Xellercin Member


  • By yo-yoing, what exactly do you mean? Weight fluctuations are normal in maintenance, but if what you mean is that you have a way you eat for weight loss, as in a strict "diet" and then a way you eat when you are not dieting that makes you gain weight and you have to "diet" again, then the issue is that you haven't figured…
  • But you don't have to get rid of all of your things, it's not an all-or-nothing thing, it's a steady process. Just be honest with yourself about what an item actually does for your life. A keepsake that lives in a box and is never seen is functionally no different than if it ended up in a landfill. If an item isn't doing…
  • It's a process and you just have to keep moving forward. One step at a time.
  • Go get evaluated by a PT. Don't eff with wrists.
  • Uh...I grew up in a family full of stunning beautiful women, my mom was a model, and we were all heavily conditioned to value our appearance. But it didn't make any of us "coast." In fact, in my family every single woman is wildly successful and all of the men are under achievers, consistently. Most women I know who've…
  • Have you ever tried not drinking for a period of time? I ask because it's well established that alcohol doesn't actually help with stress, it worsens it. The more you drink in response to stress, the more your brain actually lowers your ability to tolerate stress and raises the sensation of stress as a trigger to get you…
  • He didn't, it was a process that we worked out over time. We spent A LOT of time walking and talking about life, happiness, our visions for what our ideal lives would look like, and the value of every trade off that we could possibly make in our lives. I personally question literally *everything* that is assumed to be a…
  • What happens if you don't eat when you get up?
  • It's because of your physical issues that you *should* approach this from a self care perspective. It's awesome that you are realizing that it's time to start giving your precious, delicate body the care it needs, and not punishing it for not being good enough. I lost from obese to very lean and have easily maintained it…
  • That is one thing I loved about losing weight, I could buy cheap clothes again and look great. When I was obese, I had to buy clothes that fit a certain way in order to be flattering, and often had to get things custom tailored. Finding a dress for a formal occasion was a tedious and expensive process when I was obese.…
  • Uh...I can see value in working with a really good coach, but I question the actual skill, knowledge and credentials of online "health" coaches. If you need personalized advice about exercise, then read up on reputable sources for fitness or hire a personal trainer. If you need help with motivation and managing your day to…
  • Yup, it's a B of a problem to try and fix later on in life. A lot of my colleagues have progressed to full on hunch-backs in their 40s because they let it go too long. I know I phrased my advice in appearance terms, but that's only because OP seems to care about appearance. But OP, if you listen to my advice, you really…
  • I actually only track what I'm eating when I substantially change my diet and can't intuitively guage my intake.
  • It's very possible to look much leaner than others of the same BMI. I have never looked as heavy as I am thanks to weight distribution. I've been everything from underweight to obese and at every weight, people have been shocked to find out that I weigh much more than they expect. I have always weighed more than my sister…
  • I got obese in med school because there's just no room to take care of yourself. There were only really two types of people in my class, those who gained a ton of weight and those who ended up addicted to amphetamines. I was much happier to be in the fat group. Just get through school, do your best, and find yourself a…
  • Simply, no. That said, that doesn't mean that there isn't an ideal way to eat for *your* body, but the only way to do that is through trial and error, and it requires you to eat a very healthy diet, and then tweak it systematically to find what works best for you. I've found that I do best with a fairly high carb, plant…
  • My body's need for exercise doesn't change based on my weight, so why would exercise have anything to do with my weight?? I exercise because I have to if I don't want my body and mental health to fall apart.
  • Get used to the scale doing that, it's a normal part of weight loss. I lost from obese to very lean and have had the scale not move for over a month, even though looking back at the data, it's clear that I was losing fat at a steady rate. On the scale it would look like sometimes I lost rapidly and sometimes I didn't lose…
  • Same. I've told patients incredibly harsh things to get them to snap out of complacency. However, we are professionals they are paying for our advice. By default it's expected that what we say is for the benefit of the person paying us. Even then, if we are good at our jobs, we don't use such harshness unless we've…
  • I'm assuming you're on beta blockers? Optimal depends on your goals. You don't need to condition your heart to intense cardio unless you have a specific performance goal that requires improvement in a certain form of heart function. If your goal is overall health and fitness, then just do exercises that strengthen you in…
  • But has this ever actually been in question? A lot of behaviour is motivated by stress, that's always been factually self evident. It's not a question of whether or not stress is motivating, it is. The question is whether or not the person is working within their adaptive capacity or not. If they aren't, then added stress…
  • I wasn't talking specifically about diet, I was just commenting about a different model of stress and outcome benefit. However, if we want to talk about weight loss specifically, I personally disagree with making it more stressful. I lost from obese to very lean and kept off the weight by making healthy choices as easy and…
  • You will feel a lot saner when you do. At the end of the day your healthiest body will always be your most attractive body, so focus on being as healthy as possible and just enjoy that.
    in Cellulite Comment by Xellercin July 2022
  • Not cheesy at all, this is how I feel. Rebuilding my body's strength and function and getting my lean body back is a reward so huge it makes buying something pale in comparison.
  • K...but I'll say it one last time: go see a physical therapist/physiotherapist (whatever they are called where you are). These are professionals whose one job it is to help people recover from injuries, that's all they do. That's who you should see to assess exactly what the impact of the injury is and how not to make it…
  • What kind of tips are you looking for?
  • I prefer the paradigm of distress vs eustress, where there are healthy stresses and unhealthy stresses. High amounts of healthy stresses can contribute to overall well being, but even low amounts of unhealthy stresses can cause cumulative damage. What determines if a stress is healthy or not usually comes down to the…
  • That hasn't been my experience. I've been doing IF for nearly a year as prescribed by a top neurologist. I generally eat one huge meal each day with no "havoc." Not eating the rest of the time is easy and very comfortable. I anticipate happily living this way for the rest of my life because my body is actually less…
  • No, I don't do rewards for weight loss because for me weight-loss is not the goal, the goal is the optimal lifestyle that will result in obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight. I invest freely in awesome things that make that lifestyle easier and more enjoyable. So I never question buying athletic clothes/gear, cooking…
  • There are many different types of shots. They may be referring to steroid shots, which are just powerful anti-inflammatories, but I never get them because they're temporary, can compromise healing and cause problems down the line. Otherwise there are so-called regenerative injections, such as prolotherapy, PRP, PRF, stem…