Berry_EG Member


  • I'm not it's okay my plan is the lowest number of BMI that is healthy. I have a very small frame so I hope that I am better then
  • I dont think those people look bad I just dont think I want to be the same sorry if that is rude to them :(
  • I dont know. Those people in the last link and the Staci one seemed more muscler than I would ever want to be I think :( I dont think having muscles is something that would make me happier I think? If that is the difference it does :/
  • All of these letters are so confusing to remember the different with. I think I understand a bit better though thanks :smile:
  • Thanks that is helpful I defiantly can measure things carefully. I don't know if there is a nutritionist here but I don't think so :( Ok I worked out now that I am lightly active I just didn't know that walking normally counted as exercise too. I have watched shows with very overweight people where they lost a lot more…
  • I don't really want to gain muscle really I don't like how it looks I prefer that I can just look normal I think. I will read that site properly though now
  • I understand that now I didn't know before I thought it was counted as just living things :( Thanks :) I would be happy to lose that fast. I don't know what a brisk NYC-pace is but that seems like a lot of calories I don't think I would burn that many. Ok thanks I think I understand better now. So my actual TDEE is higher…
  • I'm not overweight by the BMI numbers but I have a very small frame so I look bad. I worked out that 92 is the lowest for not underweight so I want to be that and hopefully I don't look as bad
  • Ok but doesn't everyone in the world walk around a bit during the day unless they are in a wheelchair. How do I know the difference between a thing that is exercise and a thing that is just normal?
  • The option for light exercise says I do exercise 1-2 days a week. I do walk to college 4 days every week but isn't that counted just in living? I'll read those threads too now
  • I don't do exercise. I can work out that I can a few days a week but not every day.
  • I'm not complaining I'm just trying to understand and it is frustrating to me. When I said I can't do lots of extra exercise every day it is because I can't do it not because I don't want advice. I want all advice. I would happily eat less but it says not to eat less than 1200 and I am trying to know why
  • I am frustrated and trying to understand more but I'm not trying to be rude to people. Sorry if I sound rude English isn't my first language I am just trying to ask for help :(
  • I used this website
  • I'm not arguing I'm asking for help and advice from people and understanding more. I haven't attacked you please don't at me. Yeah I understand that first part but why is it the same number for people who are 150cm and 190cm? That doesn't make sense to me as people are different size bodies? Your TDEE is really high and…
  • Yes that's right. I can do those things and I do walk to college at the moment and back but someone else said that I need to do more like an hour+ of running every day to reach that amount. That's just impossible for me :(
  • I am willing to put in the work but doing an hour+ of running every single day is too extreme for a 0.5lb a week loss when other people have options of 1 or 2lb a week. I'd be happier just eating less. Why is it so important that I not eat less as a shorter person? The lowest number of calories to be healthy when you are…
  • I really can't do that much exercise every day. I could maybe do that once a week at most but I just don't have the time with everything else to commit that much every day. I'd rather eat less than do huge amounts of exercise
  • I can't do enough exercise to make a big difference for that. 0.5 a week is still very low and I can't even get to that
  • Add me please as a friend!
  • Yeah I mean I obviously would prefer to be 1lb less after 22 days but it is crazy that it's aparently ok for it to take that long for me but not taller people? Why is 1200 the minumum it ever says? If it's the least you need to be healthy why is it the same number for someone who is like 190cm to me who is 150cm?
  • Yeah :( I think if the calculators are right with my TDEE there basically isn't any way I can get a defecit without eating a lot less..
  • Ok I googled and found my TDEE and it says it's 1360. I really don't think it's ever going to be as high as like 1500 or 1600 thats for someone who is moderately active which I defiantly am not. So if I eat what it says which is 1200 that's like 160 difference per day. Im not good at maths but I worked that out to be 22…
  • It's saying I should eat 1200 though bc I think that's the minimum it ever says. But my bmr is 1130 so I would actually gain weight eating what it says :(
  • I don't think I could get any more than about 1300 or 1400 even if I exercised a lot every day really They aren't very different for me I'm not active at all :(. Yeah I'm okay with that but 1300 would be like the most I would need to eat and that's without even losing weight?
  • I'm just under 150cm and 18. 100lb to 92lb or something like that
  • 20% less than my bmr is like 900 though?