bunny_347 Member


  • A few words from a past binger (I used to binge eat 4-5 days per week with often 2-3 days 3000 calories plus:() - I eat reasonable portions of healthy food at meals - for me (not pregnant, loosing weight now) 450 breakfast 600 lunch 150 snack 550 dinner - this is a move from not eating enough at meals or "saving up' for…
  • I'd go with this. Having had an Eating Disorder in my younger years (BMI 11) i also find it very hard to loose weight now. For me lowering my calories too much and over-exercising results in water retention, pain, misery and eventually uncontrollable binge eating. By trying to loose weight in this way I caused unneccesarry…
  • Yes, i had this, hunger pains to the point of feeling sick. Had just started Kyla's workouts, + usual 40 mins running + low intensity everyday exercise. I felt sick for 1.5 weeks. Then i binged. Felt awful. Carried on binging. Take away message can you sustain what your doing (unlikely if you are not sleeping well)? If you…
  • When i fly i always bloat up like baloon with water retention, this means i psycosomatically feel like ive put on weight even if it really hasnt been that bad a day food-wise!
    in Flying Comment by bunny_347 April 2017
  • Thanks for your replies, unfortunately i live with 4 wonderful housemates who no matter how many times i tell them love to bring cakes/chocolate/treats like bread home to share (they really thing they are being generous and dont understand the temptation issue thing even though we've discussed it as none of them are…
  • Oh goodness i know exactly how you feel. I gain like 7-8lbs of super painful water retention before my period + gas and am generally not a pleasant person to be around. I am super susceptible to binges but found putting on loose but neat clothes, doing my make up, hair and nails and wearing nice body lotion and pretending…
  • Thanks for your replies. @gabby23 you are so right about mental clarity, i have basically not left the house for 3 days which i dont think is helping, yes i shall start walking as this has greatly helped in the past. Just want to be my old self minus these horrible extra 40lbs! Its so hard not to restrict. Ive found a…