This. I'm not there yet, but I know it's going to happen. Thanks for inspring me.
This is just incredible! So inspiring!
Incredible. Congrats! Very inspiring! You've got grit, for sure.
Wootwoot! You go, girl!! Inspiring.
@orange_hoodie Right!?!? And, thanks for that @MimiOfTheLusciousLawn I am going to save that and come prepared next time! It's kind of disturbing, though. For all we are told just to go out there and be ourselves, not be self conscious and stuff because no one is looking at us... it's not strictly true, is it. I think…
Props to all of you!
Looks like she isn't a user, I can't add her either. Well, patty, if you do resurface.. add me!
I'm down. Adding you!
Oh, also- Add me everyone! I could use some fellow short support...
5'3 and 166. Have been as heavy as 200. I don't see myself as qualified to dole out any concrete fitness advice, but just letting you know I'm on the bandwagon!
Queens, NY.
Ooo!! Love this thread! Yay!! Jewelry Purging or restyling Ill fitting clothes Hitting the second hand store for new digs Workout outfits Concert Tickets A day off or staycation A massage on your self (legs/feet/hands) or paid for (back/body) New underwear, followed by dancing around in it and admiring your transforming…
All y'all can add me. We got this!
Oh. Wow. Good for you, man! No questions, just admiration, lol...
I'm new to MFP forums, but lost 50 lbs toward my goal several years ago. ( then yo-yo plateaued and am here to finally get to the rest of it.) I am currently 40lbs away. I found it somewhat frustrating that all people could focus on was my weight/ body. It was the first and only thing they would talk about when they saw me…
Hearty congrats! You look wonderful!
Check out SCD recipes!
In my opinion, it depends on your existing relationship to these foods. I feel like, for some people- chips, pringles, or ice cream are a "trigger" of sorts, where they won't be able to stop eating. Other people are able to have just one bite and put it down. So, it kind of depends on what your body is telling you. And…
Sometimes, I think, people feel threatened when someone close to them begins to make healthier choices because it causes them to feel ashamed of their own unhealthy ones...
JC- Welcome! I'm not new to MFP, but new to the forums, myself. I've totally been here a few times in my life. And I'm also a two time refugee from WW. Don't think there's something wrong because it didn't work for you! Not every system is for everyone. Transitioning to thinking about food a different way is definitely…
Tapwaters, yes! I'm still "mid-transition" but I have noticed my clothes and shoes do last longer. As for the topic of the thread....tying your shoes without gasping for air! Its wonderful. :)
Awesome! Totally serious question- how has changing size affected your (lovely) tattoos? Have you noticed a difference?
Do they have pork rinds/skins by you? Am I going to be set on fire for suggesting this? Edit: Or, as an earlier poster recommended, some nice jerky...
Losing 16 lbs for an upcoming trip!
Today's my first day on this forum, so glad I found this post! Truth be told, it's a little overwhelming to think of losing weight in this way. I feel like "the answer" to why it's been so hard lately is here, though. Does anyone have a reliable way to calculate one's LBM without calipers? I'm sure it's buried somewhere in…
Would love some support myself, everyone feel free to add me!
I'm sort of new, myself... trying to find my way on here! Feel free to add me!
Hey everybody! Heralding from NYC! Could use some support!