AriesAsunder Member


  • It typically takes weeks to actually visibly *see* fat loss. Fat doesn't suddenly disappear after all. It's not immediate. Like @livingleanlivingclean said, it's a slow downward trend. It's slowly broken down for energy, from the entire body, so the changes usually aren't visible to the naked eye. 5 days isn't a lot of…
  • 1200 is a bare minimum, you should never eat below that or you're going to do more harm than good. Honestly, I think less than 1500 is being unfair to yourself. Eat more. You shouldn't be trying to lose weight so quickly that your body fails to keep itself running/
  • the hat doesn't do it for me
  • Honestly, I don't know what to say about it other than it's just basic biology and physics. We measure energy consumption in the form of calories. When we consume energy, we either use it to power our body (ensure our organs are functioning, give us energy to move, etc) or store it as fat. If you use more energy than you…