Men on a Mission thread



  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    No worries about the chart Tim. Thanks for all you do keeping it up. Hope your work straightens out.

    LWW = 202.2
    CWW = 201.2
    Loss = 1.0

    Have a good week everyone.
  • Jermainejjd
    Jermainejjd Posts: 11 Member
    Not an easy week for me. Managed to scoff a full bag of chocolate digestives without breathing. They were also my wife's who is 8 months pregnant so it didn't go down well. The fact I've got a heart beat proves she at least likes me.

    Still kept up with the running which is why I showed a slight loss but need to focus on the eating this week. Nearly at my mini goal of getting below 300! Aim to get there in the next week.

    LWW = 307.6
    CWW = 306.8
    Loss = 0.8
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    OK, I have some charts up on my spreadsheet in case anyone is interested in looking at it. The spreadsheet is saved here, and you can filter to only your information on either of the Trend sheets to see the graph for only you.

    The "weight trends" sheet is a straightforward line graph of how your weight has changed over time with a trendline superimposed:

    The "change trends" sheet shows the total weight change during each summarized period, with positive changes showing that you lost weight during that period and negative numbers showing that you gained weight:

    For either chart, you can click on a specific person's name to see only their data, and you can also click the clear filters button in the upper right corner of the filters pane (gray filter icon with a red x over top) to see the data for everyone at once. This view is more cluttered but kind of interesting as well. The spreadsheet is only backlogged through the last 8 pages of this thread as of now.

    The link will also allow you to download the spreadsheet if you want to mess with it yourself too.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Forgot to actually post the link:!AvZ_XIsjDos6kNB5yyyJEVl2omc2yQ.
  • StevLL
    StevLL Posts: 921 Member
    edited October 2018
    SW - 341 (2017) 371 (2011)
    GW - 205
    LW - 215.8
    CW - 219.4
    Gain - 3.6

    Hi guys, it's been a crazy month. Between school and having to lay off 14 people and reduce 9 others hours to survive the state cuts I've been in overdrive. I did get to the last round of interviews to work for a fitness resort in Tucson and as of last Thursday I'm still in the running to manage their intensive week long program. Hoping I get it as it would be the perfect place for me to stay healthy and help others.
    Still at 34" waist, but definitely holding a lot of water since increasing starches and going to start limiting those this week and move back towards more beans and lentils.
    Goodluck guys!🌱💪😎
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Brad, all I can say is WOW!! Those charts are awesome. My charts are at about the upper end of my abilities with Exel. Feel free to post any and all charts you want. I tried to go in and update on your link, but it was read only.

    Also, the difference in your face is amazing!

    My week continues to be crazy. Last Friday, we moved our son to a house a about 70 miles north of us. However, with traffic around here, that ended up being a little over 2 1/2 hours each way. I'm also still working on a case from Hell at work. It involves a little of everything from arrest, to guns, stabbings, alcohol, drugs, and sex. This is still on top of all my other cases. Oh well, nothing like job security I guess.

    Steve, hope your work gets a little back to normal for you. Good luck and fingers crossed for you and the new job too. I still can't believe you are now in a 34" waist. That is awesome!!

    I hope I got the info right for everyone on the chart. Take care and have a great week everyone!

  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Sorry about the crazy case! That sounds like a tough time.

    That first link didn't have edit privileges, I didn't even think about you guys wanting to put check-ins there directly. Here's a new link with edit privileges, so any of you can add a new check-in for yourselves on the check-in tab.!AvZ_XIsjDos6kNJld2ogka9Ja-2u_w
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Small improvement this week:

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 243.0
    CW: 242.2
    GW: 200

    Loss: 0.8 lbs
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Looks like you guys all have a lot going on. Good luck with everything.

    I wasn't very mindful of what I ate this weekend and I put back on some weight I had lost.

    LWW = 201.2
    CWW = 203.2
    Gain = 2.0
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Brad, I was surfing my woodworking sites and was on woodworkers web. A couple of weeks ago I commented on someones cordless drill charging station. I just realized that was your post. I don't know how I missed that at the time!
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Question for you guys: what makes you feel motivated when you've been struggling? I made an album of my old pictures that remind me of times when I really enjoyed the feeling of exercise and eating well, but I'm trying to think of other ideas. Videos, quotes, etc.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    tdonlin wrote: »
    Brad, I was surfing my woodworking sites and was on woodworkers web. A couple of weeks ago I commented on someones cordless drill charging station. I just realized that was your post. I don't know how I missed that at the time!

    That's awesome! I thought that was you. It was a fun quick thing to work on - I really enjoy practice projects like that.
  • Horstbc
    Horstbc Posts: 142 Member
    Lost a pound.

    SW: 248.4
    LW: 242.2
    CW: 241.0
    GW: 200

    I added a couple new columns to my spreadsheet as I continue to work on it: sparkline and number of entries. I'm still only back to page 85 for backlogging all the previous entries, so that number will continue to grow for those of you who have been doing this for a long time. The sparklines are basically a graph of your weight changes over time condensed into a single cell. This is intended to be a quick view of the direction your weight has been moving over time.


    Steve's line is awesome - dropping consistently since the beginning of 2017. I filtered the sheet before taking my screenshot to only show people who have posted within the last 100 days.
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.
    LWW = 203.2
    Current = 202.8
    Loss = 0.4

    HorstBC your chart is amazing. I need to find time to get in and look at it closer.

    In terms of motivation - I don't have that figured out. I enjoy working out and do it all the time. My issue is being consistent with eating. I munch on too many snacks and tend not to pay attention to how much I eat on weekends.
  • Jermainejjd
    Jermainejjd Posts: 11 Member
    Haven't posted in a while. Had a tough two weeks and the diet went off track. Went from 306 to 312 in a week! But managed to get back on track thankfully.

    LWW (21st) = 312
    Current (28th) = 308
    Loss = 4
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Uugh, terrible week for me. The rains are back creating a very sedentary week for me and my wife's birthday weekend with all the bad foods. I'll try and make it up this next week.
    Congrats on your losses guys. WTG!!!

  • dbw1976
    dbw1976 Posts: 359 Member
    Checking in.
    LWW = 202.8
    CWW = 201.2
    Loss = 1.6
  • Jermainejjd
    Jermainejjd Posts: 11 Member
    Ok week with only 1 run. Still making progress though.

    LWW = 308
    CWW = 305
    Loss = 3 lbs
  • tdonlin
    tdonlin Posts: 934 Member
    Hmmm, I could have sworn I posted this chart up yesterday!! Oh well, again, great job on everyone having a loss this last week!! :)
