abrubru Member


  • An hourglass with 45 minutes in the bottom...because it sounds nicer than pear..
  • I ate brownies and ice cream for dinner...
  • My initial response to this question: "Bwahahahahaha. no." After reading answers, I do completely understand why other people would use BMI as a tracker of health, and I do understand how it could be helpful. For me, no. I will never have "normal" BMI, and will always be--at very least-- overweight because of my muscle…
  • I started lifting at 10 because my brother who was 5 years older than me needed someone to spot him, and it was convenient for him for me to lift. I hated it at first, but by the time I was in 7 grade, I was significantly stronger than my classmates (I was also an early bloomer and have been 5'7" since 6th grade). I also…
  • I actually was thinking that I WOULD do 5x5 again just because I enjoy the simplicity, but I thought I would ask to see if there were new programs I hadn't seen before. I do not consider myself a novice lifter. I started power lifting when I was 15, and lifted heavy until 3 years ago when things kind of fell apart in my…
  • Speak to a doctor. I suggest a counselor as well to help with not only your eating issues, but with your relationship with your mother. If your parents taunt your brother and he is under 18 it could be considered child endangering...but not everyone is willing to make that call. Your first job is to take care of you and…
  • And then I'll have to call AT&T to pay my cable and they will transfer me overseas...OMG! :'(
  • This^^^^ Other than that it wouldn't affect me...my kids would have to go to the library more than the every two weeks we go now, and I'd have to go out to places to meet men instead of luring them in through a vague and enticing Match profile.
  • When my pants got angry with me...you know the feeling: the seams look like corseting instead of seams, and the buttons strain against your extra flesh. I knew then it was time.
  • My kids would have to be in the van bound and gagged...*kitten* the concert tickets and candy
  • Or eat it in the bathroom... :s
    in No lunch Comment by abrubru June 2017
  • Ironically, I never wear pick--not necessarily because I don't like it (even though I don't)--but more because my dad wore it so much I associate it as a male color. Weird, right? He was 6'4" though and most people didn't argue with him.
  • This...I believe that in a vast open space there must be other things that contain a blueprint like DNA and that eat, drink, respire, multiply...BUT, who knows how intelligent or what size. What if we are truly just some intergalactic high school science project gone wrong? :o
  • I'm thinking slate blue...but they must come in pink ESPECIALLY if Bigfeet can dematerialize other bigfeet and bypass infrared...
  • I know I'm late, but this maybe my very favorite thing ever said on MFP. actually did lol
  • Even though "space matter" is all the same age based on the big bang theory (...remember it's a theory not a law), planets formed at different rates around stars that collected space matter based on their gravitational pull. So technically, Earth could be younger than other planets in our universe, but not in our galaxy as…
  • But will it smell like wet bigfoot? Ewwww...
  • I have an extra brick in my yard you can have... o:)
  • sorry, didn't realize someone already posted my answer...just wanted to add...my dad was a ginger, and my daughter is one...hot pink on a man with red hair! love it. Purple and green are great as well as navy and black. I love me a ginger...heavy sigh <3
  • Most department stores sell shirts that are athletic cut...meaning they are tapered at the waist and fuller in the chest and arms for broader shoulders. Those should work for your shape.
  • judging people silently...or not silently...and then correcting them >:)
  • And to finish Rousey's quote..."and none of that purpose is for pleasing a man." Ironically, it is when you stop trying to please the people around you, and you start challenging yourself by doing new and difficult things that you develop confidence, and while most people here on MFP gain their confidence doing new and…
  • Really most of us just wish he would go away...
  • After the birth of my second child, I developed exercise induced urticaria which is a nice way to say that my own sweat makes me break out in hives. My doctor believes I developed an allergy to the salts in my sweat during pregnancy. Weightloss can cause allergic reactions. Tons of environmental toxins are stored in body…
  • Looking at doctoral programs in my area
  • You will mess up, we all mess up. The important thing to remember is that when you mess up that you pick up and keep moving. Don't stop. Instead of thinking "Oh, I messed up, I can't do this, I may as well give up," think "Whoops, I had a bad meal, or I was over by 100 calories, tomorrow is a new day." Peace comes in…
  • Lrlong82...you are diong a great job. 14 pounds in a month is excellent work. I have been averaging about 3-4 pounds a month, and am happy with that. Let the guilt go. You can work small amounts of treats into your regular diet. I had ice cream today...and beer...and was still within my caloric restrictions. Not every day…
  • What does erythropoietin do for you? Also, iron reduction is not really an issue that women should be concerned about as we naturally reduce monthly, but I have read studies about how high iron can be damaging for men.
  • I have donated since I was 18 a few times a year, but I began in earnest last year when my father was suffering from leukemia. He received 2 pints of blood a week for about a year before he passed, and I promised myself I would give all of that blood back...