Should I eat if I'm hungry even if it goes over the count?

Sometimes I feel really bad hunger pains and it makes me feel sick or makes me not able to sleep. Should I eat anyways? Even if it goes over my count for the day?


  • marelthu
    marelthu Posts: 184 Member
    I would say yes. Usually if I'm hungry before I go to bed I'll have some yogurt or a half cup of Kefir. Others may differing opinions.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    You may want to reassess your calorie deficit if you're feeling such strong hunger pangs. Eat something light (a few carrot sticks, a piece of apple, a piece of cheese) if you're hungry. Definitely check to see if your current deficit is too low to sustain. You shouldn't feel that hungry if you're eating properly.

    I tend to agree with this. If it is mild hunger or just wanting to snack while watching TV then I ignore it. If it is enough to keep you up at night then I would eat something. If this is happening often though you should re-evaluate your intake and meal timing.

  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    Also, how are you counting your calories? If you are guessing or eye balling, you may be overestimating your calories. Use a food scale. Meaning you might have more calories to eat to hit your daily goal by just measuring properly.
  • bunny_347
    bunny_347 Posts: 10 Member
    Yes, i had this, hunger pains to the point of feeling sick. Had just started Kyla's workouts, + usual 40 mins running + low intensity everyday exercise. I felt sick for 1.5 weeks. Then i binged. Felt awful. Carried on binging. Take away message can you sustain what your doing (unlikely if you are not sleeping well)? If you cant listen to your body, keep a reasonable defecit, re-assess what you are doing.

    If you are super active 1200 cal is not going to do it for you, lower the deficit. stick in for the long term.
  • infinitynevermore
    infinitynevermore Posts: 98 Member
    If you're that hungry, bring your limit up by 250 and see if that works. If it doesn't, or you start gaining, you might want to tighten up your logging.
  • bigmuneymfp
    bigmuneymfp Posts: 2,235 Member
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,669 Member
    I get super hungry on any calorie count if my macros are out of whack. Think about what satiates you. Try out some days with different combinations - higher fat, carbs, protein, or (not technically a macro) fiber. It may help you feel better without going over.

    For me, that means fewer carbs. For example, I had a special meal planned where I was going to go over my calories last night. Homemade french fries. I ate a ton, but an hour later I was starving. Today, I'll eat chili for dinner, will be comfortably within my calorie goal, and predict I'll be satisfied all night.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    If you are that hungry when you go to bed, you are doing something wrong.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member

    OP should be in pain because she'll go over her calories?
  • laurenebargar
    laurenebargar Posts: 3,081 Member
    I didnt eat well yesterday so all of the food that I did eat left me feeling starving, at the end of the night I went over my calorie goals and had a few healthy snacks, I didnt feel great about going over, but I was hungry and I know im under my net calories for the week. How many calories are you eating? Are you working out?
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Check you macros too- some people find increasing certain things (for me, protein but others like higher fat, etc) really helps with satiety. I second everyone saying to reassess your calorie goals. I really had to relearn what I thought was good and healthy food before I was hitting calorie goals while feeling not hungry. It is a process as you learn what works well for you.

    Good luck OP. I agree, if you are that hungry to the point of pain, eat something and re-evaluate your goals moving forward. Trust me, people can lose weight without feeling like they are starving themselves. It just takes some time to learn.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey, check your net calories are not too low... mine would be between 400 and 900 a day and I would feel really hungry and sicky and sometimes dizzy, after reassessing things I am now upping my net calories to 1,200 so eating more on days where I exercise more and I feel a whole lot better :)
    Other things to check are vitamins and minerals are you getting enough? are you get enough fibre, protein, fat, sugar without going over allotted daily goals? also what others have said about high volume, its all about seeing what is right, a whole trial and error, it takes a little time to get it right, I'm still in the whole trial and error stage myself and trying out ideas that don't leave me feeling so dizzy and hungry at bed time.
    I hope you feel better soon :)
  • BigBadVanna
    BigBadVanna Posts: 65 Member
    Maybe rearrange calories so you can have a bedtime snack? I love greek yogurt with a sprinkle of granola and strawberries before bed. I found that eating (or nothing) less at breakfast allowed me a bedtime snack and I didn't feel hunger until lunch anyways.
  • feathernaut
    feathernaut Posts: 66 Member
    I think the "quality" of your calories might be coming into play here too. Try not to drink calories too much and avoid candy. A Twix will leave you still feeling hungry. Try to get the most satiety for your calories that you can.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    Depends if it's a little hunger or really bad, gnawing hunger. If it's gnawing hunger, I'd do two things:

    1. Try to move your meals around into a configuration that keeps you satisfied and not hungry.
    2. If that doesn't work, reassess your calorie goals.

    Caveat: Have you just started losing weight? When I first started, I was ravenous for about the first two weeks. It wasn't because I physically NEEDED more food, it was just because my body was used to getting more food and was freaking out over its absence. If you are starting out: stay strong and power through the hunger. It WILL go away and you will become full on lower quantities of food/calories.