Fed up with making excuses !!!!

So, i got to the end of 2016 and I was still making excuses why I had no time to eat healthily and exercise.
I have finally admitted to myself that only I can change the way I feel about my body.
OMG... I weighed myself..216lbs.... I need to lose 60lbs.....My joints ache, I have insomnia, I avoid social situations, I have a wardrobe full of amazing clothes that don't fit me anymore. I wear the same items for comfort!
I should know better to stay healthy as I work as a nurse!!!!
I am now 48 and so worried about getting type 2 diabetes.
My aim is to eat healthily(as sugar free as possible), exercise 3x week and start to be more sociable.
Before I went to University at the age of 40!! I was running 3 x week, a healthy size 12 and had heaps of confidence.
I am getting back to who I really am!
If anyone resonates with me please comment, I would love your support.


  • micki92
    micki92 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm right there with you! I think that you've made the first step by acknowledging that things need to change. I just made a decision to eat healthier and get back to my workouts. Maybe we can help each other to stay strong and not make excuses?
  • lisataylor9657
    lisataylor9657 Posts: 7 Member
    It's so easy to keep making excuse but from previous experience I know it will only take a couple of weeks exercising to get that motivation back. I already feel less sluggish and I've only been doing it since Tuesday!
  • chicalisa8
    chicalisa8 Posts: 3 Member
    I am in the same boat. I am 33 years old and was healthy and feeling great about my weight. That was 2 years ago since then I gained all my weight back and am 202 lbs. My goal is 150 which I haven't been since my 20s but I'd be content with 170 since I felt great at 180. Same here. Making excuses and a wardrobe full of pants I can't wear. Since I don't smoke anymore which is a good thing, I turned to eating for comfort or when stressed or bored for that matter. I started going to the gym again and hope to join a pilates class. I've always been active but the winter is so draining and depressing that all I want to do is stay home. I have the same complaints about insomnia, joint pain and lack of self-esteem. I started a juice cleanse which is helping but today I had a donut at work! Why? I don't know. I am starting the Paleo diet as well. I hope to eliminate carbs, sugars, processed foods etc from my lifestyle. I am ready for a change as well since I'd like to have a baby. I don't want to gain more weight on top of what I weigh now then I'd really be miserable. I have also given up drinking. My husband and I over indulge in alcohol on the weekends especially in the winter. That is our social time. We took up salsa dancing which is fun but the classes are over now. I think we are just going to continue to practice at home or go out to dance. We both decided to stop drinking all the month of January but I think I may see how long I can go. I was never a big drinker in my younger years.
  • lisataylor9657
    lisataylor9657 Posts: 7 Member
    Your life sounds almost like a mirror of mine. My fiancé has vowed to give up alcohol for 3 months. I'm trying to get him to do exercise with me but finding that difficult. Joking MFP today has been great. I've had so much support already. It's easy for me as I only drink occasionally. I can definitely recommend sugar free! Once you get over the craving( the detox is horrible) It took me 3 days of feeling rubbish but day 4 I had more energy, no cravings, I stopped aching, and started sleeping better. Try and watch 'That Sugar Movie by Damon Gameau.
    It really will make you stick to sugar free. When I have the odd bit of processed sugar now it actually tastes disgusting!!!!
  • janesworld9
    janesworld9 Posts: 3 Member
    So, i got to the end of 2016 and I was still making excuses why I had no time to eat healthily and exercise.
    I have finally admitted to myself that only I can change the way I feel about my body.
    OMG... I weighed myself..216lbs.... I need to lose 60lbs.....My joints ache, I have insomnia, I avoid social situations, I have a wardrobe full of amazing clothes that don't fit me anymore. I wear the same items for comfort!
    I should know better to stay healthy as I work as a nurse!!!!
    I am now 48 and so worried about getting type 2 diabetes.
    My aim is to eat healthily(as sugar free as possible), exercise 3x week and start to be more sociable.
    Before I went to University at the age of 40!! I was running 3 x week, a healthy size 12 and had heaps of confidence.
    I am getting back to who I really am!
    If anyone resonates with me please comment, I would love your support.

  • lowcarbog
    lowcarbog Posts: 42 Member
    Welcome aboard! It's so easy to make excuses and say "I'll start next year, next week, next month". That was me for a year or two. Last January I started and really gave 100%! Through August I lost 75lbs. I stalled for a few months and even gained some back. Now I am back again. 95% is mental and it's something we have to want for ourselves and nobody else. It's hard but it's sooo worth it! I have 3 different sizes of clothes in my closet right now...Can't wait to have to just one!

    Set mini, easily attainable goals so you do not get discouraged. That's what worked for me!

    Good luck to you!
  • janesworld9
    janesworld9 Posts: 3 Member
    You are not alone. My excuse has been "no time". I gravitate to anything that will take little to no prep and give big results. How'd that work? The only thing lighter is my wallet. I ended 2016 frustrated and ashamed of myself. Started meeting with some friends weekely for accountability and plan to start incorporating simple changes. My new goal is to make Daily healthy choices by planning in advance. We shall see where that leaves me in two months. My guess - better than where I started. Stay encouraged and motivated! We can do this by Gods grace!
  • koalastare
    koalastare Posts: 9 Member
    Hi. I'm 48 too and really want to lose weight and feel better about myself. I have always had trouble maintaining my weight..constantly yo-yoing. Currently I'm about 150lbs and want to lose at least 20lbs. I'm only aroun 5'3" so the extra weight is obvious. Around middle of 2015 i was near my goal weight before changing jobs and putting a heap of weight back on. And at the end of 2013 i exceeded my goal and loved it
    Time to get back on track. I just need motivation as my mind set is not quite there yet.
  • lisataylor9657
    lisataylor9657 Posts: 7 Member
    My problems mainly started when I was doing shifts as a nurse.! I'm now working more regular hours and it is still very stressful. That makes me graze during the day inbetween patients. Then I'm not hungry for meals. Then I pick at junk in the evenings. I'm only 5ft 4in and I'm so worried about diabetes as so many of my patients have developed it. I need to practice what I preach.. I cannot give dietary advice to them and be overweight myself.
    I wish I'd known about MFP before. The support is amazing !