Jermainejjd Member


  • Hi everyone, checking in. LWW 308 CWW 306 Loss -2lbs
  • Hello! It's been a while since I've checked in as it's been a bit busy but I've been working hard. Weighed myself just after Christmas which was a terrible idea. Enjoyed myself way too much and paid for it. Although I have since been on a very strict no carb eating programme and it's definitely worked! My plan now is to…
  • Well gents I hope you are all doing well. Good news is I am now the proud father of a beautiful baby girl. The bad news is that tiredness leads to bad food choices and it has shown on the scale. But I think about my weight every day and know this isn't permanent and I'm getting back into it. Went for a solid 20 minute run…
  • Ok week with only 1 run. Still making progress though. LWW = 308 CWW = 305 Loss = 3 lbs
  • Haven't posted in a while. Had a tough two weeks and the diet went off track. Went from 306 to 312 in a week! But managed to get back on track thankfully. LWW (21st) = 312 Current (28th) = 308 Loss = 4
  • Not an easy week for me. Managed to scoff a full bag of chocolate digestives without breathing. They were also my wife's who is 8 months pregnant so it didn't go down well. The fact I've got a heart beat proves she at least likes me. Still kept up with the running which is why I showed a slight loss but need to focus on…
  • Welcome jmdawg! Challenging week. Had a conference and the food was just too good. But managed to be strict the rest of the week and got one run in. LWW = 311 CWW = 307 Loss = 4
  • First week has went well. Starting the NHS Couch to 5k. 3 walks/gentle jogging done this week and really enjoying it far. LWW = 318lb CWW = 311lb Loss = 7lb
  • Ohh and my goal is 224lb by Christmas next year.
  • Brilliant! Thanks tdonlin! Always been battling my weight and now weigh my heaviest at 318lbs @ 6ft 3. Got my first kid on the way and want to get into shape as the weight always affects the confidence. Simple things like going to the beach or for a swim. I've got a while until then, but have a fair bit to lose so got to…
  • Room for one more? Looking to drop a good few pounds and need something to keep me motivated! It is definitely not easy!