For cardio buy a tredmill.New or used whatever works don't have to be fancy but just start walking on it maybe set your tv up in front it and watch a show as you walk to keep entertained that's what I do or music and slowly work your way up from there.also for toning try videos on YouTube my personal preference is…
I totally agree I hate cardio and having issues doing such as I have asthma so even with the inhaler I just seem to get so out of breath so fast and sometimes if my heart rate is to fast I get a pain in my chest (so I mediately stop) but what works for me is to switch it up I do hiit for about 10 minuites on the tredmill…
Also turn on some music put your headphones in and dance as your cleaning or just for fun you don't realize how much of a workout that actually is!
I do blogilates on YouTube.She has so many different kind of workout 3minuite, 5 minuite ,full length and every muscle you wanna tone plus cardio! Also she has eating tips and a very upbeat personality that really motivates check her out. Also I do fitness blender to switch it up but that's a very serious dull workout to…
Confidence! It's an amazing feeling to look in the mirror and see your very hard work has paid off. That's what keeps me going when I wanna not finish the work out or have a cheat day.
Ease back into it. Once your mobile again and can actually eat some kind of food and keep it down then go for a walk.Not a jog! Just a walk and do that untilll you feel like yourself again and just ease in from there and test how you feel as you go.
The issue could be simple such as counting calories wrong,not burning as much as you think,ect. But if none of those seem to be an issue you should look into seeing a doctor and let them test your thyroid and certain other things to make sure it isn't a health issue and also you can speak to your doctor about safely taking…