another attempt!

icrus8 Posts: 5 Member
How many people have tried to lose weight numourous times?🙋 This must be my sixth attempt- finding it hard to exercise when the weather is so hot!


  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    I don't conceptualize it as "attempts."

    I conceptualize my weight as the cumulative result of ongoing decisions. I weigh what I do right now because of the eating decisions I've made over the last year.

    It's never an on/off thing where I'm trying to lose weight vs "eating normally." I'm always trying to improve and optimize my lifestyle.

    I make small, manageable choices that all add up over time.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    I have tried many times over the past 6 years. I would always have success… then drop the ball. I got to the point where I believed I couldn’t do it. I had excuses.

    At my last Dr appt some of my labs were off. It was very upsetting. I had to have a difficult talk with myself. I either did the difficult task of improving my health or I would have to deal with the difficulties of poor health.

    I chose to improve my health. But I had to look back at my last failed attempts and figure out what went wrong.

    I figured out that my expectations were unrealistic. I wanted to lose a lot and I wanted to lose it fast. I set difficult rules to follow and food/exercise expectations that were unrealistic (for me, anyway) long term.

    Those were my downfalls. What would I do to improve the process this time?

    I have slowly worked to improve my food choices. There are no hard core rules except that I log everything. By logging I am learning about my body. What fills me up and what is a comfortable calorie level while still losing. I had to find exercise that I can realistically keep doing. Basically I am adjusting my lifestyle. And while improving my lifestyle I am watching my weight go down. I am not worried about hitting goals by deadlines. I just want to keep moving in the right direction.

    I have found what works for me. I thought I was flawed, I couldn’t lose weight. But it was my plan that was flawed.

    Best of luck to you on your journey. My advice is to go slow and steady and make sure what you are doing is feasible for the long run.