But everyone i speak to on here knows everything and are loosing weight i just dont know
Ahh ok sorry i am really dumb i havent a clue what im doing or if anyone tells me things i dont get exsaccially what to do i need a professional or somthing to drill things in my head and show me everything i need to do ill never loose weight everything i try or do i never loose weight so im doing everything wrong
Ok so my goal is to eat 1.330 calories a day so i need to burn 1.330 calories in a whole day how the hell can you burn 1.330 calories how many hours working out is that?
Ive been told this calorie defict a millions times what it means but i still dont know what it means haah
So because i havent lost anything yet im worried im doing somthing wrong as im ment to be loosing 1 pound a week lol x
Thanks alot great advice think i know what use mean now thanks for the help x
Ye would be nice if i new how to even use a scale and log my foods its comes up grams and oz how am i meant to know if 2 chicken breast is 1 oz or 2 oz i havent a clue im just dumb
Im on 1,330 calories a day i workout 6 days a week
No because i dont know how to do that or how to see what portions i need i just make sure there small i havent a clue what im doing i dont know how to messure things and do all that food stuff im just fed up ive worked hard this week aswell and was hoping to loose at least 1 pound all my life ive never been able to loose…
Ye well i only do a 30 min youtube dance workout or 40 mins the most and i eat regulary to
I enjoy it and also i feel if i dont workout im not achieving anything it doesnt feel like im loosing nothing just sitting around when i workout it gives me the feeling off im on way to acctually loosing weight so when i dont i feel crappy and fat still
Im 5ft 2 or more im not sure im small lol im 11.9 in weight im 21 and would like to loose 2 and half stone x
I get it now thanks alot i got confused thanks for the great awnsers x
1 pound a week i put
I meant calorie defict to loose weight by excersizing how do you do it
I dont understand how it works x
Thanks for the advice
Thanks alot
No wuldnt exspect that just dont want to put the whole 7 pounds back on and i wont anyway
Sorry i was ment to say 11 11 and ok ill eat less cals
Ok great thanks alot and to be honest now ive lost 7 pounds i dont want to put it back on though how can i keep it how it is i was 11 10 im 11 4 now x