Wiggymommy Member


  • I hate it too. I start off so strong, too strong. I get worn out and my cortisol level sky rockets. Then I don't lose weight and actually gain it despite eating correctly. I use to think I had to work out until I didn't have energy for anything else. Go hard or go home right? I find that I lose weight most effectively when…
  • I've read that the heavier you are the safer it is to lose larger amounts. I think those with significantly higher BMI can lose 4 or even more pounds a week at first. It will begin to taper off
  • If you take hormones into account this whole "eat until your full" is absolutely rubbish. It works for maybe 3 and half weeks out of the month for me but that 4 days in there my body is telling me I'm never full. Now when I get to my desired goal, I will maintain and just use the scale to determine where I'm at but "eat…
  • It is HUGE factor. People who have maintenance cals around oh say above 2000k for example, could safely cut 500 calories. Someone five foot who is at maintenance around 1500-1600 cuts 500 and that's below 1200 and supposedly unsafe for any woman (no matter how tall). So we have to 1) I either work out more than taller…
  • ^^^ what she said. I just turned 31 and feel no different than 21, I just have more money and a better job. Anything I didn't do yet in my 20's I do now...
  • I'm 5'1. Started out in 2015 at like a bit over 200. I kept to the same foods and it has never led to an unhealthy relationship with food. I do protein shakes, egg whites and lots of salads with veggies. I hit all my nutrients and get tons of fiber too. You can stay low calorie and get all the good stuff too. I know it's…
  • Just made taco soup (tons). Fantastic stuff.
  • I think it depends on what you were for a majority of time. Was your friend heavier for many years? Her mind could be stuck thinking she's still heavy because she was for so long. You maybe the opposite because perhaps you were a healthy weight most of your life and heavier for just a few years? I'm 31 and have only been…
  • You can friend me. I'm a single, working mother of two and have been losing and dealing with the whole 0 time to myself, no time for elaborate cooking etc. Just some tips. I eat protein shakes, food prep on sundays and work out after dinner but before the kids go to bed. I cut out eating out and make food choices as simple…
  • A normal can of pop/soda (whatever term you prefer) is about 150 calories. When people are losing weight they are already cutting their normal amount of calories down by around 500 or so under maintenance. This naturally makes most people hungry and when they fill it with empty calories, such as pop, that can lead to…
  • 100% made my acid reflux go away. That's all the medical research I need. ;)
  • I'm not sure if my binge eating is the same reasons as yours. I think mine was more diet related. Once I switched to a high protein diet I don't get the urge to eat all the foods. It's like a light switched off. Staying away from sugar helps too. When I stray from my healthier eating I binge way more. Sometimes it's like…
  • I'm the same way! People think I'm smaller than I am then I turn sideways and I look pregnant :( it's terrible and I hear its the last thing to go!
  • Miso soup is a good one. Lots of recipes online for it.
  • I turned 31 three days ago. Just missed the cut off! :D
  • My snack is my protein shake :D 1200 calories isn't a lot so what we do eat has to be very nutrient dense. Plus I get most of my calories from protein. I'm a bit opposite from the poster above. I do three meals a day around 300 calories then my protein shake is filled with all sorts of good protein and fiber (more of a…
  • I just read up on this. It ranges from 1100-1300 on your low days to 1500 on your high days. I do 1200 calories everyday and am not considered VLCD. 800 Calories is VLCD. Then again I'm short so depends on the person I suppose but definitely not VLCD
  • From my experience, most people never commented how BIG I got. I think in their mind, if they verbally said how much I'd lost, they'd be admitting they noticed how big I got. I think in general, people are too nervous to offend. I do have a before picture when I started a new job last May where I was like 40 pounds…
  • Apples make me hungrier. I'd eat apples for three days then everything in the kitchen the 4th.
  • Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so this all depends on the people you surround yourself with. You will naturally find love with someone who loves you for you, age included. You will naturally find friends who like you for you and most likely similar in age etc. On the opposite end, no matter how attractive or young…
  • I use to wake in the middle of the night and need sugar. Anything cookie or chocolate related I would devour. Hundreds and hundreds of calories worth sometimes. It has been awhile since I've been through such a phase but I remember the feeling of "I have to eat" being strong. This happened less over night and more in the…
  • I used to have my binge moments but recently I doubled my protein and those "need to eat everything now" feelings went away. It's been about two weeks in and I even got past that time of month (when it's the worst). I'm not sure if this is just a coincidence but I will continue to keep the protein high because it seems to…
  • Nutiva Protein High fiber, unsweetened almond milk, a banana and pbfit. Lots of fiber and protein to start my day
  • I see this question a lot and had it for myself when I first started. I will either gain or not budge down. Once it's over I lose what was gained plus some- never fails. This seems to be what countless other women experience.
  • My biggest tip with the app, other then logging everyday and logging everything, is to add a good group of friends. I don't post often but seeing their progress and their commitment is very inspiring.
  • I'm five foot and do 1200 calories a day. I have enough energy to work out daily and I lift weights too. I am no where near cutting 1000 a day doing this. Due to a low maintenance calories for my height I cut about 500 through diet on 1200 calories and burn some exercising (additional 200-300 a day). I don't eat those…
  • All that hard work paid off. You look great!
  • Cheap expensive, none of it matters when it's laced with chemicals. I have sensitive skin so I use organic which has expensive and cheap options but always leaves my hair nicer than the chemicals
  • Yea, got one after my daughter. Turns out some women's body's like to push out foreign objects. Now I have a son