Trigger warning: ED vent

My rules are making me crazy. I have to weigh less than 120lbs. I have to get 25K+ steps a day. I have to eat 100g of protein per day. I have to be up at 3:30am to squeeze in my strength workouts. I have to be able to eat as much as larger people (because enough isn't really enough, and it's just not fair they get to eat more or have more fun with their menus.) I have to eat at certain times of the day. I have to exercise away or purge food if I ate too much.

This is no way to live!! I am trying again to dial back. I have to accept certain things, though, in order to make it work. Some days, I can't fit in all my favorite foods, and that is OK. On no day will I ever be able to eat like a 19th century lumberjack. Getting steps doesn't really give me permission to binge. The clock should not dictate when I eat. Food only fixes the need for fuel, other issues require other responses. I am a worthwhile person, and my worth isn't tied to how much I did or did not eat/exercise/clean/make money. My time is valuable and limited, and I need to make sure I treat it that way. I need to make sure I get enough rest. I need to make sure I stay in communication with others in a genuine way. I need to disrupt the compulsions and stinkin' thinkin'. (I have some bad programming and need to build a better patch!)


  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,081 Member
    Hang in there CoachJen, just like you have overcome so much other "stuff" you can work this out too. You don't need to fix everything at once. I tend to be the same way as far as "rules" and fitbit doesn't really help because it doesn't understand people actually need rest days. LOL. Give yourself permission to slowly discard a rule or two. The whole eat back your calories thing doesn't work for me at all. I have to eat a set amount daily and the exercise and steps and active minutes are only to fitness and enjoyment and not to "earn" more food. Based on your stated rules but not knowing WHY you have them, I would discard or lower the steps and protein thing. 25K steps is a LOT!!!! Even running a couple miles a day and walking at work I usually avg 20K steps. One thing which I personally think MFP does which is BAD for me (maybe not others) is that it teaches people to reward exercise with food. I noticed when I was injured and when I had the flu that the scale didn't go CRAZY just because I wasn't running or on a couple days not even getting any steps.
  • Diatonic12
    Diatonic12 Posts: 32,344 Member
    There are all kinds of resources that don't cost a dime. It would be good to look someone directly in the eye and tell them what's going on. Online resources are no substitute for real connection.
  • aemsley05
    aemsley05 Posts: 151 Member
    I just want to say well done for being brave enough to write all of that down and put it out there. I am going through some very similar stuff myself and I know how powerful it is to identify your problems and say them out loud. I wish I had some helpful advice to give, but all I can really say is that you're not alone in feeling like this. You've taken a huge step by speaking about this, so I firmly believe that you can and will get through this - whether that's using online support groups, the free CBT resources you can find online, or by talking to a professional. Sending much love and good wishes.
  • aemsley05
    aemsley05 Posts: 151 Member
    In a thread a while ago, someone linked this resource for overcoming disordered eating. I found it very helpful to read and work through - even though I wasn't ready to make changes at the time. It may be of use for you too:
  • pkweier
    pkweier Posts: 349 Member
    You have taken the first step. Is there anyone you can talk to maybe a really close friend. I'm somewhat a rules person and trying too loosen up my way of thinking. I have a awesome support system that will reel me in when they see me going off the deep end. Many hugs
  • collectingblues
    collectingblues Posts: 2,541 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    My rules are making me crazy. I have to weigh less than 120lbs. I have to get 25K+ steps a day. I have to eat 100g of protein per day. I have to be up at 3:30am to squeeze in my strength workouts. I have to be able to eat as much as larger people (because enough isn't really enough, and it's just not fair they get to eat more or have more fun with their menus.) I have to eat at certain times of the day. I have to exercise away or purge food if I ate too much.

    It's probably not that your rules are making you crazy. It's much more likely that your "crazy" is making the rules. If you're not already getting it, you may need some professional help dealing with the underlying issues that are causing you to invent all these rules.

    Meditation, as mentioned up thread, or any intentional relaxation practice, might help some too.

    Best of luck.

