crochetkeepsmehappy Member


  • Hi Jewels! Those are fantastic goals! Very inspiring! I am returning back to MFP after being off for a bit. Of course I am at my highest weight ever. And I can’t even stand it. My first step is going to see a nutritionist. Hopefully she will be able to give me some pointers and set me on the right path. I just really need…
  • April 11 points: 7 Total points: 55/200 April 12 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Stay under carbs 4. 4 servings f & v 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Pack gym bag 8. Read for class 9. Do 2 DB posts or quiz. 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • April 10 points: 7 Total points: 48/200 April 11 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Stay under carbs 4. Min 4 servings fruits & veggies 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water a day 7. Go to the gym 8. Do b09 report 9. Read for class 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • April 9 points; 4 Total points: 41/200 April 10 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Pack gym bag 8. Read for class 9. Stick to planned out food 10. In bed screen free by 1030
  • April 8 points: 6 Total points: 37/200 April 9 points: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. Drink 3 liters of water 6. no junk 7. Don't cancel on friend 8. Go to the gym 9. Read for class 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • April 7 points: 5 Total points: 31/200 April 8 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Take quiz 8. Go to the gym 9. Read for class 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • April 6 points: 5 points Total points: 26/200 April 7 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Clean cats aerochamber 9. Take test 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • April 4 points: 5 April 5 points:0 Total points: 21/100 April 6 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Read for class 9. Do b09 report 10. In bed screen free by 1030
  • April 3 points: 6 Total points: 15/200 April 4th Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Read for class 9. Do wipe test at work 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • April 2 points: 6 Total points: 9/200 April 3 Goals 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Record video for law 8. Go to the gym 9. Finish reading case 10. In bed screen free by 1030
  • April 1 points: 3 Total points: 3/200 April 2 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Record video for law 8. Take accounting test 9. Pack gym bag for tomorrow 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • Ladies!! I'm back!! For April I am working towards 200 points! If I succeed I will reward myself with wireless headphones (I previously was supposed to reward myself with these but I got new workout gloves instead) April 1st Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk…
  • Ladies I'm going to stop this month with the point challenge and pick it back up in April!
  • @HLaR79 I hope your daughter is alright!! @Italian_Buju we didn't get as much snow as you, but we got about 18 inches. Our city shut down as well. However working at a hospital does not benefit when the weather is bad. They are always open lol. Thankfully I was able to go home early and stay indoors and got home safely…
  • March 16 points: 6 Total points: 79/210 1. Log all my food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Don't get angry tonight at family. 9. Read for class 10. In bed screen free by 11.
  • March 13 points: 6 March 14 points: 4 points. Logged all my food. Under my calories Hit my protein. And went to bed before 10. Total points:73/210 March 15 Goals: 1. Log all my food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. 3 liters of water 7. Go to drs appt 8. Read for class 9. Clean…
  • March 12: 6 Total points: 63/210 March 13 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Do 1 DB post 9. Clean out rabbit cage 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • March 11 points: 6 Total points: 57/210 March 12 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Take 2 tests 8. Pack gym bag 9. Complete 4 discussion posts 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • March 10 points: 6 Total points: 51/210 March 11 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Read at least 2 chapters 9. Take test 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • March 9 points: 8 Total points: 45/210 March 10 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters water 7. Read for class 8. Work on cassette ordering at work 9. Eat only a salad at lunch at Panera 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • March 8 points: 7 points Total points: 37/210 March 9 Goals 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Read for class 8. Finish b09 report 9. Go to the gym 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • March 7 points: 8 Total points: 30/210 March 8 Goals 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters water 7. Read for class 8. Do b09 report! 9. Pack gym bag for tomorrow 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • March 6 points: 4 Total points: 21/210 March 7 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 94 4. Stay under carbs 235 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Read for class 8. Do b09 report 9. Go to the gym 10. In bed screen free by 10
  • 24.5 total inches lost on my body!! I'm amazed! Since Jan
  • March 5 points: 8 Total points: 17/210 March 6 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Read for class 8. Clean rabbit cage 9. Do b09 report 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • March 4 points: 7 Total points: 9/210 March 5 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Get to the gym 8. Read for law 9. Crochet 10. In bed screen free by 11
  • 2 nights ago my husband and I went to dinner st Red Lobster with my mother in law. She asked if I've lost weight. ( which I've barely lost anything. Maybe 5 lbs, but I've lost some inches) and my husband perked right up and said yes she has. And looks at me and said "I noticed the other day when I put my arms around you"…
  • Total points: 2/210 March 4 Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Get to the gym 8. Remember to feed my friends dogs 9. Read for law class 10. In bed screen free by midnight. Thanks everyone!! My mom is better. My brother has a…
  • March 1 points: 2/10 March 2nd Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters water 7. Get some me time 8. Read for class 9. Pick up microwaves after 6 10. Get to bed by 11pm screen free Yesterday was such a bad day. My mom was in the hospital for a…
  • My goal points for this month will be 210! My reward for hitting my goal points will be a new spiralizer I have had my eye on. March 1st Goals: 1. Log all food 2. Stay under calories 3. Hit protein goal 4. Stay under carbs 5. No junk food 6. Drink 3 liters of water 7. Go to the gym 8. Read for class 9. No takeout food 10.…