Eclipse_Love Member


  • Thank you!! Really appreciate the info. I'll track this along with the food I'm eating. Day 4, I'm already feeling better, thankfully. Still weak on the weight lifting but great energy on the cardio portion. I'll try the tablets. Thanks again!!!
  • Hello all! I'm Vanessa and just started with Keto today. I've used MFP on and off during my journey, solely for tracking meals but this my first time exploring the Community. I try to do cross training 6 times a week and managed to lose weight on The Zone Diet, but I hit plateau and still have trouble with fat around my…
  • Have you checked the Zone Diet by Dr. Barry Sears? If you love carbs, this might work for you. Keep in mind most diets require clean eating, even this high carb diet. I lost 15 pounds on it and I think it's great. I still have 5 pounds more to go and my fitness goals have changed, so I'm switching to Keto starting next…