


  • amtyrell
    amtyrell Posts: 1,449 Member
    I know dancing is my cardio of choice. It feels like fun rather then a task.
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Find cardio you lik I couldn't get into p90x I dreaded it but then I started doing Jillian Micheal 30 day shred and other of hers I liked much better
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I lost most of my weight with little to no cardio and changed my physique with weight lifting.

    If you want to do something active find something you like. If you want to force yourself to do a bit of cardio for heart health have at it but I don't
  • Harrison_girl18
    Harrison_girl18 Posts: 7 Member
    I totally agree I hate cardio and having issues doing such as I have asthma so even with the inhaler I just seem to get so out of breath so fast and sometimes if my heart rate is to fast I get a pain in my chest (so I mediately stop) but what works for me is to switch it up I do hiit for about 10 minuites on the tredmill and change speed every minuite then I catch my breathe and will do an at home Zumba class or dance class on YouTube off my tv and then other then that when I'm getting done in the morning /cleaning I just put my headphones in and dance around and keep moving just to work up a little sweat.Oh and me and my husband go for evening walks for for 30 minuites to an hour which is extra cardio.Hope this helped!
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I hate running and machines so I just walk a lot and call that cardio. A day I'm being lazy I get about 4K steps. If I go for a nice walk at lunch or after dinner I get over 10k and it makes a big difference to my tdee. It's much more palpable too. Don't overlook the simple things!
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    Vary it up till you find something you like. My favorites are jumprope and crossramp elliptical. Treadmills and plain ellipticals bore me and I dread them it was a waste of time for my goals. Try kickboxing, swimming, spinning, rowing.. you'll just continue to lose motive if you don't enjoy what you do and eventually will plateau and burnout. Start fresh!
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Sex is cardio. Riding a bike, skiing, hiking, rock climbing, kayaking and canoeing are all cardio. I don't think anybody truly hates cardiovascular exercise, they just hate the boring kinds. So try some other stuff until you find something you enjoy.
  • rummyqueen
    rummyqueen Posts: 153 Member
    Jog or power walk outside , get the fresh air, I love cardio workouts. I'm always switching up I even do DVDs with Gilad and Leslie Sansone in the summer I do all my cardio's outside
  • bearclanfit
    bearclanfit Posts: 15 Member
    I totally agree I hate cardio and having issues doing such as I have asthma so even with the inhaler I just seem to get so out of breath so fast and sometimes if my heart rate is to fast I get a pain in my chest (so I mediately stop) but what works for me is to switch it up I do hiit for about 10 minuites on the tredmill and change speed every minuite then I catch my breathe and will do an at home Zumba class or dance class on YouTube off my tv and then other then that when I'm getting done in the morning /cleaning I just put my headphones in and dance around and keep moving just to work up a little sweat.Oh and me and my husband go for evening walks for for 30 minuites to an hour which is extra cardio.Hope this helped!

    This is really inspiring! Thank you for this! I've always wanted to try Zumba.

    Plus I think that maybe part of the problem is ive been going for 60 minutes and I need to start smaller. 20-30 min would be much more sustainable for me.
  • bearclanfit
    bearclanfit Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for all these ideas. I think I'm going to be much more gentle on myself and just focus on logging something on a cardio day rather than spending all day dreading it.
  • KaleChipz
    KaleChipz Posts: 53 Member
    P90x is a great workout. I never liked their cardio routines or their yoga though so I used to swap it out for something I enjoyed. Cardio - I prefer Shaun T insanity or t25 vids Or sometimes I did a fitnessblender HIIT routine.
  • amyrooni
    amyrooni Posts: 20 Member
    Don't remember where I heard this quote, but it is a favorite of mine...

    "Exercise is not a punishment for what you ate - it is a celebration of what your body can do!"

    ... This mindset has really helped me. I would also say to keep trying new forms of cardio until you find ones that feel more like celebration and realize that just changing up a routine can help too.
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    I hear you on the tedium, OP. The best thing to do is to find a cardio activity you like.

    I will add, though, that a lot of times I still do the elliptical machine even though I find it boring, because I'm at the gym anyway and it's there, you know? What I do is use the time to sort through my Pokemon Go finds and get rid of all the "trash" Pokemon. (This does reduce the calories burned, though, since I'm holding the phone in one hand instead of holding the moving 'handles' with both hands.) Maybe you could use the time to look up recipes on your phone or even pre-log a meal on MFP?

    Be careful if you do this so you don't fall off the machine, of course. But yeah, I can keep my body going as long as my brain isn't going "WOW THIS SURE IS BORING" the whole time.
  • JB035
    JB035 Posts: 336 Member
    I'd personally rather cycle a barbell than do any steady state cardio.
  • jen_092
    jen_092 Posts: 254 Member
    I don't have any cardio in my week right now, because I also hate it. I've been doing some lifting which I enjoy a lot. But in a couple of weeks I'm joining a soccer league. I'm really excited because it won't even feel like cardio, just fun. Back when I played soccer and other sports in high school I hated practices because we'd do lots of running drills and such. But when it comes to games it's all fun! Do you have any friends who play tennis, basketball, any sport that involves cardio? I found my soccer league on the website Meetups since I'm fairly new to my area.
  • bearclanfit
    bearclanfit Posts: 15 Member
    These are such great ideas. I love the community here and appreciate all the stories you've shared.

    I switched out a couple of cardio days with cize, a dance workout. It's much more fun. Definitely look forward to it more. I think I also just might try an audiobook with longer walks to keep active on non lift days. Hopefully the weather warms up enough to allow me to get a bike soon lol.