt my body getting really tired quickly...

    What is up with that? I had some fruits, 3 eggs and a scoop of whey 3 hours before my workout. So far in this 17 days I have had only 1 rest day... but, I am working on different body parts. Also, I am adjusting my calorie intake to abt 2000-2200 a day. I did a body test and it says that my BM is abt 1890...

    You all probably know that I am hoping to build some muscles and lose some fats for newbies.

    Also my left shoulder is hurting, (had my left elbow bone broken when i was younger and it was not set properly)

    I feel like having a rest day sometimes but my body gets restless and want to hit the gym but when I get there, after the 3rd/4th exercise, i get tired...

    Help me make those gain!!!!!
  • firef1y72
    firef1y72 Posts: 1,579 Member
    agrath135 wrote: »
    I am trying to gain some strength. Looking to increase my shoulder strength. (Secondary goal is to be able to do proper pull ups with good form, *Trivia* i broke my left arm when i was little and am double jointed everywhere)


    Sounds like you are hypermobile (I used to be described as double jointed, but it's actually hypermobility), if so take care of your joints, don't over stretch and try to ensure you don't over extend either. The good news is that as you become stronger your joints won't be quite as unstable and (if you have them) dislocations will become less frequent. But still if you have a physio, go see them so they can help you fine tune any programme.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    agrath135 wrote: »
    What is up everybody!!

    Its day 17 from my first work out and today I was doing some benches and triceps action, when I felt my body getting really tired quickly...

    What is up with that? I had some fruits, 3 eggs and a scoop of whey 3 hours before my workout. So far in this 17 days I have had only 1 rest day... but, I am working on different body parts. Also, I am adjusting my calorie intake to abt 2000-2200 a day. I did a body test and it says that my BM is abt 1890...

    You all probably know that I am hoping to build some muscles and lose some fats for newbies.

    Also my left shoulder is hurting, (had my left elbow bone broken when i was younger and it was not set properly)

    I feel like having a rest day sometimes but my body gets restless and want to hit the gym but when I get there, after the 3rd/4th exercise, i get tired...

    Help me make those gain!!!!!

    IF your BMR is around 1890, you won't bulk at 2200. That will barely account for daily activities. You need more calories.
  • agrath135
    agrath135 Posts: 18 Member
    @firef1y72 WOW.... you are right!! Your diagnosis is spot on...I learned two things today. Hypermobility and isometric exercises....

    @psulemon it is quite difficult to eat more than that man.... I tried that one day and I was gonna throw up... what would happen if i maintained at 2200? would I be in a calorie deficit? I am skinny fat...body fat abt 20%

    Also what can I do to not get tired after my third exercise at the gym? I cannot afford creatine as I am broke AF....