Reaverie Member


  • ^^^ When I first lost weight and had guys whistling up a storm and flirting like crazy in college, I still felt "fat". I have always had self-confidence in my intelligence, ingenuity, and talents but confidence in my looks never surfaced. Arrogant? Yes.. very. When guys asked me if I knew I was hot, I would roll my eyes…
  • Sorry but I have to agree that your husband is an adult and shouldn't have to suffer just because you are. Learn to compromise with him instead. Get him his favorite snacks and ask him to please keep them in the room in his drawer and you stay out when he is munching or see if he can hang at a friends house for pizza…
  • I understand the feeling of wanting to hide because of weight. I put off walking and going to the beach or out anywhere because of my size. I still feel uncomfortable with it unless my daughter, who thinks I'm perfect the way I am and isn't embarrassed by me (bless her), goes with me. She goes EVERYWHERE with me. I still…
  • Punctuation. LOL. Unless you meant your kids? :open_mouth: Joking aside, you took the first step. The first step is always the hardest. You got this!
  • Martial arts is a great way to work on coordination and balance. This will help with any clumsiness issues. But if you are prone to quitting just because you are the newbie and require extra assistance, then of course it won't work for you. You have to stick things out or forget even trying. I trip over dust particles but…
  • My brother is a commercial fisherman so brings home a variety of different fish. Trigger, red snapper, dolphin, yellow finned tuna... each one he cooks differently. He will never put a fish in the oven. He only pan fries or grills them. I cook salmon on the stove top or in foil in the oven. I will look up a recipe then…
  • Professionals who spent years studying to become professional has a weightier say than the average joe, but the average person should also have the ability to research other professional opinions and to think for themselves as well. Try using logic over blind faith in another's educated opinion.. Case in point.. look at…
  • I'm not sure I believe in all that, but I still haven't tried one nor intend to.. and I AM religious. I read the Bible every night and have for 18 years. I have never seen anything in the Bible about symbols or games opening doorways but there is possessions like in the case of legion and the boy with epilepsy. It didn't…
  • And what is your dads name? Not impressed unless it is RARE. Cause whats the odds of marrying a Michael or John or David? Like.. 1 in 10?
  • I'm terrified of dentist and doctors. I never had my wisdom teeth pulled.. neither did my brother even though the dentist told him his would need to be since they were pointing sideways. His came in eventually and so did mine. It hurt like hell for several years and my brother was down right miserable. The dentist told my…
  • Fishy!
  • Your medication wont hamper you THAT much. Its all about calorie in vs out. Eat less. Thats it. And "special fat destroying foods" is a myth. To feel fuller eat protein. To eat cleaner add more fruits and veggies and less trash foods. Avoid sugar and sugary drinks. If you have the will power to not eat at all, find the…
  • Im hypothyroid and it took me a little over a month to see any results. I am JUST NOW losing weight. I started trying Jan 3rd! But now its like it is pouring off. Keep working at it and dont give up. Some people see results in a few days, others take longer. It can take up to 4-6 weeks to see any results with a new…
  • I love ice coffee.. but this whole make it with skim milk and sugar just sounds VILE! A proper ice coffee is made with cream! Try making it yourself.. Extra strong coffee (I just double the normal scoops I use to make a pot) 1/2 a cup of Glenview farms sugar free vanilla ice cream (70 calories in .5 cup) Put the icecream…
  • It's better to try again even if it's day after day than to give up all together. I'm 5'1 and started at 303. Gained to 306 the first 3 weeks of counting calories (and having many woops days) and walking a mile to two 4-5 times a week on average to finally losing to 301 the 4th week getting my calories under control and…
  • Started eating more protein. I went from 1800 cal a day weekly average to 1400 cal a day weekly average.
  • Ren fest but everyone dresses up.
  • I'm sorry you are going through this. My parents are a pain in the unwanted opinionated *kitten* also. I had to apologize to my mom just last night for verbally slapping her down. She is the guilt trip queen and likes to make everything about her. I snapped. She played wounded victim. I cooked down and took the entire…
  • I love the diet green tea. Tastes like the real stuff to me. I aim for 8 glasses of water a day but usually can only stomach 4. If I add lemon to it I can usually take more. I like the refreshing taste of water but I just am not that thirsty. I already pee a billion times a day! My liquid consists of one coffee in the…
  • I'm eclectic. All over the place. I can have bfast snack lunch snack dinner .. or skip everything till 2pm then have a snack before dinner and another after. Or skip breakfast and have no snacks at all but eat lunch and dinner. It depends on what I can handle at the time.
  • Everyone is talking about going to other countries and I'm here like "ren fest 4 hours away in same state I live." It would be awesome to go to Israel or Egypt or somewhere with LOTS of nature and wild animals.. but ..planes..flying..death!
  • Cabbage and Carrots. YUCK! I Like all other veggies.. but those are just disgusting.
  • Never give up on a dream because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyways. Earl Nightingale. My favorite reminder when I screw up or am tired and just want to quit.
  • Youtube a workout video. Pilates? Something else?
  • Just had that issue today. Took the kids to the park to play and stopped at the grocery store so they could grab a deli sandwhich for a little picnic lunch while there. I thought to be realllly good and did the RIGHT thing and grabbed a salad.. Or so I thought. There was no nutritional info on it, it looked awesome with…