SarahsHustle Member


  • I forgot to log my progress LAST sunday so here it is, below. I weigh on Sundays: Starting 151 Goal 146 (My pre-pregnancy weight from baby #2) (so excited) 4/1: 151 4/7: 149.5 4/14:147.9 4/21: 4/28: Let's be a support to each other! Add me :smiley:
  • breaking my fast with oatmeal, protein powder, strawberries, chia seeds, cinnamon and nutmeg
  • I'm in. I weigh on Sundays: Starting 151 Goal 146 (My pre-pregnancy weight from baby #2) (so excited) 4/1: 151 4/7: 149.5 4/14: 4/21: 4/28: Let's be a support to each other! Add me :smiley:
  • My weight loss is starting to slow down a bit but I am toning up in some places and I'm recomping all around. Slowly but surely. How is everyone? Ladies, feel free to send me a FR....Have a good one!
  • Officially lost my first 10! 10.3 to be exact ;P I know I'm gaining muscle as well because I'm strength training 3x a week and feel muscle soreness every day or every other day! Body Recomposition <3 How are you all doing?! I see some of your progress and diary logs because we've become friends on MFP...feel free to add…
  • I'm pretty sure anyone can join at any's pretty open :smiley:
  • I’m planning on my goal by June 19th
  • So exciting!!! I'm Sarah, mom of 2. 3yr old and 5 month old. After my first I didn't even look like I had a baby. After my second, I kept 20 lbs! I'm down almost 8lbs within the last...month!? (I've been killing it :smile: ) I'm eating very clean, one cheat meal per week, intermittent fasting 16:8, strength training and…
  • I'm in. I might do 15 lbs though! It'll be tough because I'm trying to build muscle as well so right now I'm cutting and then I'll be bulking in a few weeks. I've lost about 8 lbs since Jan 19th by clean eating, intermittent fasting, strength training and fasted cardio 4/5x a week. Going to Vegas in June with hubby for my…
  • So glad I came across this thread. Nice to meet you ladies :smiley: I'm a stay at home mom of two. 3yr old and 5.5 month old. My first pregnancy I didnt keep any baby weight but this time, I kept about 20 lbs. I had lost some due to breast feeding but soon after I stopped bf'ing it came back up and stayed! I've only gotten…
  • Try visiting the website: and enter your information. It's a calculator for macros and calories. Good luck!!!!
  • I am new to this as well, just started building a network of friends on here! A cycling event, that sounds fun. Nice! I'll add you :)
  • Such an exciting time! There will be time when your appetite is like a MONSTER. It's normal! Eat until you're full but you don't have to eat every single thing in sight. As another member said, that "eating for two" thing,...just don't abuse it. Walk, work out, stay healthy. You'll be glowing and you'll be SO happy that…
  • I empathize with you! I am so mad at myself for slowing down with my gym progress because of how others viewed me. I could feel the judging, it was almost tangible and it had such a negative affect on my mental that I stopped! I know I have no one to blame but myself but when you said you need more GOOD friends, I swear I…
  • Hi penny! I'm not pregnant but we're trying for baby number 2 so hopefully soon I'll be in the same boat as you! I had no prob losing the weight the first time and I hope it would be the same the second time but who knows! I know it's a struggle so im adding you for support to you and so you can be a motivation to me as…
  • Same!! Been a member for years and just now starting to build friends for support! I got you girl!!
  • Hello? Self control, are you there? Me: NOPE!!!! I'll start another challenge soon. I did NOT do well over thanksgiving vacation. FAIL
  • Seems like 4 of us are IN it. Great job y'all! This next week may not be so great for me (my vacation week!) but I will make heathy decisions and when I come back it's ON like donkey kong. Have a good next few days everyone! :)
  • Not great! Time to start working out. This is gonna be so hard, I'm going out of town tomorrow for 7 days! I've been researching Intermittent Fasting. Has anyone done that? I want to give it a try once I come back into town. Nov.15th: 140.5 Nov 20th: 139.7 Nov 25th: Nov 30th:
  • Hey girl hey! I just jumped back on after falling off for 2 months. I feel so guilty about it so maybe we can relate here. I joined a challenge another girl posted on here and it's helping to keep me focused. I'll see if I can send you the link to see if you're interested. It's just a week into it for 4 weeks. I'm also…
  • Awesome! Two more days!! :# :#
  • I haven't been but I need to start. It's been a slow start back to my healthy lifestyle but I appreciate you asking because it reminds me that I should start for even better and faster results. How are you doing?? What challenges are you facing with your eating habits? It's definitely a struggle!