Losing pounds but not inches?



  • savithny
    savithny Posts: 1,200 Member
    I always lose from my face, neck, arms, shoulders, and back first. I've lost over 20 pounds over the last year and I've not gone down a pants size yet.
  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    I had trouble measuring and getting numbers that made sense, so I gave up for a bit. Then I picked up a body fat tape measure off Amazon for like $15. It has a button than pulls the tape in with the same spring everytime and I'm finding better results with it than a fabric tape.

    And I do agree you are probably losing in areas you are not measuring. Or it is coming off evenly and slowly. I lost in the neck, face, arms and legs first and now my gut is shrinking pretty good with the rest staying consistent. I'm going down a pant size every couple of weeks now. Makes clothes shopping a pain.

    Hmmm might want to get one of those!
  • brznhabits
    brznhabits Posts: 126 Member
    Are you sure your measuments haven't moved even a little? My half inch there, qtr inch here/there adds up. I didn't lose inches until 15 lbs so don't despair.

    As mentioned above get an actual body measuring tape. I use a myotape, it's like 10 bucks.

    I want to be candid though, with 100 lbs to lose you are gonna have some loose skin mucking with your measurements. Your skin will bounce back quite a bit but it takes time(depending on your age and general skin health this could mean years). You should keep your water intake high and use a quality moisturizer during weight loss, don't wait till after you've lost the weight.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    It can be hard to get consistent measurements, especially if you're measuring yourself. I have a hard time getting the same number twice in a row, at the same session. I'm in maintenance now, so don't expect large changes, but I was hoping to track continued improvements from weight training.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    V_Faery wrote: »
    I have the opposite problem :( I am loosing inches but not pounds. some say it's because I am replacing a fat pound with a muscle pound etc. Maybe it's a similar effect with you? Also have you kept a chart weekly of your inches? I've noticed I won't loose any in one particular area at all, but yes around others.

    its hard to build muscle in a deficit,you also wont replace one for another lb for lb,maybe in a surplus.
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    I've lost 22 lbs so far, and have around 70 ish more to go. BUT I'm not losing inches? I don't understand why...I have also gained muscle, I can see if and feel it where it's never been before.

    Anyone else have this problem? :(

    if you can see and fee musle it its because of fat loss,its not just going to be where it never was before, you just cant grow muscle in new places, like I said above its hard to build it in a deficit. if you arent losing weight it could be because you increased you exercise causing water retention,you could be retaining water due to that time of the month,sodium intake,waste still in your body or so on.if you are losing weight and not inches I would say that its water retention.
  • Maio44
    Maio44 Posts: 15 Member
    Try taking photos of yourself in the same clothes, (or no clothes) standing in the same place. Overlay one photo with the other and make it slightly transparent. You'll see the difference in your size.