True, that was kind of silly the way I worded it. I meant sometimes I weigh myself at night, go to sleep, then weigh myself in the morning. Lol that was kind of us dumb question now that I read it out loud
Thanks for the tips guys
Welcome :)
Love it steamed Cauliflower
Yuck Craw fish
Yuck Cauliflower rice
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Lol omg if only I discovered this chat 12 hrs ago
I also like listening to Criminal podcast. It is so good but only comes on like 1 a month
I'm in the same boat. I've been Teeters hiring between the same three pounds for the past month.
I never thought about listening to any Fitness podcasts. I got to give them a try. Serial was the first podcasts like never listen to. It is how I discovered many others Like This American Life. Do you listen to undisclosed the follow-up podcast to serial?
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