Reaverie Member


  • Axel .. lol! From kingdom hearts. It's Scandinavian version of Abshalom. King David's son. It means the Father is peace.
  • When I go through a depressive episode, yeah.. I can eat over 3k calories. Been like this last 3 days. Only problem is, I don't know what I am sad about!! Which pisses me off. And when I get pissed enough, I snap out of it. I FORCE myself out of it. I hate being controlled by anyone, including my own emotions.
  • Two tbs apple cider vinegar a day. It cleared mine up. However... EWW! I can only handle it for 3 days but it seems to last a couple of months each time. I only do this when I'm so desperate I'd be willing to try anything. But, it does work..for me.
    in IBS Comment by Reaverie March 2017
  • Today it was hummus. My daughter got some hummus and tried some. I was expecting something like bean dip.. nothing impressive. OMG it's freaking NOT bean dip! It's heaven! So I looked at the calories thinking "Can't be that much.. its beans.. right?" ... well.. there goes my plans on buying any for myself. Bas..tards.
  • Take one, smile and say thank you, and walk away. The moment they aren't paying attention..trash it.
  • I hate flavored water. I like my water to taste refreshing. When I do want it flavored I add a fruit. Mostly lemon but other fruit can be used as well. I LOVE acai pomegranate vitamin water!
  • Anything easy is not worth the trouble. What you do in the dark will be made known in the light.
  • It's hard cause it tricks you into thinking you are hungry. I have it. It's a B*T*H! But the solution is still the same as not having it. Less calories in. Take your medication religiously. (I have issues with that because I can't remember the bloody things. I literally have them on the coffee table next to a bottle of…
  • You mean 1600? Also, she may be really short. My "maintenance" is SUPPOSEDLY 2400. I think it's lower. For 1.5 lbs a week loss it says I should consume 1730 and for 2lbs more like 1300.
  • Cups are fine.. even inaccurate you are UNDER your maintenance by a LOT. You are probably hovering around more like a 1 to 1.5 loss so ignore the "experts" here. A food scale will be necessary when you lose to below 200. (Not really cause I lost from 275 to 155 using nothing but measuring cups and spoons at 22).. I'm 300…
  • Good question. I just assumed it was the before weight as it is difficult to know exactly how many oz uncooked equals 3oz cooked.
  • I change mine periodically. I draw and paint.. so mostly my artwork.
  • Do NOT eat chia seeds! They are baby chia pets that havent hatched yet. :cry: :lol:
  • Lol.. its only been two days and these two days dont count. We have all had a viral cold.
  • It takes awhile to build an audience and start rolling in the dough. Amry King will tell you that. He posted once on how he made it and he said those looking to make it big over night are delusional. It took him years of hard work and dedication and lots of fails before he found what caught others attention. He had to work…
  • Grilled romaine hearts.. YUM!
  • Mmmm I like my dog orange style and my kitties tso style. I LOVE mongolian! HuHots is one of my favorite places to eat. Or rather, WAS. I dont think there is one in NC. SC has one but its a few hours drive. Never had authentic anything (unless the little mexican ladies selling door to door were authentic mexicans.. Maybe…
  • Awesome. Works for me!
  • Pfft.. Rum gives me migraines. One shot of it makes me sick. Disaronno all the way baby. In fact.. had disaronno and diet coke for a snack today.. :mrgreen: Just 2 shots though. :frowning:
  • How is math hard.. Like kriss said, add all the calories, and divide by how many servings you want it to be. I counted 584 calories from what you posted. Half of that would be 292. A third would be 174.66 A quarter of that would be 146. So how much did you eat? Half of it? a fourth? Weighing is more accurate but who has…
  • They have diet rootbeer!! Ive got to try it...... I was told diet soda was bad for you (number one reason was aspartame and sorry, I agree.. if its man made and not nature grown, I firmly believe its poison..but still going to drink it on occasions cause water gets old fast!).. But the other reason I heard its bad for you…
  • I've always had the rule that junk is not allowed in my home. My brother and his wife would come over, TRY to raid my pantry and fridge, then tell my mom that I had no food in the house for my kids and I to eat. They were used to the average household filled with chips and snack cakes and sodas. Or juices and packaged…
  • My daughter doesn't say bad things either, but she is perpetually grounded. I tell her it's not what she says but how she says it. Between friends, "b**ch" isn't an insult, it's a good laugh. Between enemies, it's a fight. So yes, fat can be a bad word when used in poor judgment. I have been called fat, ugly, stupid,…
  • Sautéed onion using 0calorie olive oil spray. I LOVE onion and it only has 44 calories in a medium onion. Spaghetti squash is VERY low calorie and VERY filling. 210 calories in a WHOLE squash and trust me.. you won't eat a quarter of it. It doesn't seem like a like in a quarter but you feel more stuffed in that quarter…
  • Im in college atm working towards a science degree. I want to work in field ecology or wildlife conservation and would love to retire later as a professor of biology. I WANTED to be an entomologist but my son threatened to move out and disown me. Bugaphobe.. While I work towards this dream, I contend myself with pet…
  • My dad grew up in Germany and he said they would layer a layer of straw, a layer of cow poo, a layer of straw, a layer of cabbage, a layer of straw, a layer of cow poo, a layer of straw, continues on that way.. in a large vat and let it sit to ferment. They process it now. But there are a lot of foods old timers ate…
  • I don't have night time snacking issues (cause I don't have snacks for one and I clean the kitchen for another.. and I like sleeping..9pm is my bedtime), but dinner time I can easily pack away over a thousand calories. I can skip bfast, lunch, pick at snack time and my scores look AWESOME.. then dinner comes along.. I pack…
  • There are also articles on how apples are bad and oatmeal is bad.. and I remember when milk was bad..then it wasn't..then steak was.. now certain fish has mercury and should be limited yet the healthiest longest living people in the world eat it without question. Do your own research. Articles are written by mostly…
  • I just think back to a time when there were no processed foods. What did our ancestors eat? Grains? Wheat? Oats? Fruit? When did obesity become a thing? What was the change?