    I agree with Lynn. I have similar rules, and it's totally the ED driving the rules -- well, it's my need to control everything that's driving part of the ED that in turn drives the "if I have these rules it's all under control and GO GO GO!"

    It's exhausting. An ED is exhausting.

    Is it possible for you to use any of the text-based services, Jen? I know insurance companies can be absolute crap about paying for therapy for EDs, but some of the text therapy programs are surprisingly good, and might be more affordable. It might also be worth checking out and seeing if there are any support groups in your area.
  • psychod787
    psychod787 Posts: 4,099 Member
    I got ya back coach. I understand the rules issues. I have some of the same. I know I do well when I have guidelines to work with. Some people, do not. I have also in many ways developed ED. Though for me, it's the only thing that only slightly helps keep the hunger and cravings at bay. I have actually been trying to gain some weight. I am calling it "lean" bulking, but what it really is, my body was just not healthy at the weight I was at. I am regaining on purpose. Probably 30lbs or so. I am hoping that it might help with the hunger and cravings issues. I might also add, that I am not one to ever push medication. Kinda strange for a medical worker, but am exploring Contrave for possible long term use. I also see a councillor ever 3 months or so. She helps some. I know in the past you have talked about being bi-polar I believe? I know from dealing with patients, it can come with rule making and breaking. I hope the best for you and send prayers, wether or not you are a believer, I am. Stay strong.
  • brightresolve
    brightresolve Posts: 1,024 Member
    Whew I am so sorry you are going through this Coach Jen, and I have a huge amount of respect and appreciation for the self-honesty it takes to put this out here. The rules sound exhausting. The ED part, purging and over-exercising, sounds risky. I appreciate that counseling is expensive; some employers have a 6-session employee assistance program to help get started, and some medical plans cover all but the copay. If that's not possible there are some other great options above.

    OA in my experience (and yes I have some with it) was less about rules and more about honesty and support, but not everyone takes to the 12-step model (OA wasn't my main or first 12-step experience so I was fine with that part, and I have found online/chat style meetings helpful too).

    I do hope you get the support you need. I hope you persevere until you do. You deserve to find freedom from the rules and the crazy way they make you feel and the fear of being out of control. You deserve to have some of what you want every day food-wise without driving yourself so hard. You deserve to be comfortable with your choices each day, no matter what they are. You are more than your weight and your workout regime and your CICO balance.

    Hugs to you, your voice has been an important one for me since I joined a thread you participate in, and I hope you find the balance you are seeking.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 1,014 Member
    Counseling can help in so many ways, DBT-RO, CBT; just find a specialist in ED’s. And, truthfully, meds can be helpful in conjunction with therapy, especially at first.
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    CoachJen71 wrote: »
    Update: Finally called my wellness nurse and confessed how much trouble I am in. I am to start writing my emotional state down before I eat, and see if I can short circuit the bingeing and self-sabotage. She will also check with the counselor to see if I can get into see her, although financially I have no clue I how I can do it. One step at a time, i guess.

    In all honesty, I'm not looking forward to doing this. I don't enjoy working on emotional stuff. As I told my nurse, I know I have driven my car into a ditch, but I don't want to get out and push because it's messy, hard work, and no fun!

    One step at a time... you can do this. Best of luck to you. <3
  • nowine4me
    nowine4me Posts: 3,985 Member
    Jen - I happened to catch a YouTube lecture, part of a series on the psychology of eating and a speaker was discussing amino acids (gotten in food or supplements) that help with different things like anxiety, mood swings, etc. she mentioned bi-polar, but I didn’t really catch it. But it made me think of you. Anyway, Her name is Trudy Scott, you can google and see if there’s anything of interest in her work. She got my interest with glutamine that is said to help with cravings and binging.

    Here’s a link to the conference if you’re interested:

    The website for the host is:

    May be some Free or cheap take-aways, or not. I hope it helps.
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 5,081 Member
    Coachjen, please give us an update. We are worried about you. Hope that your Saturday went better.