hlblakeley Member


  • Yes we have all wood floors in our house. So there is nothing to be done about that. :( But I have it in a space where it will not be moved. So hopefully it will be as accurate as it can. I can't get any starting weight from my doctor because I didn't go prior to my weight loss, so the only weight they have is from about 4…
  • I have found that eating consistently and protein rich throughout the day helps me. I aim for anywhere between 90 and 250 calories for breakfast, lunch and two snacks. Then Dinner I am free to eat larger amounts if I choose. The key is getting enough protein in the early food. (Cottage cheese is a favorite for me 12 grams…
  • If I can, I will take half a serving initially (1 of 2). That way if I want more I have room to "cheat" by eating the whole portion. By logging the whole portion ahead of time, it keeps me on track.
  • Our grocery store has pre-packaged salads. I'm on the road quite a bit and take these in an insulated lunch bag they are easy,filling, and good.
  • I love bread, rolls, anything of the kind. I work to fit it into my calories for the day. The biggest thing that makes it easier to resist is that I am beginning to realize I need to start focusing on foods that are filling and breads just don't make the cut. So I eat them but it's easier to resist.
  • I'm 42, 5'4" and 220, and for me to loose 1.8 lbs a week MFP puts me at 1200, (I have a desk job and am really bad about exercise so I stick with sedentary) to loose 1.5 lbs a week it puts me at 1340 so that's where I keep it to allow myself some wiggle room.
  • Cottage cheese, I choose the 1% which is about 14g of protein for 90 calories. Can also add fruit, like peaches or pineapple to get some sweet in as well.
  • I know where you are coming from on this, I feel like sweets are my biggest trigger to over eat. Honestly it's because they just don't fill me so I want more to get the same full feeling, but I also refuse to give them up! :smile: What I do is keep a single wrapped candy like Wurthers in my purse or maybe a mint. It gives…
  • 5' 4" SW 295- 26/28 CW 220(ish) 22 GW 135 - I don't know haven't been there in almost 35 years!
  • Some of my favorites, mostly because I could disguise veggies in them when the kids were young... homemade sloppy joes (diced or crushed tomatoes, ground beef (or turkey), diced onion, diced zuccini, diced carrot, diced yellow squash, diced red, yellow and green pepper season with a dash of chili powder, some garlic and…
  • Another option, if the restaurant website doesn't have calorie info listed, I sometimes google the restaurant name, item, and calorie information. I usually get reasonable results with that, sometimes closer to what I think it would be than what I find on here. I also second the recording a double portion if ;the MFP…
  • So I have tried WW, and Atkins. WW worked, but I get the same thing here for free. What worked with WW for me was the accountability. Having to keep track of and log everything I eat. I am eating pretty much the same thing I always have (which is why Atkins didn't work for me. Too restrictive to stay on long term.) The key…
  • Way to go! I can't wait to get to my Overweight Happy Dance. First I'm aiming for the under 200 club. :) Keep up the good work.
  • I'm in an office job. Small office, with very limited space to walk. I find it hard to get 2000 steps most days by the time work is done. I usually will go walk around the local wal-mart or grocery store just to get steps (I leave my wallet in the car.) I am currently tracking my steps on my phone, so that means if I…
  • It is supposed to take everything into account. Like others have said, it is something that can be ignored if it's causing you stress or you can use it to motivate yourself. Since you tend to ignore scale weight and go by inches anyway, I'd ignore it.
  • Okay, so in the first example you were 200 net cals over and in the second you were 400 total cals but only 100 net cals over is that correct?
  • At my last church people were always bringing the pastor treats (we knew chocolate is a favorite) and taking him to eat. One Sunday he told us flat out the doctor said he had to lose weight or he'd face real issues. Now the treats are minimal and usually healthy. Also he is invited to eat in a way that lets him know there…
  • As a person with sleep apnea, it sounds like you may need to be tested. I was at the point of sleeping 8-10 hours a night and waking up feeling like I had not slept at all.
  • What's your daily calorie goal?
  • OP you sound like me. I'm 5'4" and started at 295 lbs. I have been working at this for about 6-8 months now (only using MFP regularly since December) and have lost 75 lbs. When I started my calorie goal was about 1600 because I was in a pretty active job and heavy. Now it's down to just over 1300 because I'm in a sedentary…
  • I'm still finding my balance on this. I have been eating less and counting my calories, which does force me to make choices. However i am trying to teach myself how I'm going to be eating for the rest of my life, so I am not cutting things out completely. For me, long term, that is just not sustainable. The best way to go…
  • I'm 5'4" and have set my goal weight for 135 because it's the middle of my health BMI range. I haven't been that size however since I was about 13 or 14. I'm now 42 and 3 kids later getting myself on track. I started at 295 and as of this morning am at 218. I don't know what to expect looks wise when I get lower since it's…
  • I love this thread. OP your points hit it on every level, but watching this discussion is like watching a video of all the "reasons" I gave myself that I couldn't lose weight for so many years. When I finally just admitted that I needed to eat less and move more, the most amazing thing happend...... I lost weight! :smile:
  • I used to work at Dollar Tree, and you can get frozen chicken leg quarters (a leg and a thigh), frozen fish, frozen pizza, lunchables, frozen fruit, canned fruit, cereal, juice, all kinds of stuff.
    in UGH Comment by hlblakeley April 2017
  • I have a family of 5 that I have fed for as little as $125 for two weeks. Doing the math that's $25 per person for two weeks which is around $3.60 a day. The food I got for us included meat, beans, fresh and frozen fruit and vegies, rice, breads, peanut butter, jelly, pancake mix and syrup... you get the idea. It is…
    in UGH Comment by hlblakeley April 2017
  • So had a low step activity week. I was moving and exercising just not the kind that is trackable by a step counter on my phone. :( So here goes. 4/9 - 2905 4/10 - 1345 4/11 - 1019 4/12 - 2126 4/13 - 4767 4/14 - 1698 4/15 - 5026 Total- 18,886 steps/ 8.05 miles 4,568.23 left to go. I'm enjoying the journey, just want to get…
  • Thanks Seska, like I said that's what I was leaning towards, especially after I thought it all through to type it out. It may seem silly, but I want to get it as "right" as I can.
  • Sweetwater, Tx
  • Back up completely for me.
  • I have been struggling with what appear to be huge ups and downs as well. While I'm sure some of it is water weight, I think I also need to replace my scale (cheap, spring, analog type) with something that will be a little more reliable. It showed a 24lb difference from one day to the next. I started weighing daily to try…