baristabeannz Member


  • How many bananas do you eat now per day?i eat around 4 as ND at night two potato's and kumura. I have a whole pineapple for lunch and a juice during the day. Around 1500 calories I am concerned I might be starting to gain raw till four I will wait and see
  • I'm going to go get a napkin because I just got served. Haha actually a really great chat and I appreciate your feedback and different views. Thank-you it has me thinking. Cheers team. This is the good side of hoping mfp community we can nut this stuff out
  • True. Thanks xx. God bless everyone today and it's been a great chat.
  • OK guys first of all animal protein leaks calcium from your bones! Animal dairy products are mainly consumed by USA Finland England and sweedon. The countries with the highest osteoporosis is USA England awesome and Finland. No one ever went to hospital because they lacked protein. Leafy greens fruit and veggies provide…
  • Please educate yourselves by watching 101 reasons to go vegan. It's the best answer to your questions and the best speech I've ever heard . Why do we eat cows and not dogs? Animal protein leaks calcium from our bones. Protein from plants doesnt . I watched another epic documentary tonight called rawvegan documentary…
  • You are all so funny I admit watching someone eating fruit talking about their great life is alluring. I can't deny though that I feel my cleanest self eating raw. I feel happy and balanced and I don't get crashes. My diary today is 3 bananas. Fruit salad and a carrot juice. 3 bananas and cacao powder. Dinner I'll have 2…
  • Do it! My moods and sleep totally changed for the best and my binge cycle stopped. God gave us a garden to eat from it's how we were designed to eat. You need to eat enough fruit during the day to not binge at night. Several bananas frozen make a great smoothie. Have a fruit salad for lunch and bananas to snack on. Make…
  • I'm vegan mostly raw. I eat 3 bananas for breakfast and fruit salad for lunch. I have two more banana for snack. For dinner I have salad chickpeas and sometimes crackers. I am thinking about raw till four lately. I'd find it cheaper to eat rice at night but in worried about gaining weight eating so much fruit during the…