Mooma29 Member


  • It's an optical illusion. When I put on a sports bra which squishes my boobs down my belly looks twice as big as it did 2 minutes earlier. As mentioned previously your photos show you have deffo shrunk all over.
  • W3d1 done I was worried for 2 reasons one I thought I'd find it hard and 2 for various reasons I could do Monday so it's been 4 days between runs. I can't say I found it easy, but I did it and don't feel like death. So overall happy!
  • W2d3 done this morning. I did week 1 twice. It worked well for me. Not sure whether to repeat this one. Or move on. Ahh well sure I will have decided by Monday runday
  • I think this is an nsv (in the end anyway. ) I've been losing a lb every week for about 12/13 weeks. I'm a short sort so daily target 1200.Last couple I haven't. I know why some family events leading to eating and drinking more etc. I'm ok with that. Then the last few days I've been absolutely ravenous and found it…
  • W2d2 done yesterday. It was ok!! I moved a bit further along my 3mile route before I started to a more level section which (obviously) made it a bit easier :)
  • Well done
  • Did w2d1 today. Struggled a bit on the second run but otherwise better than I expected. Will have to see how the rest of the week goes
  • @Madwife2009 "my" heron lives in the rivelin valley which is a place we love to walk, we saw him again today actually. Only ever see that one though, well I assume it's the same one. we also saw robins and squirrels. Walked 6 miles today in an attempt to undo the damage of a wedding anniversary weekend at the seaside
  • Sw 182 Cw 167 Gw 140
  • Completed week 1 for the second time today as did t feel ready to move on the first week. So Monday I'll give week 2 ago. Slight pitfall is a weekend at the seaside before then which might leave me a bit sluggish but nothing ventured and all that
  • I just ate a lovely slice of lemon cake. It's ok I logged it and I have the calories to spend on it. The nsv is that I genuinely don't feel like a failure for having a piece of cake. It's the joy of cico sometimes you can have cake
  • @Madwife2009 here is one for you spotted on a five mile walk the other day. You seem to like the birdies
  • People have said similar and that it's the last to go but what I find weird is that my belly remains pretty much the same size but my legs and arms are thinner so I feel like I "look" fatter than when I started. Hopefully that will pass
  • I realised this morning that On Saturday I am going to my nieces hen do. Her wedding is on 18 June. Then in July I have two weeks holiday. Then in August I have my own daughters wedding. I will be going over calories on all of those events with out a doubt. At this point in the year, Old me would have said sod it and…
  • @cbailey989 ahh sadly they seem to only be available in the USA, I'm in the U.K. They do look good though
  • @cbailey989 I will google that one. I'm a funny shape boobwise can't remember last time I had a bra of any type that fitted right. Hoping a few more lbs off might help in that area !!
  • I started because my blood pressure pills were increased and because my cholesterol is a bit high. My darling dad died from vascular dementia, that was most likely caused by high bp (even though he wasn't overweight. ) it's my biggest fear and I just decided that I have to do what I can to avoid it. Plus I'd quite like to…
  • @jennypapage Did day one of week one again yesterday decided to do it twice as I'm not ready to move on. I do it as part of a 3 mile walk I do every day. So on c25k days I walk the first half a mile. Do the programme then walk the rest of my route, which is about another mile. I guess as I progress the remainder of my walk…
  • Completed week 1 yesterday. I don't really like running and don't think I'll ever be a real runner but I think that once I get to the end I'll be ok doing the 30 mins 3 times a week. I'd be very happy and satisfied to be able to do that.
  • But I finished it anyway
  • Completed week one of c25k today. My boobs are not designed for running.(more like fast shuffling
  • Started this this week just done w1d2. In the middle runs I can't quite do the whole minute so I think I'll repeat it till I can before moving on. But I am ok with that and quite pleased that I at least attempted all of the runs
  • Can't beat the steel city for a good uphill workout. I walk 3miles away the first mile of which is up one of sheffields finest! I can make it to the top without stopping now, but it still makes me puff a bit. Just started c25k but don't push the start button till I get to the top of the hill.
  • I love everybody's Nsvs. Here is my first one. I need a belt for all my trousers and jeans. I can put on smaller trousers,but I look like a sack of spuds tied up in the middle. So the belt it is for now
  • I am set to lose 1lb per week as a sedentary person (office job sat on my backside 8 hours a day) I rarely eat all my exercise calories maybe 100 of them. I like to have a few in back up for the days I just have to eat chocolate or something. I always eat my 1250 though. I have lost a lb a week every week except one. I…
  • I have a question. How do you know when it's time to reset your calorie allowance? I'm 5"2. I started mfp mid march weighing 13 stone. I now weigh 12.3 so loosing a lb a week more or less. I have an Allowance of 1250 per day and usually "earn" 300/350 walking a 3 mile round the block route which has 2 very steep hills in…
  • Hi I'm 5"2. I started mfp mid march at 13 stone. (182lbs 82.5kg according to google
  • Today I weigh 171lbs. To get from obese to overweight I need to lose 7 more lbs. I'd like to do that by 1st July which is my youngest daughters birthday.