gcminton Member


  • I'm still trying to figure it out myself! Hah. Definitely when my stomach starts getting achy or growls. I've done my best to stay hydrated so I'm not confusing thirst with hunger, but the big one for me has always been boredom "hunger". I'm learning that's more of a mental itch, the munchies, and not physical signs.…
  • 7/17-7/19 Camping trip was aborted (for me, anyway) after we crawled into the tent the first night. My janky right hip flared up really bad and I'm still babying it here on the 19th. Oh well, it was still a great time while it lasted, and everyone else got to stay for the remainder. Activity levels have been okay, all…
  • 7/16: No novel this time, I promise. :s :# Felt like myself again today, so I was back to smiling and moving around all day, even while seated. Gotta keep that NEAT up! Worked on preparing for a weekend camping trip (we're being well cautious of COVID-19), including food prep for several meals. Stayed well within my…
  • Yeah I'd have to agree with that. I recently decided to change my diet and I've already said more than once, during dinner planning or shopping when they're maybe going down a road I'm not interested in: "Don't worry about me, I'll fend for myself. I've got it." It's not THEIR fault I decided to do my own thing, and we do…
  • Yep. I'm incredibly lucky that my arthritis is on the mild side, so I did a few months of physical therapy to help address it and now it's just consistent exercise. If I start slacking off it's very noticeable. I'll go from being active and walking normally to basically hobbling around in pain like I should have a walker…
  • You can... usually. Aside from the problems mentioned above, sometimes it just flat-out doesn't work at all. Sometimes you can just input the barcode number, but that doesn't always work either.
  • 7/14-7/15 Rough. I started yesterday on 2 hours of sleep, ate maybe 400 calories if I'm being generous, had a string of pretty severe PTSD-related panic attacks, took something after the second (third?) one that should've stopped them but did not. Kept having the damn things until I eventually passed out. Today... woke up…
  • 7/13: o:) I logged all of my food! And I am feeling well enough now that I chased our puppy around in the yard multiple times today! Small amount of beans mixed in with the taco meat, but not enough that I'm concerned about the carb count, considering how LC the rest of my diet is. I'm just logging the bowl as straight…
  • Heh I was getting my rear in gear starting 7/5 but am just now making it back here to MFP and this group. :) Sorry it's such a long post. It's... been a while. :D I knew LCHF works wonders for my mental illness(es), but it turns out being mentally ill also makes it reeeeeeally hard to stick to big life changes, so I…
  • I've been working from home for years, so I don't run into too many near-strangers commenting. An old boss did when I worked in an office for her through my first round of loss (50-60lbs, I think) but it was just a genuine "hang on... have you lost weight?!" when she really LOOKED at me for the first time in a while and…
  • I'm "only" 5'8" but pretty much all of my doctors while I was growing up said my ideal weight is 140. I did the math with the formula laid out here and ended up with 140 that way, too. That being said, when I was talking to my current doctor about my weight and goals, he looked me over and said he thinks 175 is probably…
  • Tracking net carbs here isn't too bad. Make sure you can see the fiber you're tracking and just subtract it from your carb count so you know your net carbs. I ran into another great suggestion here a while back: add a "sugar alcohols" food for your own personal diary, make it count for 1g of fiber per serving, then if you…
    in Keto ?? Comment by gcminton July 2020
  • I took it for a little while for depression, but all it did was make me so anxious I couldn't sleep and could barely leave the house. I didn't notice any difference in appetite, though I definitely had bigger fish to fry at the time!
  • It drives me crazy, too. I'm nowhere near small enough to seriously worry about it yet, but worry is definitely in the back of my mind... what'll it look like when I finally reach maintenance? I sometimes see some people recommend shopping in the teens/kids sections, but then others who complain about that because…
  • So far the loss has, unfortunately, been pretty even. I just loooooooove continuing to have my bust, hips and waist have almost exactly the same measurements. Not! My belly is definitely going to keep annoying me. EVERYWHERE else fits into the same size clothing, but that belly insists that my shirts or dresses be a full…
  • Sure. It can be weird and disconcerting. I definitely get uncomfortable with attention, am frequently oblivious, and have flashbacks to "harharhar I was just joking when I asked you out!" from school. I think it's important to not write people off as being shallow or whatever, just because they're interested in you now and…
  • Anything more than weight is notoriously inaccurate on a scale, so keep that in mind. Earlier this year I decided to get FitBit's scale, primarily because it auto-uploads my info to my account and it can do that for multiple people. It does allegedly also measure BMI and BF%, which is just novelty data since it can't be…
  • I also weigh first thing in the morning. My sleep schedule is fairly consistent, but how much (and when) I eat, drink, and exercise are not consistent, so this is the closest I can get to eliminating variables. It is also when I'm lightest, which is nice, but I'm more concerned about being able to track a reasonably…
  • I agree the scale being up against the wall might have been a problem, but otherwise I don't know that it matters as long as you're being consistent so you have fewer variables. I've noticed a similar oddity in my own bathroom. One spot will give me one weight, but shifted over a bit so the scale is resting on different…
  • For most of my life I've mainly had depression but also have anxiety and yeah, diet and exercise make a difference. I've noticed that what I eat plays a huge role in my mental state, far more than exercise does, but I'm honestly finding that very frustrating. The few times I've gone a more restrictive route with my diet…
  • Ribeye steak. You get your protein, fat, iron, B-6, potassium, magnesium, even a little vitamin D and calcium. Delicious!
  • I don't do coffee, but I do make a tea equivalent for breakfast sometimes. Your choice of fats makes a huge difference in flavor, as well as whatever your coffee is. I can't recommend anything on that front, but a tea with some kind of spice like cinnamon tends to go well with butter and coconut oil. Blending is also…
  • I'm sorry you're going through all of this at once. Deciding you're getting back on track tomorrow is a great way to handle having a rough day, and is a good sign that you really can do this.
  • Yep, it's very common. I don't noticeably gain so much as the loss stops for a bit, maybe a week or maybe two (it varies) and then I'll drop several pounds all at once. It can be frustrating but as far as I know there's nothing to do but accept it and move on. If you're tracking your food and exercise accurately and eating…
  • Tea, broth, egg drop soup (which is a favorite breakfast anyway), plain chicken, maybe nibble on some cucumbers or carrot sticks. Eggs, other than in soup, on an empty stomach make me queasy on the best of days. I can't imagine they'd sit well if I was sick, but if you handle eggs well they're probably a good option.
  • No thanks. I have some vanilla Ketolent (which is now called Sated) around, with some sugar free syrups if I feel like changing the flavor, but even that mostly sits unused. It's pretty much just an "emergency food" kind of deal if I need something quick and portable with ingredients I'm fine with. I prefer just eating…
  • I watch calories first, protein second (making sure I get enough), carbs third (staying low-ish). I've found that I tend to stay hungry if most of my calories come from carbs, and prioritizing protein and fat works well for me. That being said, I don't really avoid certain foods. If I want ice cream or chocolate or chips…
  • Yeah we do that, too. Since I'm the one doing all of the portion control, dividing up for leftovers, etc. the portions are generally built for my calorie allotment, and my guy usually has a snack after or eats a bigger lunch to make up what he needs. It's definitely easier if we're doing sandwiches or soup or something,…
  • Not really. When he shares a new low weight with me I mainly feel a combination of pride and relief (that he's taking his health more seriously now). We share a decent amount of the prep burden, which I have to be more mindful of because he can eat more, so that probably helps keep uncharitable thoughts at bay. It…