brittaut Member


  • Now that I know that the food itself doesnt matter, I think I'll be more successful. Before I was trying to make myself be a vegetarian and it was painful and torture, especially when you go out with family and friends. It lasted 2 weeks, but Im back again. I do need to get a food scale though!
  • Perfect. Thank you. That cleared up some confusion I had.
  • I used the MFP to get my BMR which was 1362 and I looked up a TDEE calculator and it gave me the 1862. But after reading these posts, I did other TDEE calculaters and they are all different. Another one says 2104. Another BMR and TDEE calculator says my BMR is 1460 and TDEE is 2008.
  • Okay! So my bmr is 1362 and mt tdee is 1862. So if I eat less than the 1862, I will lose weight....more, I will gain. Just tryi g to understand. New information, lol.
  • That is definitely not me!! Haha.
  • Yes, all I had in my salad was romaine lettuce and a few tomatoes. So after that I learned to enter certain things in seperate.
  • Yes! I did learn to watch the labels and what this app says. One of my first entries was a salad and the app told me it was some ridiculous amount and very high in sugar.
  • Thats amazing. Congratulations! I hope its fairly easy for me too! I've never been successful but I've never really counted calories either. This app has helped me with that. I just joined a month ago. Did it good for 2 weeks and quit because I was trying too hard to figure out what foods I could eat. Which became hard…
  • So what are factors that involve people gaining weight and being overweight or obese? Not enough exercise for their calorie intake? Now I have many questions, lol.
  • Yes, that makes sense! I had no clue it worked that way. Haha.
  • Thank you. This is all new to me. I thought I had to be on a special diet, exercise plan, diet pills, ect. to boost my metabolism to lose weight. Lol. :D
  • So basically what I am reading is, it doesnt really matter what time of day you eat. All that matters is your calorie deficit. And you should lose weight? Granted you are eating the proper foods and not junk. Maybe it would be easier if someone would send me a message and explain it to me, if thats not correct. And in…
  • This discussion has become slightly rude. Thank you for the advice and whats important. It was a diet that I ran across while looking at different diets. And was merely explaining what I had read about it and was wondering if anyone had any success with it. That was it. This was my first post and probably will be my last.…
  • Starvation mode as in the body storing food for fat. Thats how my nutritionist described it to me. Is that I wasnt eating enough or consuming enough calories to be able to lose weight the healthy way. But yes, calorie deficit is the key.
  • Thank you. Im relatively new to dieting and how it works. Any help or advice is greatly appreciated.
  • Yes, one of the articles I read did explain that part about increasing calorie intake. Im gonna try it, as Im not a fan of most traditional breakfast items. So Ive been known to skip it....but chicken for breakfast, that I can do. I typically dont eat enough to lose any weight. My body is used to being in starvation mode.…
  • Haha. From what I read about it, its basically eating a huge meal for breakfast, not necessarily breakfast menu items, and a smaller lunch and a very small dinner. Example: Breakfast: Chicken breast, boiled potato and steamed vegetables. Lunch: Tuna salad sandwich Afternoon Snack: Tofu berry smoothie Dinner: Shredded wheat…
  • Any success with that?