aquadolly_ Member


  • I've been using MotiFIT. It's not the greatest but the best I could find to track a variety of types of workouts. It does give me heart rate info during the workouts but not sure about the graphs.
  • @xmarye Have you ever tried her abs challenge? Was thinking about getting it. I started her 28 day booty challenge on the 3rd but didn't stick to it. Am also doing Kayla Itsines BBG. But today I am restarting Ashys. Am part of her FB group so hoping to keep me motivated :)
  • @SmashitSam I have! :) My body type is slow to see changes but I definitely see results. It's one of the few programs I can actually stick with. I mix it up with other things but this has really helped me to become stronger and leaner.
  • This sounds like so much fun. Wish I saw this before the deadline but I'll keep watch for next term. Hope you all have a great time and good luck! :)
  • @madderzz isn't it great when you find something that works for you and keeps you motivated? It's helped me so much as well - totally transforming my diet and exercise. Around week 9/10 it gets very challenging but stay motivated and push through :) @yalva009 Never tried Kaylas meal plan but instead I have just been trying…
  • @yalva009 Hi there! I'm doing the 12 week BBG challenge that just started on the 9th ;) If you would like, send me a friend request.
  • @Courtney_TN Even after a few months I still modify some of the exercises. I absolutely hate Commandos lol. I try not to focus on speed too much since it's better to do less laps and use good form than rushing through trying to do as much as you can in 7 minutes and doing an exercise incorrectly. You will definitely see…
  • Completed BBG 1 and was in week 18 of BBG 2 but restarted 1 with everyone on the 9th :) I use the app. It can be a little expensive but I like it. Haven't ever followed the meal plans but kind of do my own thing. My results have been slow but steady (typical for me I guess because of my body type). Feel great and this…
  • BBG stands for Bikini Body Guide, a program developed by Kayla Itsines :)
  • Yes, I've been doing BBG for a few months now. Was on week 18 of BBG 2 but on Monday went back and restarted BBG 1 week 1 since I saw Kayla posted about a 12 week challenge. :)
  • I drink it occasionally for digestive issues. Never straight out of the bottle. I mix about 2 tsp of it with about 8oz water, little honey or Stevia to sweeten and some lemon. Braggs also makes ACV drinks if you don't want to mix your own. I've tried the Apple Cinnamon, Grape Acai and a Ginger one and they were pretty good…
  • @tnm7760 I use the app and like it. I like that it does all the timing for me and now you can see videos of Kayla doing the exercises. I have the PDF guides as well but don't use them since I got the app (they are the exact same workouts). The app is a bit expensive but I've found that actually works to my advantage.…
  • I like to drink tea on top of taking a probiotic and also like the dandilion ones. Traditional Medicinals brand makes an organic fennel one that I always buy and have at night after eating. It has a licorice flavor which I don't love but I sweeten it with a bit of Stevia and lemon.
  • Don't really care for the Quest bars. Some have kind of a nougat texture and taste and don't really love it. I prefer the FitJoy protein bars or if I have a very bad sweet tooth I love the Square Organics bars, which are like a candy bar to me.
  • That's what I understood. That whey digests quickly but casein takes a longer time to digest. Casein supposedly make you feel fuller longer and feeds the muscles for a longer period of time versus whey alone.
  • Am learning a lot from the post. My goals are to both lose weight and gain muscle. My trainer had recommended to me a few months ago to actually increase my calories focusing on trying to increase my protein. Suggested to spend less time on cardio (but still do it) and to add in both weight training and HiiT. She did…
  • Hi there. I'm a BBG'er too. Completed BBG 1 and am on BBG 2 week 14. It's a great workout. I will send you a friend request
  • Wow those look delicious! Definitely giving some of those a try. I love oats but just eating them with some milk or water doesn't cut it for me or else I feel hungry too. I have been doing a lot of overnight oats. They are great because I have them ready to eat and are filling. The night before I just take a mason jar and…