ClaraKnepper Member


  • One thing that I do is take short video clips or pictures that I can compare every week or month. Seeing a snap shot of your balance performance can motivate you to grow and let's you experience progress as an observer. I know it's not super exact, but it's verrrry motivating!
  • Different fruits have different levels of sugar. You can research where to get the most nutritional bang for your buck. Berries are usually pretty good, for instance. Also a roasted potato has 70% of your daily vitamin c and more potassium than a banana. So keep in mind other nutrient sources. Eating an actual piece of…
  • Thanks guys :) I'd been reading about different theories on nutrition and this kept popping up and I was curious if anyone had experience. I was considering trying it, but I'd want to do more research before hopping on that bandwagon.
  • Sodium is actually an electrolyte that is important to your body's function. Turns out people who consume a lot of sodium really only had health issues if their level was out of balance with potassium and water. As long as you balance your other nutrients, you should be fine to follow your doctors advice. People get into…
  • There are a few really good books that I would highly recommend. One is called, the gaslight effect, and it's about dealing with people like your dad. The other is, beautiful you: a daily guide to radical self acceptance. Remember that his malice isn't about you. He needs to break you down in order to support his own sense…
  • When I'm not feeling well I eat fresh avacado. It's good for settling upset stomachs and the healthy fats might curb your carb craving? :) also I used to have bouts of something similar and eating more probiotics helped too.
  • Hi I just decided to start losing some weight and I'd love to have some more friends to work on this with :) feel free to add me!