Xellercin Member


  • I have the kind with the ball and I find it super convenient for doing cardio at home in a small space. What kind of feedback are you looking for? They're pretty cheap and easy to use, so I would just try it and see if you enjoy it.
  • Well, there's a difference between having a negative mindset and having unpleasant emotions in response to legitimately negative experiences. If you've had a legitimately awful day, you just need to have those unpleasant emotional reactions for awhile. Having those feelings isn't a problem to solve. They're just something…
  • Shakes are just food. They can't do anything special to cause weight loss. That said, some people find calorie restriction easier with shakes, and some shakes are more filling than others. I personally had a Vega One shake with plain yogurt every workday morning for years because it was the only meal that could keep me…
  • I strongly recommend PT.
  • Have you had the knee evaluated? Seen a PT for injury rehab?
  • It's really, really not hard to learn how to cook, and it's really, really not hard to keep yourself well fed with very minimal cooking skills. What is hard is figuring out how to feed yourself when you have IBS, because that's going to come down to your specific digestive system. So our advice might be useless depending…
  • That was kind of my whole point, except I disagree with you that prioritizing health is harder to do. It isn't, it's just not intuitive to make health your first priority. I have a serious disability that forces me to put my health first, and it's pretty easy when you don't have a choice. I just make all decisions based on…
  • That's a horrible, hurtful thing for him to do. Have you made is absolutely clear the magnitude of impact his behaviour has on you? If you have, then I can't fathom someone thinking they love someone and knowingly sabotaging their health this way. It's unconscionable.
  • Cellulite is present in perfectly healthy bodies, it's not a flaw, so it's best not to perceive it as a flaw. It's more of a female thing, which is why it's categorized as a flaw, the same way stretch marks are, which a lot of us got through y'know, growing our perfectly normal breasts and hips in puberty. There is no…
    in Cellulite Comment by Xellercin July 2022
  • No turning point really, and you don't need to make it a complicated or dramatic thing, it can be very simple...which is kind of the point, lol. It's not so much a lifestyle as it is a perspective. I just don't see "stuff" as a default source of happiness, nor do I see it as having any reflection on me as a person. I only…
  • I don't conceptualize it as "attempts." I conceptualize my weight as the cumulative result of ongoing decisions. I weigh what I do right now because of the eating decisions I've made over the last year. It's never an on/off thing where I'm trying to lose weight vs "eating normally." I'm always trying to improve and…
  • I'm pretty wary of the collagen supplement supply chain, it's pretty filthy, so I refuse to pay a premium for a supplement that is virtually impossible to ensure has a clean supply chain.
  • The key is to develop healthier coping skills so that your eating doesn't change in response to emotional states. I never worry about stress making my weight change because I don't respond to stress anymore with changes in my eating. I do the things my therapist has taught me to manage extreme emotional stimulus. Food is…
  • Some people are more successful because they do extra, but some of us are more successful because we've figured out how to efficiently get more results with less effort. What it comes down to isn't doing more or less, it's allocating resources. Most people don't fail to "do more" because they are lazy, it's because their…
  • There are many cognitive and mental health resources out there to modify and manage internal self talk. This is solvable, you don't have to live this way.
  • Could you ask a child psychologist how best to handle this?
  • I lost weight absolutely stuffing my face every meal with raw vegetables. It depends on what you are eating.
  • I'm a pretty hardcore minimalist. I own very little and keep my life streamlined. I only own things or do things that contribute to my life being happier and healthier overall. The things I define as "luxury" aren't consumer goods and services, they're ample time out in nature, quality time with loved ones, and optimal…
  • I'm seriously disabled and often bed ridden, and I focus on diet primarily to manage my weight. When you have issues that prevent you from being active sometimes, it's critical to be able to modulate your diet so that you can accommodate the inactivity. If you have a damaged relationship with food, then the best diet for…
    in Newlywed Comment by Xellercin July 2022
  • "Toning" isn't really a thing. You can lose or gain fat and you can lose or gain muscle. That's pretty much it. You can spot gain muscle, but you can't spot lose fat. Besides, your arms look perfect as they are. I would focus more on not nitpicking your body so much. That said, if you want nitpicking advice, what may help…
  • What matters most is what feels best for your body. If you enjoy a morning routine where you exercise fasted, you are more likely to do it. That alone will be more beneficial than any possible impact of the timing.
  • I don't lift heavy weights and I maintain good strength and muscle mass. You don't need to push your muscles ultra hard to stay healthy. If you don't enjoy it, don't do it. Weight bearing exercise comes in many, many forms. There's absolutely no need to lift really heavy weights.
  • My inner voice and my actions are pretty aligned. Though, I live a very autonomous life where I have a huge amount of control over my actions and time, so rarely are my actions out of line with what I want to be doing at any given moment.
  • Lol, yeah, I bought a lot of used clothes, and a lot of clothes with stretch while losing weight. It's also what got me accustomed to wearing the same limited few items of clothing every day, which is a habit I've kept since then.
  • I've barely been able to walk for the past year and half, much less do any rigorous exercise. I do a ton of gentle PT exercises, but they don't do much in terms of weight management. I stay lean strictly through managing my diet. I learned long ago that depending on exercise to maintain a healthy weight was not a good…
  • I just don't see surgery as a "set-back" I see it as part of the ongoing process of maintaining my health. I do a ton of "pre-hab" to give my body the best chance of recovery and then do diligent rehab. Either my body heals to a place that I can get back to old activities or it doesn't and I develop new activities within…
  • You do have to modify your calorie intake if you are going to lower your activity substantially. I personally am waiting for hip surgery (preservation, not replacement) and have barely been able to walk for a year, much less exercise with any vigor and I've actually lost weight by modifying my diet to compensate for the…
  • Oh yeah, I became somewhat hostile to the ubiquitous response of "well it's easy for you because you don't have kids." They would say this to me knowing I usually worked 10-14hrs/day, usually 6 days a week, that I'm disabled, and was on meds that cause weight gain. And they would have the audacity to say that I was only…
  • Literally no one I know who does IF assumes that they don't need to maintain a calorie deficit to lose weight. But IF was prescribed to me by a top neurologist and the benefits have been fantastic. Most of us who do IF actually binge less, have less hunger over all, and find that our energy levels are much better. It's not…