mkculs Member


  • Run/walk about 4-5 miles every other day right now; paddling, walking, sometimes hiking on other days in the summer. With winter, I'll probably run 2-3 times a week and cross-country ski on weekends, and look for a gym with a good rowing machine b/c I want to get into rowing.
  • I would say that an older athlete's first rule might well be, prevent injury. Sometimes that means being content with no progress-sticking to the same routine and not increasing expectations for a while. It also means listening to your body and backing off rather than pushing through. Honestly, that's good advice for any…
  • Doing my run late in the evening interferes with my sleep, but otherwise, exercise doesn't affect my sleep. Sometimes other things do, though. Be sure to consider other things you might be doing differently on days you don't run--eating later, drinking caffeine later, etc. Swimming is a great form of exercise to complement…
  • I find that *not* eating back some portion is more likely to sabotage me, b/c I get too hungry. As someone said, it's best to eat back about 50% and see if you lose as expected. If you lose more (over a month-6 weeks), then you can probably eat back a higher % of the exercise calories. If you lose less, then you should eat…
  • That sounds like a good plan. Congrats on your progress! Those discrepancies make a bigger difference now, I bet, b/c you are so close to goal and the difference between your deficit and maintenance calories is probably getting smaller.
  • I’m tickled to see others use the strategy of imagining scenes from book; glad to know I’m not the only one! I also love running in rain and especially in thunderstorms—not recommended and I don’t get to do it often, but I love it. I also take secret pleasure in being completely unfazed by weather (I live in Wisconsin) bc…
  • I had terrible trouble from my first period until, a few years later, I made a very surprising discovery: if I ran some at the very first sign of a cramp, every discomfort vanished. I remember running fast for about 200 meters at 4 am once, and that was all it took. I couldn’t always do this, but boy did I try. Otherwise I…
  • As someone who has struggled with smoking and weight, I’d encourage you to focus on quitting first. It is much more detrimental to your health than 60 lbs. Also, exercise will be easier when you quit—and while it isn’t that important for weight loss, you’ll benefit in a lot of other ways. Mostly healthy eating and some…
  • I haven’t read all the responses and won’t be offended if you ignore my post as irrelevant or uninformed, but I did see some discussion of your trouble with more-than-slight hunger. Given your history of an ED and the degree to which fighting the urges consumes you, i encourage you to get some counseling. Your perception…
  • Are you sure you didn’t put 76 lbs into the app? The wrong units could explain a lot. I think the formula given require weight in lbs too.
  • Hahahahaha; thanks for the laugh! OP, you make a huge assumption—that most are running, and (you imply) doing nothing else, to lose weight. People run for so many reasons, and not one of them is “pointless.” Any exercise regime employed to lose weight, without significant attention to diet, will fail. But, even without…
  • My strong quads are one of the things I love about my body. Massage therapists have commented on them, asking if I trained as an athlete. Embrace the quads!
  • I gave up guilt, self-punishment, and regret. I immediately felt healthier and thinner. Best thing I ever did.
  • I had to take a nap after reading your routine! JK! If you feel good and have the time, go for it. Sounds like you have only yourself and the pup to consider, and you are building in goals (becoming an instructor) so that’s good. Have fun!
  • I had to get my walk/run workout in early so I could stay overnight in hospital with my sis who has breast cancer and had surgery. It was still much warmer (I usually run a few hours later when it’s a bit cooler) and the dew point was 79! At 3 miles, I just stopped. I had been averaging 4-5, but I wanted to be able to help…
  • Congratulations! Slow is the way to go! I think of being able to stay ahead of the zombies—all you need is a steady pace :) Seriously, though, by starting slowly and adding distance cautiousl ( 10% per week), you can build endurance without injury. And slow running is just so relaxing! I’ve never worried about speed and…
  • Good advice here, esp. because it gives sleep first priority. Long-term or short - term, sleep is the single most important component of good health bc it affects everything else, from hormones related to weight loss to energy level to attitude, mood, and mental health. Make it a top priority to sleep so you don’t need an…
  • I agree with this. For me—and I’ve been exercising for 45 years—unusual fatigue/heaviness is a sign of an impending illness. I’ve had some luck using hot tubs and mild workouts ( walking) to raise my body temp a bit to help fight off the bug. Pushing on with my usual intensity despite the bug has never worked. So a 2-4 day…
  • Oh, such beautiful views! Congratulations! Now I know where I will have to go the next time I’m in Scotland. I’d love to see your more political pic if you want to send me a message-please!
  • I agree that it is really important to do what works for you. I eat whatever I want, whenever I want, and keep within my calories. Summer is easy for me—better produce and not teaching. My summer work for the coming school year is pretty sedentary, so I’m trying to work on moving a bit more on the days I don’t work out. I…
  • I have several family members who have lost significant amounts of weight. My 90 y.o. dad lost 145 lbs after being very ill in his 80s. He has the thin wrinkles Ann describes but they aren’t very noticeable and seem to have become less so over time. I thought his Irish skin would not shrink, but I was wrong. I wouldn’t…
  • Don’t worry about it as long as it is not interfering with your sleep. Sleep is very important for weight loss, however, so pay attention to whether or not you feel rested after a night’s sleep and consider the impact of a big meal on sleep if you don’t feel rested.
  • Losing the weight is only 1/2 the battle—keeping it off is the other challenge. Reading here has brought me to the conclusion that I should only make changes that are sustainable for decades to come. Do you think you can learn life-long, balanced habits by doing what you propose? Will the time it takes to lose the weight…
    in Very obese Comment by mkculs July 2018
  • You should really be looking at recomp, not weight loss, for now. Forget the number on the scale. Focus on strength training and losing inches. You’ll lose the extra fat slowly but look better relatively quickly. Good luck.
  • Walking, and esp. jogging, loosen up my lower back like nothing else. I only stretch when I’m done, and over a 40+ year career as a jogger, I’ve never had a serious or long-term running injury. Start slowly, go slowly, and increase distance slowly. I found that 2 miles was good enough to loosen me up even though I…
  • I had PF for years and tried so many different shoes. I finally bought the cheap, plastic, gardeners shoe from Birkenstock. Complete relief. I buy different versions of Birkies now. If I had to do it again, I’d try on shoes at a mall, buy something that seemed promising, and then mall walk for at least an hour to see how…
  • Honestly, see if you can find a different way to earn cash — but cut back the hours now. When I got divorced, I found ways to increase income that didn’t require more work hours away from my kids and allow time to workout. The simplest of these was renting a room to a tenant. I was very careful to interview and do…
  • Call the ER and ask for advice about exercise if it was not specifically discussed about what you can do before seeing your doctor—they have your paper work. And my RN sister says find a new doctor bc it is the doc’s responsibility to see you within 24-48 hours when you have been in the ER and have an extremely elevated…
  • What do I think while exercising? Most of the time, I don’t think—jogging is like meditation for me. I focus on my arms and breathing and look at all the colors of the landscape and sky. Sometimes, when it gets a little tough, I have to think about what my arms are doing (it is painless to control my pace through my arm…