Maio44 Member


  • This! Still me. Haven't thrown away a thing and I'm down 4 sizes. Also didn't buy any new sizes till my clothes literally fell off. Doing the dishes with pants round my ankles...
  • Depends on the exercise! I hate going to the gym but I do it for resistance training. I love playing golf and I do it for enjoyment....the calorie burning is a bonus.
    in Enjoy or not? Comment by Maio44 May 2017
  • If I'm feeling like I need more to eat, which may lead to eating anything at hand, I make a spicy vege curry. Very low cal, as it's just veges and spices. I use a tomato passata for sauce and if I need to, coconut essence instead of coconut milk to keep the calories as low as possible. If I have a decent number of calories…
  • Can you get bones from wherever you get your meat? You could make your own beef or chicken stock, and use it for soups or sauces. Just add water, onions, whatever spices you can get that you like, and simmer for ages. Strain. Cool, and scrape any fat off when it's cooled, unless you want to keep it for the extra flavour.…
  • When living in Africa for 7 years we had plenty of local fruits and veges, virtually zero meat, maybe once a month, and no cheese but a ton of dried legumes. I made my own yoghurt, cream cheese, cottage cheeses. Unleavened breads and flatbreads, samosas etc. this is when I learned to make my own pasta as well. With fresh,…
  • Try taking photos of yourself in the same clothes, (or no clothes) standing in the same place. Overlay one photo with the other and make it slightly transparent. You'll see the difference in your size.
  • Steamed fish. Takes about 8 mins depending on size of fillet. While it steams, fry fresh ginger till crunchy. Serve fish with ginger on top and a teriyaki sauce....about a tablespoon. Low cal, filling and tastes amazing with an Asian stir fry or salad.
  • Steamed. A thick slab of steamed snapper, with garlic, ginger and teriyaki sauce on Asian greens, also steamed. Love it.
    in fish Comment by Maio44 March 2017
  • I'm 46. From New Zealand. Been big my whole life. Have about 50kg to lose. Married, two teenagers. Tried everything, so this is going to work :) Just starting week 3.
  • I think NZ does it differently....we don't have pre-made. I love the vanilla and banana shakes. I hate the bars, but force one down for lunch for the change. I've tried the tomato soup, and it's better than I thought. I do add veges to mine now as well. I'm just starting week 3. (Week 3, day 1)