Une_Poire Member


  • Ann, thanks for this post/thread, it is one I've come back to many times and is always helpful! Kim
  • Is horseback riding one of the recognized fitbit exercises? If so, I'd say start that when you ride. Otherwise, maybe take your watch off when you ride. I am sometimes entertained by what fitbit thinks I'm doing :)
  • It might be worth buying vegetables already prepped/cut if that makes it easier to use them, rather than buying and eventually tossing because you didn't have time to prep. Microwave meals? One of those meal services (I've never used them, I don't know how much they ease prep if at all) Don't buy or bring home bingeable…
  • As others have mentioned, posture, for whatever reasons, can be a factor. I find my weight distributes differently since menopause and belly is now a spot for that. But another thought I had was related to my own experience of uterine fibroids. Mine were large enough to visibly affect my belly, like early pregnancy look. I…
  • But you do know where to start, because you've done it before! Think back to what helped you previously, adjust that for where life is now, and make a move. You don't have to be doing all the things all at once, you can ease back into it if that's what works for you. Good luck!
  • It seems like you have thought your plan through, dont beat yourself up for what's past but learn from it. I don't have any advice regarding the IF , haven't used that strategy myself. On the calories, maybe try the MFP one and see how it goes for a few weeks? Hope you find a good path forward!
  • tuna, hard boiled eggs, smoked salmon, salads
  • I can relate to the nothing fits frustration - you don't want to buy larger clothes when your desire is to lose weight, but you beat yourself up every time you struggle to get dressed! And I think its very human to know what we need to do and yet find it hard to do it, and to seek quick fixes instead. You are definitely…
  • I have only dabbled in this myself but know of someone who has had great success with incorporating veggies (and subsequent weight loss) by changing their breakfast habits to be salad focused. I tend not to think "oh, lets have salad for breakfast" but it does give you a nice veg based start to your day. For me, at this…
  • I have had better success with my instapot and the delay cook feature. I had tried crockpot oats long ago and did not like the texture. I was happy with how it went in the instapot. I haven't added anything besides apples, mostly do it plain and then add whatever I want to add after the fact. Used water
  • Hi all, your stories are encouraging to me. My month has gone decently so far. I had two days where I didn't mark it down, but I know if there had been more than one drink, I'd recall it. So I'm figuring one of those was probably no, and one was probably yes, which makes me 12AF/18 as of today, assuming I don't have…
  • I'm happy with my cutting back progress so far, 1 on Jun 4, 2 last night and AF rest of the days. So 6/8 days AF, and no more than 2 on the days I did have something. I have had a few AF margaritas with Ritual. It's growing on me as an option but isn't quite the same. I also rejoined WW. For various reasons, I bounce…
  • Off to a good start. I had a AF margarita Wednesday night and a Busch NA last night. The margarita was with Ritual Tequila alternative. I bought it a few months back. Have mixed feelings, it's awfully sharp and seems to have a little afterburn sensation for me. And it doesn't really compare with the Ina Garten recipe for…
  • I didn't connect headaches to teeth but my dentist did. I wear a night guard now... I'm not grinding my teeth but apparently I do clench them. I now can catch myself doing it during the day when I'm really stressed but never knew I did it during the night. I wore the guard faithfully at first, don't always wear it now, but…
  • First time participating in the thread, Looking to cut back almost nightly wine for weight loss... had cut back and then went on vacation and slipped back into it! Aiming for no more than 3 nights a week initially. Kim
  • I basically lurk and rarely post or even respond, but want to say I appreciate how you share your experience and insights! So helpful and encouraging
  • No medical background here, but would think you might ask your dr about it if it is consistently a problem. But from ideas of simple things to try, have you set a timer or used a smart watch to remind yourself to get up and move periodically? Maybe introducing bits of movement to the midst of those activities would help?…
  • I have a few items I find are that way for me, too. Sometimes there are smaller packages available. Fig Newtons are one that I've learned I would be much better off buying the individual serving packet over the whole container. I just this week thought maybe I was past that... but, no, I'm not - I verified it. Single…
  • I have a pair of these I found at Goodwill, but I never knew what the NYDJ meant :D
  • It sounds like it is more the re-starting an active lifestyle than the hysterectomy itself that challenges you. I had a total hysterectomy several years ago. My only weight related observation is that when I do put on weight now, it distributes differently. I was always a pear, and still mostly am, but I also see more…
  • I think it was a compliment. She sounds like someone who is aching to see the success you have had for herself, but perhaps not sure how to get there? So a compliment with a tinge of envy and perhaps despair if she's really unhappy with herself
  • Just found this thread for the first time, thanks for sharing and congratulations on all your hard work!
  • Good for you, that's a great beginning goal!
  • Best wishes on the interview!
  • coffee with friends and a good salad for my lunch out. What didn't work so well was a key lime bar on return but then I didn't eat ALL the key lime bars that were left, so maybe that did work well today ;)
  • You WILL be able to go further, it will happen gradually and in time you will look back and think, "Wow, look how far I've come!" but you might not see that in the day-to-day. I hope you can give yourself a little a grace and forgiveness - as @coblujay said, you can't go back and change the past now. People may notice and…
  • My husband and I both tend to use Brooks. Their website, and I imagine other similar ones, has a questionnaire that helps you determine which shoe meet your needs. Though I agree that a running store is a good place to start. It's hard to buy shoes without trying them on. And go later in the day so your feet will be more…
  • Impressive, good job!
  • Way to go! It must be very satisfying to see your progress in pictures!
    in 365 Days Comment by Une_Poire July 2021
  • @TheWaistBasket What a great thread - so much good discussion & encouragement! Best wishes to you on continued progress toward your goals and better health. One thing that helps me when I'm feeling hungry a lot is to consider whether I've been keeping hydrated well enough, especially in terms of water. I more typically…