Our inner voice vs actions.

Where does your inner voice go just before you take in nutrition? What does it say and what is it trying to accomplish? Is it talking and are you listening? Are outside forces and demands drowning it out? Are you reserving a sliver of your own consciousness for your own wellness? 💪


  • Xellercin
    Xellercin Posts: 924 Member
    My inner voice and my actions are pretty aligned. Though, I live a very autonomous life where I have a huge amount of control over my actions and time, so rarely are my actions out of line with what I want to be doing at any given moment.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,741 Member
    You write as if the inner voice were always pure and accurate, that if we look inside the right answer is somehow there. I'm doubtful. The inner voice can be pure, or a petulant toddler.

    I'm more inclined to think that (pretty much) only behavior matters. Like it or not, what I do is "the real me". Those internal competing thoughts are just influences - and ones over which I have nearly complete personal control, if I exercise it.

    If my inner voice tells me something that doesn't align with my behavior, I figure I'm fooling myself, telling myself little fairy tales about how I'm a good person but don't do the right thing only because the world is stacked against me.

    That seems disempowering.

    Sure, choices in the real world are constrained: I can't stay dry outdoors with no raincoat/umbrella in a rainstorm.

    But if I'm not paying attention to what I eat, how I feel when I eat it, whether it accomplishes the present and future I want for myself, I'm making choices. I'm responsible for those choices. Sometimes my inner voice wants chocolate or beer, and sometimes that's just fine, too - within reason.