CiaIgle Member


  • My 2 cents :smile: My case was really for Monty Python: I was losing around 10 kilos, my gym registration included a Nutritionist appointment. I took it and visited the specialist during my 3rd month (already 10 kilos down). Explain my process and the output: all I was doing was a waste of time, she prescribed the typical…
  • The only motivation I can provide is that I lost little more than 50 pounds. I started maintenance in May and no changes in my target weight. Sometimes I trend to reduce weight !!! I started at 219 pounds, I am 1,71 meters. My keys to success: - Count, count and count. - When you get tired on counting then count, count and…
  • I share your worries. It happens to me when I started maintenance :smile: I guess the most important thing is to internalize that starting maintenance is not the end of the journey. THIS is a continuation, and the key to not waste all previous effort. Not being the end of the journey can be translated as not the end of…
  • I can understand WW in the old times, when access to calorie databases was complex. WW did an important job in simplifying the counting process. Nowadays with the info and apps available, WW keeps its position as one good alternative, but in my opinion, not the best one.
  • 27 kilos lost, no special care with carbs. To lose weight you need to go low in carbs, fat and protein. In summary, low in calories :smile: So, at least at the beginning, just focus in eating less, it will be easier than if you have to add the "of something" (so "eat less" is easier than "eat less of something"). Also…
  • I guess there is not. In deficit you will lose fat AND muscle, and in surplus you will gain fat AND muscle, that's always. The idea is to gain/lose in the right proportion. The ideal state is losing fat/maintain muscle or gain muscle/maintain fat, that I guess is almost impossible to achieve. In theory is not possible to…
  • Let me add that I ended up kinda hating cardio, too much sweating and suffering in the gym. I stopped any cardio training since I want to "demonstrate myself" that I don't need to burn tons of calories and sweat like a pig to keep my weight. So far so good :smile: I am now in maintenance since 2 months (today exactly 2…
  • Yes, absolutely, but who does that should not expect good results. In my opinion (humble always :smile: ) there are two reasons to do training during the weight loss journey: - To eat back some of the calories lost or to increase the weight loss rate (in my case I manage to lose 1 Kilo a week during the first months). I…
  • Surely you did not ask me :smile: Loosing weight (specially when the goal is to reduce more than 25% of Starting Weight) is difficult. Is still more difficult in the "last mile". I even can suggest that looking for too much goals (losing mostly fat and less muscle) can increase the level of stress and effort that will end…
  • When I started my weight loss journey I did not even though of taking care of what kind of weight I am loosing. When I was more or less 5 Kilos away from my goal, I started to worry about how I look and started being worried about not loosing muscle. BUT EVEN THEN, I did nothing about it. In case you have no experience,…
  • During my journey to lose 27 kgs (now in maintenance), I use to have an ice cream before going to bed in I had remaining calories. Most of the times around 11 pm. So it does not matter when do you eat your calories (or even how) as far as the CiCo rule applies.
  • So you are the other one that use them not for cooking :smile: This is the other one:
  • As far as I understand, an absolute max is in the order of 2 pounds per week. Above that the things can get complicated. Loosing 2 pound per week represents a deficit of 7.000 kcals. In principle the safest way to do that is splitting those to 3.500 kcals deficit from food (that's 500 per day) and the rest via exercise (a…
  • I am only two months old in lifting, doing SL 5x5. The most important mistake I made so far is to focus on increasing load regardless of the form and technique. I guess I realized early enough so avoiding the risk of injuries and taking the best advantage of each routine. The issue was the force of will to voluntarily…
  • I decided that for certain things are a "all or nothing" choice. I cannot eat just one or two slices of meat lovers Domino's pizza, I will not be happy. So I gave up that kind of pizza. I cannot trade by a crust with a lot of vegs or similar. Same happen with nuts, a healthy portion is just too little (15 cashews or so),…
  • I have three scales available: one electronic next to the lifting area of the gym, another very old mechanic (with the vertical pole and you have to move the weights, and my own electronic scale. NEVER the three provided the same value, but the inconsistency is constant :smile: they always are different in the same amount.…
  • As far a you fit your macros, I see no problem :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
  • I am in maintenance for a month now. I do exactly the same recording I did when I was in deficit. I recommend not to assume that "maintaining is resting from defict". Mantaining is just another step in the journey, and the journey is not over yet.
  • I reduced 26 kilos in the assumption that "breakfast is the most important meal". It also was the biggest challenge I had, having a strong breakfast with a whole day ahead on deficit. Now on maintenance I am playing with the meals, and basically now I am skipping bf (one skim milk latte at most) and then some food around 3…
  • When in any given day I eat more than my caloric intake, I take the extra calories and record them in the next days (never more than two days). That way I kinda "punish" myself for overeating and still keep overall goals. Now that I am in maintenance, it is also normal to do the opposite. Some days I do not reach my…
  • Gravity can be very dangerous ... depending on the height of the cliff :smiley: Sorry for the off-topic
  • At the end of the day, it's a personal decision how to make the journey, I can't do that "one small meal and one large", I preferred three meals and small snacking, and if possible to "save" some calories for a small ice-cream before going to bed.
  • Yes, even if that sound weird. It's more psychological and has to do with portion size.
  • I was obese, not morbid, exactly like you. Even in my case I was in the threshold (one or two kilos below morbid). I basically kept eating what I ate before but in less quantities. For instance 4 ice-creams a week, at least one fast-food meal per week (honestly, a little more :smile: ) 26 kilos later (around one kilo lost…
  • Trying to get back to the OP :smile: "Starvation mode" is a very extreme situation, even anorexic people don't even get closer to REAL starvation mode. There is a broscience "Starvation mode" that should realy be defined as "stupid excuse for eating more and not to recognize it". Strictly speaking, exercise is not needed,…
  • My recomendation, use a standard as a goal, then ask around. My case, 171 cm tall, I use the rule and aimed for 71 Kgs. Original weight 99 Kgs. Starting at 75 I started to receive messages that I was more or less in the right shape. I kept going down to 73, and more and more people suggested I should stop. "More people"…
  • I hate this post :wink: I only can have 1950 kcals :smiley:
  • Thanks for the comment. In my case is a disgusting "pergamine like" skin, but not very big anyway. For what I researched, I should give it a couple of years, after that, resignation or surgery. I will surely go for resignation. Regards
  • First of all CONGRATULATIONS !!! I am almost 50 (next month) and lost 26 Kgs in the last 8 months. I am looking also for the next challenge, in my case I decided to StrongLifts 5x5, I am in my third week so still early to call, but I like it so far. Just download de app, watch very carefully the two videos and follow the…
  • I replaced added sugar with sweeteners (mainly stevia). Now I am in maintenance, and have no plans to remove sweeteners and come back to sugar.