koalastare Member


  • Thanks justdanceo6. Will take a look.
  • My husband bought me a fitbit yesterday. Can it be synced to MFP?
  • My husband bought me a second hand fitbit yesterday. I think its just called the fitbit hr.. can fitbits be synced with MFP so exercise and food log info can be exchanged. Also it appears my fitbit doesn't record any exercise i do on my stationary exercise bike. Is there a way i can manually add it to my daily exercise?
  • Add me. I keep 'messing up' to but know tomorrow is another day to get back on track.
  • Hi. I'm in Qld and would like some more friends to follow for motivation and keep me accountable. I want to lose about 15kg. Please add me if you wish. I'm new to MFP and don't know how to add anyone lol
  • I had a bad 4 days..tues to fri. But I'm back on track today.
  • I drink way too much and is nearly solely the cause of my weight gain. I know this because last year i had a job where i had to blow zeros twice a day and started work at 3am. So i had to cut down significantly. Without changing anything else i lost heaps of weight. But then i left that job and i put on heaps of weight as…
  • Hi. I live in Qld. I've only been on MFP since Monday. I haven't had any weigh ins yet. I might in the morning even tho I've kinda already had two blow out days. But at least I'm exercising and reducing my alcohol intake. I'd like to lose around 13kg.
  • Hi. I'm 48 too and really want to lose weight and feel better about myself. I have always had trouble maintaining my weight..constantly yo-yoing. Currently I'm about 150lbs and want to lose at least 20lbs. I'm only aroun 5'3" so the extra weight is obvious. Around middle of 2015 i was near my goal weight before changing…