aemsley05 Member


  • I haven't done so well for self-care the last couple of days - and yesterday ended up eating too much pizza and slept badly last night! I can feel the anxiety rising about overeating and then choosing to try and sleep rather than go to the gym this morning. I even had stressful dreams about our vacation next week.…
  • I've been reading through the posts and it reminded me of one of my biggest fears when I got divorced. See, at one point I would have been a perfect candidate for your ideal woman: all I'd ever dreamed of was getting married and having kids, I'm a big fan of metal, and I'm an MMO player (WoW is my life!). But I was young…
  • Pizza hut have a pdf with their nutritional info - including the buffet-sized slices and salad bar items. Assuming you're also in the UK, here's the link so you can check it out and pick out what you'd like:…
  • Yesterday evening me and my fiance met up with some friends who were over visiting from the Netherlands. We went bowling and did a round of adventure golf, then got pizza. We had a great time just chatting and laughing.
  • Yesterday I went for a lovely afternoon tea with my soon-to-be mother-in-law. A terribly British way to spend an afternoon, I know! We had lovely cakes and treats and had a wonderful time chatting and planning for our holiday next week. I'm so lucky to be marrying into a family who I get on with so well! My mother-in-law…
  • Been too busy to post for the last couple of days as we got an appointment with the specialist dental vet so all concern has been directed towards the cat! I have however managed plenty of self-care so that I could cope and be a support to my partner, who's been incredibly worried and anxious about the whole thing. On…
  • Been a stressful day as the cat's xray at the vet couldn't get a good view of his teeth but did find that he has a fractured jaw! We have to take him to a specialist in another city which will be a long (and expensive!) day. So tonight's much needed self-care will be some cuddles on the couch with my fiance and the cats -…
  • Not sure if it counts as self-care, but a little achivement from yesterday: I tagged a friend who I haven't seen for ages in a vegan recipe post I thought she'd like on Facebook. After months of avoiding people and hoping that no one would notice I exist, I finally want to reach out and connect with people. My friend was…
  • Today, rather than following my fiance and doing whatever he wanted, I said yes to myself and stayed on the computer playing games while he watched a film. Just did an evening gratitude mediation to relax before bed - although the cats are getting hungry so I got headbutted in the face several times while trying to…
  • Yesterday I made it along to my local parkrun after avoiding it for the last 2 months. I got hugs from the volunteers and told them about the problems I've been having with stress and anxiety. They were really kind and supportive. Got a rubbish time for my 5k, but the whole point was just to go along so it was a great…
  • Yesterday and today I have begun my day with this morning meditation. I feel so energized, calm and ready to face whatever comes in the day
  • Last night before bed I listened to the grounding guided meditation and felt so calm and relaxed - didn't have any trouble getting comfortable when trying to go to sleep for once! I felt so good about it that I've just begun my day with a guided meditation for positivity and I really loved it. Feel calm, confident and…
  • Forgot to post last night, but for yesterday's self-care I tried a guided meditation. Not sure if it was just the one I picked, but I don't know if I got a lot from it. I'll keep trying though, and take a look at the one that's been linked twice. Afterwards I listened to some music that's apparently at the right frequency…
  • Today I ordered some clothes for my vacation at the end of the month. I very rarely buy clothes so spent a while talking myself into doing it, but I feel good about having nice new things to wear. I also wore perfume today for the first time in a long time. I'd forgotten how much I enjoy smelling nice and feminine!
  • Today I lit a scented candle that I'd been given for my birthday all the way back in January. I put it on my desk and now the house smells lovely. I haven't lit any candles for a long time, so it was a good reminder that nice smells can help you feel better and more relaxed. Hope everyone had/has a good first day :)
  • I'd like to join too. I'm trying to work on my anxiety and it's been suggested that doing one small thing a day just for me would help - so this sounds like a perfect way to build the habit and keep on track, as well as getting some ideas for acts of self-compassion from you all :)
  • For my breakfasts this week I'm having egg and quorn sausage breakfast sandwiches - wholewheat sandwich thin, quorn sausage patty, cheese slice and one scrambled egg - 270 kcal Dinner last night was quinoa, a microwave steam bag of mixed veggies and a can of flavoured tuna (soy and garlic) with some extra soy sauce - 360…
  • So sorry for your loss and that you're ending the experiment early, but you're right to focus on other things just now. I've really enjoyed following along and learning with you - it certainly sounds like you've learned some valuable lessons from this challenge so thanks very much for sharing your journey with us.
  • Looks lovely - what's in it?
  • Cauliflower mash is a nice low calorie option. You can add butter and seasonings to make it more tasty. But regular potatoes or mash would likely be a better option than the fried potato-based products you list anyway.
  • Really interesting to see how much you can eat as a lot of the Live Below the Line sample meal plans I've seen have been pretty basic and boring so it's great to see some interesting and tasty ideas. Are you repeating a lot of the same meals across the week or trying to add as much variety as you can? Do you normally eat…
  • How about using those microwave steam bags of frozen veg (or veg and rice combos)? It's even quicker than cooking in an oven and minimal effort. You could have them for a side with your protein of choice. Canned foods could also be good for you as they don't take up freezer space, don't go off quickly and can be heated…
  • I did - I'd always wanted to get a tattoo but wasn't a confident person and didn't think I was "cool" enough to get a tattoo. Losing weight and improving my fitness really helped my confidence and made me realise that I should be proud of my body and therefore "deserved" to decorate it as I wanted. I also started wearing…
  • I did Slimfast in the past and it worked well for me because I liked the taste and having shakes for breakfast and lunch was convenience for having at my desk at work, required very little preparation, and I could use the free milk at work for the shakes so helped save on costs too :p I did lose weight on Slimfast (I was…
  • I think this is a fantastic idea for developing appreciation and gratitude for the everyday things that we so commonly take for granted. Your plans for giving back to the community as part of this challenge are really admirable too. Personally, I'm really interested to know how you find this challenge and how it compares…
  • Wow, you look amazing! Soooo much younger! Keep up the great work and good luck for the half marathon :D
  • Only if you're severely allegeric to pizza and wings ;)
  • In a thread a while ago, someone linked this resource for overcoming disordered eating. I found it very helpful to read and work through - even though I wasn't ready to make changes at the time. It may be of use for you too:
  • I just want to say well done for being brave enough to write all of that down and put it out there. I am going through some very similar stuff myself and I know how powerful it is to identify your problems and say them out loud. I wish I had some helpful advice to give, but all I can really say is that you're not alone in…
  • How much are you trying to lose, and at what rate? What calorie allowance does MFP give you? A good place to start is to log everything you eat now and see how it adds up. Where can you cut things out, reduce portion sizes or swap for lower calorie alternatives? You don't need to change what you eat - even "junk" food can…