Marjayhan Member


  • Have you then tried with someone elses fitbit ? Maybe it is faulty? I think they're just a guide though, those fitbits and shouldn't be considered as actual facts on your medical condition. Eitherway, i hope you get it sorted. If you have a heart rate so high like that I can imagine having awful symptoms with it as well ,…
  • Might there be some anxiety causing this? Since you were getting tested before this happened when you had issues and it healed itself. Since you keep checking and checking maybe it's your mind worrying and causing your heart rate to speed up? Just asking cos I used to get 2-3 panic attacks a day sometimes more and thats…
  • Yes a lot of what you wrote here is what helped me when i went through severe anxiety about 4 years ago for about 2 years. And it really helped in combatting all the issues I had dealing with panic attacks related to the anxiety cos I couldn't take meds! I had xanax for the bad days but here in Ireland you're not allowed…
  • Yea i decided to stop taking the St Johns Wort since i developed a sinus infection the other day and ended up having to take anti biotics ! so i'm taking magnesium, vitamin c and D so I hope it will live my mood somewhat.
  • Are these lights good!?? I've had this suggestion before but was afraid it wouldnt work and i'd waste my money. If it would definitely help i would get one
  • Again thanks everyone for the great insights. I did used to take a B complex but found they gave me the jitters did anyone else find this?? I'm from Ireland and only a few years ago if you were on AD's people would say you're a basket case etc. Or people would be like, oh think of all the good things in your life, there…
  • Wow that is a scary thought of diagnosis for me :o I don't know how i would feel but everytime i go to the docs he says i have a little bit of depression and anxiety. He's never diagnosed me with regular depression but i guess thats my fault because I keep a happy demeanor on the outside but feel so lost on the inside. The…
  • I wish i could take them, i bet it would help but the last time i tried i couldn't get past day 2, i had 50 panic attacks, vomited 13 times and was threatening to jump off a bridge. I had tried 2 different ones before i was scared shitless to ever try again.
  • Thanks for all the replies. I'm on day 2 but only taking one capsule when it recommends 1 capsule 3 times a day but i'm a bit wary. Maybe i will increase to 2 a day in a week or so. We don't really "do" therapy in this country, I can imagine it being expensive. I suppose I could go back to the docs and talk to him he's…
  • Yes i will start small, i'm gonna try. It can't hurt. I am prone to anxiety sometimes yea so thanks for the advice on that. I try to exercise but i suffer with back problems and swollen legs and ankles. But i do try to walk an hour at least a day any exertion , i will be in dire pain. I know it's not the same but better…
  • Thanks for the replies, i'm not taking any medications for anything at all atm so im not worried on that aspect but theres also no threat from the sun either , as I live in Ireland and you know what they say about this place lol rain is second nature. i really need a boost of something . I fluctuate between feeling over…
  • I would have said B.i.t.c.h mind your own business!
  • High waisted jeans and skater dresses are your friends in this situation. Long time belly experience here. No matter how much weight i lose i never lose the belly or the boobs. Which I hate cos my head is so small. I'm so unproportioned its weird.
  • To me it was a fail, but i know one lady who maintains a good healthy weight doing so. But for me i eventually snapped and ate more and then some,,,,hence the reason I am constantly here lol
  • Oh I'm in Ireland and I know all about the amazing chocolates out there haha I love love love Galaxy cookie crumble chocolates, anything by Thorntons and Lily O'Briens chocolates. Malteser bars are my weakness. Dreading the easter hahahaha :D
  • I am a chocoholic and I really am addicted to it. And let me tell you restricting yourself from it will only make matters worse. I just end up snapping and binge eating. However I found these Rocky Rice bars, which are rice cakes in the shape of a bar with dark chocolate on it as a coating. It helps me get my fix and it…
  • I never really go to the forums! Very pretty people above me :*
  • Watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on Netflix , by the fire :)
  • Somewhere I Belong- Linkin Park
  • I plan in advance and try to use the in app barcode scanner to make sure i'm putting the correct amount in. Maybe remove something from the lunch and breakfast and hoping you're not eating less than 1200 per day. Cos even with breakfast lunch dinner and snacks i don't always make it to the 1200 O_O if you know already by…
  • So sorry to hear the news. That must have been an awful shock and a huge upset. Especially since you've looked after your general health. Just goes to show that anything can happen to us all at any time. Anyway, i wish you a healthy and speedy full recovery. Keep us posted on your progress if you can. Keep fighting the…
  • November Starting Weight - 159.4lbs November Goal - 5lbs loss (154lbs) Ultimate Goal - 130 lbs but i'll settle for 140 at this rate! Weight 11/15/2017 154.4 lbs Weight 11/14/2017 154.6 lbs Weight 11/13/2017 155.4 lbs Weight 11/10/2017 156 lbs Weight 11/08/2017 157.7 lbs Weight 11/05/2017 159 lbs Weight 11/04/2017 159 lbs…
  • You're a normal weight for your height so there is really no need to eat so little. Try adding protein to your meals helps fill you up. I find if i think i am going to be hungry later i make sure i get in at least 30 mins on the exercise bike to make room for myself to eat a healthy snack later. Also drink lots of water. :)
  • Girl i know exactly how you feel, heading towards 42 and i find it harder to lose the weight now than i ever did in my 20's or 30's. Raging I just ate myself into 30lbs heavier. You will definitely need to record the calories you're eating. I found the MFP app is brilliant cos it has a scanner so you can scan the barcode…
  • Hey Steph, i'm in the same boat as you, as I was born with spina bifida and had my spine fused at birth, I also suffer from lymphoedema , very bad painful swelling in the legs and ankles making it so painful to walk. With my back problem, the same as you, painful walking, sitting, standing, is a killer but I do try get up…
  • Dear, i did all that. Eating healthy and all but none of it quells my hunger and protein enriched foods just made me gain more weight. People always say if you're hungry eat some fruit. For some funny reason i'd be starving after eating fruit. I don't know why but they do not at all fill me up. It's like my stomach is…
  • I think it's a combination of both craving and hunger but i can barely tell the difference between the 2 only that with the hunger, its actually painful with my stomach growling at me. I definitely don't eat 2 little. I wish i could eat little , that would be a dream lol
  • Never heard Thin Lizzy
  • "P.S: How do you know that term is made up? The suffix -orexia has to do with appetite and food intake. Being in denial about being fat has nothing to do with food intake" Because there is already words to describe what that person is. Obese and denial, suffering from obesity and conning herself into thinking all is ok,not…
  • Im the same as the poster above. It depends on your relationship with food. I find it very hard now to start again at 1200 calories. It's painful. Then i was stopping again and saying ah i'll start again next week. And this cycle continued for 5 months. Up 20lbs later i'm back giving it a real shot again. Now i'm making it…