hungrywombat Member


  • That sounds really interesting - the more data there is, the better we will understand it. I'm not in the US but am going to look into similar studies here. I feel like more data is needed on the young-ish/healthy/struggling category.
  • What! Wow never heard that one so thanks for the heads-up. Covid is just the gift that keeps on giving isn't it.
  • Yeah this is what worries me. After a month I'm still getting a heart rate well above 100 from really basic things like chopping a couple of vegetables for dinner. Considering my resting heart rate is usually around 50, it's a pretty big difference. Thanks for the replies, it's reassuring to know that I'm not alone. Even…
  • Thirst and hunger signals are often confused. Are you hydrated enough? You might need to experiment to find out what gives you the most satiety. Personally I find protein-rich foods really filling and I get hungry quickly if I eat a more carb-heavy meal. Everyone is different but it's worth looking into. Also, as other…
  • I do find that I lose weight from my upper body at first, so there's a few weeks where it feels like the difference between my upper and lower body is more obvious, but then it starts to balance out. Patience is key here because thigh/hip fat is stubborn. Strength training is absolutely your friend. A calorie deficit will…
  • Cereal. Just about any kind, with nice cold whole milk. Comfort food and hangover food in one.
  • At my work, people always tell me first when there's pizza or baked goods because they know how much joy I get out of a delicious treat. I have a BMI of 20 - NOT that it matters at all. My body, my choices, my consequences to deal with. Why would you watch what other people eat instead of just worrying about yourself? Let…
  • Meal prep so that you have food that fits your calorie and nutrition goals ready to go when you need it. It makes things a lot easier getting home tired from a long shift, if all you have to do is pop something in the microwave or oven for a few minutes.
  • @fitoverfortymom how do you like Les Mills on Demand? My mum doesn't have a decent gym near her and was asking if I knew anything about the at home program.
  • There is an entry for Les Mills BodyPump in the Cardio section of MFP. BodyPump isn't for everyone but I really like it. I need the class element to keep me focused for the entire workout; otherwise I would tend to get bored halfway through if I'm just working out on my own. I've had great success with it going 3 times a…
  • That's awesome! Keep at it and you'll keep feeling physically and mentally better. Just remember that weight loss isn't linear so don't get discouraged when losses slow or stall temporarily, or if it takes others a long time to notice your progress. Persistence and patience are key. Taking measurements and progress photos…
  • This is the best way I have ever heard this explained! Pretty sure my Hip, Thigh and Butt Accounts have some kind of corporate offshore shady tax shelter arrangement going on, because it takes a long time for payments to come from there.
  • Walk as much as you can, stay active, try keep things in moderation. Your plan to eat lightly early in the day and saving calories seems sensible if you're used to eating that way. That being said - how often do you get to go on a holiday like this? When you're crouching on a tiny plastic stool on a Vietnamese street…
  • Now that the weather is less miserable, I walk a lot. I walk to and from work, to the gym, to meet friends or run errands - on an average day I walk about 20km. It's helped my weight loss progress in the sense that it adds a few hundred calories to my TDEE, but I do it because I enjoy it, because it makes me feel…
  • I actually find my weight goes up and I start to retain water from about day 3 of my period and it doesn't go away fully until about 5 days after my period ends. This is only something I worked out through tracking data over several months. You do need to take the long view with this, it's so variable from person to person.
  • Mint tea. If that doesn't do the trick, 150g of fresh pineapple covered in cinnamon and chilli powder, then grilled. Personally I find not having easy snacky foods in the house makes it easier to adhere to my calorie goals. I get very snacky at night, even when my hunger is totally sated.
  • This is what has worked for me to lose my last 5kg - 1. Be patient. If you want it to come off healthily and sustainably, it's going to take a long time. A modest deficit (0.5lb is the usual guideline) will help you to keep getting appropriate nutrition and will pave the way for maintenance with healthy habits. 2. Tighten…
  • To help with consistency and adherence, I find that pre-logging my meals in the morning helps me to see how much wiggle room I have for snacks. That way I can make an informed choice about whether I can make that glass of wine or piece of cake or whatever fit into my day. Just knowing that I don't have to completely cut…
  • I had a phase a month or so ago where I had no changes greater than +/-200g for a solid 3 weeks. Immensely frustrating when I log everything meticulously, have been in a set exercise regime for a while, and there were no outstanding reasons why I shouldn't be losing. As I was getting really royally p*ssed off with it all,…
  • Agree completely! Decisions made by managers or politicians who have no background in education. I think someone else mentioned as well that kids are now exposed to this "soldier on" expectation from such an early age - it can't help to form their opinions, which just makes it that much harder to change the culture.
  • To be fair (speaking as a primary school teacher) - the requirements about school attendance are generally statutory requirements rather than the school being *kitten*. We are also required to comment in school reports on attendance for less than 70% - regardless of the reason. Also, student progress contributes to teacher…
  • Never experienced this at the gym, although when starting back after gaining some Christmas kgs and feeling super self conscious I know I felt much more visible. The logical part of my brain realizes that I am really not that interesting and nobody is paying attention to anything but their own workout :D The few times…
  • Yes but being lighter on the feet really does make a difference to running! A 10lb weight difference definitely affects how my poor little feet cope over a long run (I tend to run on the ball of my foot, which concentrates a lot of impact on quite a small area). Being even a few lbs lighter substantially reduces the impact…
  • Nope, it's quite a dry climate here. Humidity is the least of my problems...quite a pleasant change to Hong Kong, where running in summer was more like wading through peanut butter :D
  • True, but even inside the temperature-controlled gym I'm noticing it...having grown up in the tropics I'm used to the effects of heat and humidity but this is different. Maybe it is the increased efficiency - bodies are such curious and interesting machines!
  • Yes, but what is the point in saying it in the first place? Or any time really. Someone goes to the effort to write something detailed and educational, that could be enlightening to some people. You're right, not everyone will read it. Some will breeze past when they see the length. Fine. We're all busy, everyone has…
  • Thanks for taking the time to write something that explains the concept well! Well worth the read...and for the TL;DR crowd, it's not exactly War and Peace length. Investing a bit of time to develop knowledge and understanding about how the process works is kind of valuable in the long run, isn't it? Might even be…