The where to start struggle

After a diagnosis im looking at the keto diet but i dont feel its very nutritional or a realistic long term diet. Also i LOVE all fruits. I have always been very careful with what i eat i just want more energy. So here i am in the struggle of what diet i like and a fitness tracker and tredmill investment later im eating a 24 carb banana thinking are you kidding me keto .. like really i cant have a banana. Looking for someone ANYONE to tell me my eh its more of a guide line theory is correct and as long as i work out i will loose my goal 10 lbs.


  • Eclipse_Love
    Eclipse_Love Posts: 6 Member
    Have you checked the Zone Diet by Dr. Barry Sears? If you love carbs, this might work for you. Keep in mind most diets require clean eating, even this high carb diet. I lost 15 pounds on it and I think it's great. I still have 5 pounds more to go and my fitness goals have changed, so I'm switching to Keto starting next week. But I still would recommend Zone to anyone.
  • megd44
    megd44 Posts: 115 Member
    Calories in, calories out. Eat what you like within a deficit and you will lose. Choose to eat as you can for the rest of the life.